In regard to the 460 Wby Mag it was an answer to only one question, and that was what will the American public buy that is no improvement over what we already have? The only thing the 460 Wby Mag will give you is more noise, and unneeded recoil to accomplish the same thing better cartridges chambered in better rifles will already accomplish.
Now In regard to the 458 LOTT! What it did was what Winchester should have done in the first place! Use the full length 375 H&H brass and open it up to .458! Winchester made two mistakes with the 458 Win Mag, one was using a 500 gr bullet, and the other was shortening the case so that the powders of the day had to be compressed to the point where the powder became a solid cake after a few days in the high temperatures of the African hunting seasons. This caking of the ball powder caused hang fires, misfires, and slow fires that caused a lot of problems for guys hunting Buffalo and elephant with either not firing at all, or a failure to attain enough velocity to penetrate to the vitals of the buffalo from bad angles, or failure to reach the brain on a charging elephant. In the 1950s when the 458 Win mag was introduced it never was able to reach it's advertised velocity of 2100 fps from a 30 inch test barrel, even when not caked with the 500 gr bullets it was saddled with in the 22 inch barrels of the Mod 70 Win rifle.
The lott put out a little over 2300 fps with that same 500 gr bullet from a hunting barrel back in the 1950s while the 458 Win Mag was lucky to make over 1900 fps from a hunting rifle barrel.
Today we have powders that allow the 458 Win Mag to get to the proper velocities, and you can always tell that a poster is young when he claims the problems with the 458 Win Mag never existed, simply because he wasn’t even born when the 458 Win Mag was introduced in 1954!
I bought one of the first 458 Win Mag Mod 70s sold in El Paso, Texas back in late 1954, and it didn’t take long in our 105 F heat to find the problems with it. I played with it for a few months and finally had the barrel pulled, and a 375 H&H barrel installed, problem solved!
If Winchester had simply made the 458 Win Mag with the same case that LOTT used in the first place, the 458 Win Mag wouldn’t be saddled with the rep it carries today, even after powders have solved the problem. If you ammo for the Lott is lost, it is no problem, simply buy a box or two of 458 Win Mag and go on hunting!
As old Elmer was fond of saying,when ask about someting way back when, "Hell I was there! " and was the title of one of his books. :ranger: