Very interesting thread.
I agree that how you spend or save your money makes a big difference. My truck is almost 20 years old, very well cared for and will last another 20 years. Will keep it till the tires fall off or I am to old to Drive a manual transmission. While I was working took my lunch and a thermos of coffee. and saved so I could travel and hunt in different parts of the world. If you want to do something put a mark on the calendar and save, when the $$$ and the mark come together go. I worked a straight blue collar so to speak jobs my whole life. so it can be done.
Everyone perspective and what interest them is different and that is one of life's pleasures is to see others celebrate each others success and have them also celebrate yours.
Will also quote a friend that worked in embassy's for years and in many of the stan's part of the world. He told me of a conversation around a fire with a group of men they were helping get water into a village. He told them he grew up very poor and worked hard to get to where he was. He said one of the elders asked him" Did you have a car in your family? were you able to go to School beyond 6th grade or at all? did you have a television of radio in your home? did you have more than one pair of clothes?" "if you answered yes to any of these question you would be considered a very rich family here"
So I am thankful every day for being born where I was.
I love to hunt Buffalo and will hunt more.
Had a great hunt for a hippo, but one is enough
Backed a buddy up on his elephant and my wife and I will be hunting elephant this year.
@michael458 You will be upset with me as I was successful on my leopard on my first hunt on day 3. I was lucky and in the right place at the right time. I find leopard to be the ultimate chess match and will consider hunt more.
My lion was a CBL and I had to work a while on my decision to hunt as I wouldn't ever spend the $$$ to hunt a wild lion. so it is a once and done
The rhino I am still undecided about as I like
@michael458 picture idea and also have a few ideas of my own. Will see what the next couple years hold.
My wife shot a very good croc .
Bottom line is will hunt more buffalo, Might hunt another leopard, and after this years hunt will let you know about ele being a one and done or if will hunt more.