I spent a morning on the sporting clays range with
@HankBuck and had a wonderful time. The weather was a little wet, which was nice to keep the crowds to a minimum. Not to mention the cool temperatures that were nearly perfect for a nice walk in among the shooting stands.
I used my Blaser F3 for the first couple stands with mediocre results. After flubbing several shots and watching
@HankBuck break 90% (probably more), I had to call an audible. It was time to break out the SBE3.
I pull out the Benelli and load it up. I have a little smirk on my face and
@HankBuck asks what it's about...I'll tell you later.
I proceed to break many more than I did with the Blaser F3 when I re-shoot it, and he asks, "what was the smirk about?" I show him my choke...it's a TKY choke with a diameter of .650" for a 12 bore. He looks at me in and says..."seems to work for you".
Keep in mind that CYL for a Benelli is .725" and most people shoot sporting clays with something near IM which for me is .700". Well today all I had was TKY and I either broke it, or I didn't. I will say that I normally shoot a FULL choke at .695", but this goes to show how little this all make a difference.
You either kill it hard or are chasing injured birds. That's what I learned. Up to today I've been using a FULL choke for nearly everything with the SBE3, killing much of what I aim at. This brings to mind
@WAB who has said "choke makes little difference for those with proper skills".
As I cleaned the shotguns, I took out the TKY choke out of the SBE and replaced it with the FULL that normally adorns the muzzle, for fear of upsetting the gods of the goose killer. But it makes me wonder...should I be striving for a cleaner kill with the TKY choke or at least hone my skills on the clays range with it to prepare for goose season? Am I more superstitious than a baseball player? Can I really make those shots?
Not sure at this point, but the TKY choke could be seeing more use when it comes to the sporting clays range. At least as a warm up for the goose season. Might have to pattern my SBE3 with my TKY choke and goose load, which is something I never thought I might want to do.
Shoot more, get better, go tighter and have cleaner kills. That's my goal.
Shout out to
@HankBuck. Always a pleasure to shoot with you my friend. Looking forward to the next time.