Wyatt Smith
AH legend
I guess we all watch the same channel. Do you guys like “Baa Baa Black Sheep”? I look forward to that one all week also.
I am not sure what you are trying to communicate, but Wehrmacht units used rifles that employed the 8x57 S (7.92x57) as issue ammunition - not the 7x57. That is a fact not an opinion. Even with the advent of the Sturmgewher 44, the German Army stayed with a reduced power 8x33mm round rather than changing bullet caliber. And no German sniper in either World War used a peep sight as his primary sight.It may have been "borrowed" for improper, off-course "target" shooting, which my friend's grandfather did not approve of before his sqad effectively "settled" the matter and scored 2 guns!LOL "All" is a word my business insurance company advises that I not use....Many or Most might be more appropriate, as I'm not so sure Every soldier carried the Exact same gun.
I'm sure they were well aware that this (c. 1892'ish) cartridge was far superior at distance than the 8. I wish the neighbor that off'ed himself was still around to elaborate...He had one too (and did NOT hunt or target shoot)! Mauser sold a PILE of 'em for overseas work-I find it hard to believe that Hitler's bunch didn't use anything and everything available in the stockpile (i.e. unsold 7s)! His parties' 100% taxation of businesses in the end was the reason for the mass exodus to America, Africa and S. America (why my Dad's fam came over.) It only makes sense that the more modern snipers were afforded the better guns/cartridges (i.e. 300 win mag, .338 Lapua, et. al. instead of 30-06 or .308, or a cartridge not even considered for woodchucks where i live-.223.) IMHO the 8 would be a poor choice for longer shots as its trajectory is more like an arrow than a 7mm...It would not surprise me at all if similar 6.5s made their way into the mix as special purpose rifles (another neighbor has a very similar, 26" Swiss 6.5 Mauser sniper rifle w/ adj., calibrated peep sights-made in Germany.)
I liked that one years ago, but dont watch it now. I can barely handle Rat Patrol now but loved it as a kid. Its interesting that the main German antagonist is named Hans Gudegast. He later changed his name to Eric Braeden and went on to do soaps, both day and night.I guess we all watch the same channel. Do you guys like “Baa Baa Black Sheep”? I look forward to that one all week also.
You can see them all on youtube. Just be sure to watch the episodes and not the "clips"I watched it on cable in the 90's.
Didn't know it was available now