CB Finance debate, Egg Recipes, etc.

I think he was discharged in 2016, but I am fairly sure he filed in July 2013.
Let's not split hairs here. He DID file for Bankruptcy and either shortly before or after that he went on a $100,000 hunting trip....either way, does that sit well with any of you?
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@Supercat Its pretty clear you just started commenting to bash on him, even though you admit you have no firsthand knowledge of anything. Your a pretty shady guy if you ask me. Maybe jealous of his success?
Let's not split hairs here. He DID file for Bankruptcy and either shortly before or after that he went on a $100,000 hunting trip....either way, does that sit well with any of you?
Do you know his complete financial picture at the time of the filing and hunt? My guess is no. So unless you are a financial advisor and or lawyer I would strongly suggest you stop slandering the man, simply because he made it, and you most likely haven't.
the earliest date I see is March 2015. Not that his finances are any of our business.

Jeff, if you were one of the people that in good faith invested with him how would you feel about him now?

Why is this guy getting a break?
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Great Post Ida and I understand where you are coming from....yes I did ask a loaded question when I should have come right out with what I wanted to say.

That said I will say that I am not out to assassinate CB's character and furthermore I don't know him personally nor did I ever meet him. And true again, I don't post much but I do check in here everyday to catch news and hunts for sale....everyone is different.

FWIW: it wouldn't bother me at all if CB got every single one of his hunts for free....if he did I say good for him. That's the industry he's in and that's how any business works, you wash my hands I wash yours.....just don't lie to a guy like me who breaks his balls working 7 days a week to pay for a hunt, and tell me that you pay for all of your hunts as well....when you don't. Pretty disingenuous and insulting actually. Then to find out that this same guy filed for Bankruptcy and screwed his investors, some of whom were his friends...well that doesn't sit too well with me either. To me, all together, this tells me all I need to know about the man's character and deep down, what kind of person he is. It appears that he isn't the salt of the earth farm boy from Kansas that he leads us to believe.

How would any of you like to be one of his investors?? Would you trust such a person with YOUR money?? I sure as hell wouldn't.

FWIW: I did see his Bankruptcy affidavit a while ago when it was floating around, and a hunting-lawyer I know told me that it was authentic.

On a personal note, when I read his humble request for donations for the tracker that his daughter SHOT on a Leopard hunt, I sent him a check for $100 along with a nice note for his daughter to help her through her ordeal. Now I am not a wealthy man and $100 might not seem like allot of money to some but it is allot to me. And YES, not long after my donation I read that he went on a $100,000!! hunt for Markhor in Pakistan!! Would that sit well with you guys because it didn't sit well with me....pretty slimey and low of him if you ask me!
Pay for my daughters mistake so I can continue hunting.

Again I have no first hand knowledge of his business issues or ethics but I have read and heard enough from people that know him and are aware of his ethics that I can say "where there's smoke there's fire."

Just because he was nice to you when you met him or when he was signing a book for you that you bought from him doesn't mean that he is genuine.

At least tell him to give me my 100 bucks back.
@Supercat thank you for taking time to reply. Sharing your experience and perspective is very helpful in understanding your point of view and where you are coming from.
I would like to take a moment and apologize. I believe I came at you a bit hard and for that I am sorry. I hope you will accept my apology.

Just as a side note, and to head off any potential misperception...
Just because he was nice to you when you met him or when he was signing a book for you that you bought from him doesn't mean that he is genuine.
At least tell him to give me my 100 bucks back.

I’ve never met him, he’s never signed a book for me, I don’t own any of his books or videos.
I am not sure if you meant that for me or not. No worries either way.
Jeff, if you were one of the people that in good faith invested with him how would you feel about him now?

Why is this guy getting a break?
#1 not all investments pan out.
#2 do your personally know these people?
#3 you haven't answered my original question about knowing his finances.
#4 how does other people loosing money, on specifics you have failed to mention, affect you or what he writes about?
@Supercat thank you for taking time to reply. Sharing your experience and perspective is very helpful in understanding your point of view and where you are coming from.
I would like to take a moment and apologize. I believe I came at you a bit hard and for that I am sorry. I hope you will accept my apology.

Just as a side note, and to head off any potential misperception...
Just because he was nice to you when you met him or when he was signing a book for you that you bought from him doesn't mean that he is genuine.
At least tell him to give me my 100 bucks back.

I’ve never met him, he’s never signed a book for me, I don’t own any of his books or videos.
I am not sure if you meant that for me or not. No worries either way.
I wouldn't apologize to this guy. He is absolutely worthless. Just trying to spread discontent about an individual he admits to never meeting, never doing business with, and not know his finances.
Man there sure is a bunch of CB haters on this forum. People with no first hand information of his PERSONAL finances, or business practices. Only hearsay from other sources. Absolutely disgusting.
I wouldn't apologize to this guy. He is absolutely worthless. Just trying to spread discontent about an individual he admits to never meeting, never doing business with, and not know his finances.
I have bit my tongue through all of this, you can google his Chapter 7 filing. It is public record. I actually know two claimants - one who really couldn't afford to be stiffed. Six months after the case settled, knowing the situation, I personally watched he and Donna buying JB Hill boots at DSC. You can google their cost as well - but they are over a K a pair. Really flew all over me. The courts are a wonderful thing. They will set you free.

Of course, none of this says anything about his knowledge or hunting experience. But I think it does speak volumes with respect to character.
Hey Tex, instead of getting all bent out of shape about what I wrote why don't you search the net a bit and read about the shenanigans your hero has been up to?
I may be wrong (first time for everything, right? :rolleyes:;)) but I think JGRaider was referring to what folks have posted about CB on the other network. He thought it may be informative for me. I don’t think he meant it negatively toward you at all.
I have bit my tongue through all of this, you can google his Chapter 7 filing. It is public record. I actually know two claimants - one who really couldn't afford to be stiffed. Six months after the case settled, knowing the situation, I personally watched he and Donna buying JB Hill boots at DSC. You can google their cost as well - but they are over a K a pair. Really flew all over me. The courts are a wonderful thing. They will set you free.

Of course, none of this says anything about his knowledge or hunting experience. But I think it does speak volumes with respect to character.
Ah so you have first hand knowledge of his financial position do you? Because nothing you have said his first hand knowledge of his financials...

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Hi Dewald,
I am looking for a copy of Wright's "Shooting the British Double Rifle" (3E).
Please PM me (T/C) if you still have one.
Thank you very much in advance!!!
I am game for a meat and eat. My attempt at humor.
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Come from cz like that.
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