Celebrities lash out at Trump administration over reversing ban on elephant trophies

Yeah..... ain’t it grand?!?! If these jerkoffs have it their way, it will be easier for terrorist & illegals to get into the country than dead animals. Stupid!!!!
We have enough of our own wackos. Including our bonehead Prime Minister.

No doubts there! At least take back Michael Moore!!:whistle:
The antis making uneducated, ignorant rants as per usual. Why would they let science and fact get in the way when they can get more likes and attention tugging on heart strings?
Unfortunately it work. Trump put the import on hold. Damn
Sorry, my screen went black I have a safeguard set to shut down my computer every time a Picture of Chelsea Clintons face Appears
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Didn’t they all move to Canada?
(the wacky celebs, not the elephants)

bite your tongue. we have more than our share of loony leftards in this country with the worst offenders being elected to office
Hollywood is a cesspool of Liberals with big pie holes. It's like they try to out do each other in stupid comments.
Wait hold the phone... Why did no one go nuts over the allowance of lion imports? I mean lions have been anthropomorphized since antiquity or is it the ivory poaching crisis that puts elephants in the spotlight?
They should all have shock collars on. But then again, I'd probably break my thumb.
Honestly, I don't have problems with celebrities having differing political opinions (free country after all) but I wish that there wasn't that holier than thou attitude. Say what you want about her but I'm really happy that Taylor Swift decided to remain apolitical.
Idk why anyone would value there opinion unless it involved "How to be an Entertainor"

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I am game for a meat and eat. My attempt at humor.
rigby 416 wrote on rifletuner's profile.
Come from cz like that.
John A Flaws wrote on Horbs's profile.
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cwpayton wrote on Goat416's profile.
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