Cartridges you just hate

The good old Famous Keith hard cast bullet;

My favourite bullet for all game in Africa are the CEB # 13 solid and the Raptor. Thees bullets were tested more extensively on African and Australian buffalo, during their R&D phase, than any bullet that I have heard of. ( Peregrine may have to correct me on that .)
I have used the CEB bullet with experienced DG Ph's and they were surprised/impressed with how well they kill buffalo.

After all my build up above, have a look at the Keith Bullet and see the similarities it has the CEB Solid. Wide flat Meplat with " square edges" that is about 65-70% of bullet diameter and a straight Ogive of about 13 deg. ..... similar to the CEB # 13 solid. Was Ecclesiastic right? "There is nothing new under the sun." I am a Keith fan too!
Nothing like rolling a big for caliber bullet slowly down the hill and right through the animal at the other end.... Consider the limited amount of scientific data available to Mr Keith and for the most part his believes and practices are holding water still today. I'm a big fan of the 245 Keith .429 bullet casted out at about 242 grains (nice and hard). Man I shot thousands and thousands of those when I was younger at steel silhouette targets and whitetail deer. Shot them as fast as I could cast them! Good old days....
Maybe question should have been rifle or cartridges you hate.

I have no hate for any cartridges, but I have a very distinct hatred of GunWerks rifles. There is nothing that make them worth what they are charging, it's purely an image/or should I say mirage/smoke/mirrors etc. Similar dislike of Blasers, they are just not worth the money......there I said it, everyone can hate me:eek:
@uplander01 - I’m not interested in ever owning a Gunwerks or Blazer - prefer a traditional style rifle with nice wood stock and accuracy of 1” MOA out to 400 yrds is fine for me. However, I don’t see anything wrong with Gunwerks or Blazer - over priced “maybe?” But lots of things are. Are these firearms Not accurate? Not reliable? Are they prone to mechanical issues? If not - I can’t justify the criticism (except they are Ugly - no one is taking them to “A Prom”)
Philip, the 300 RUM is definitely a shoulder pounder. Have you ever shot the 7mm RUM? That is my "go to" big game rifle for anything outside of DG. I have enough brass, components and even factory ammo I bought for the brass primarily to last me a lifetime.
It is a hammer and for up here in Wyoming where I live, not only does it buck the wind very well but it can also reach way out there if needed.
No I've not been around that caliber. Sounds like a good option. There are so many 6.5 and 7mm these days!
I am very altruistic. I dont hate any cartridge. I beleive there is a pottential in every and each of them.
No I've not been around that caliber. Sounds like a good option. There are so many 6.5 and 7mm these days!
Think of the 7mm RUM as the 7mm STW on steroids. Like so many calibers, and like your 300 RUM, it never really became mainstream but for us reloaders it is still a very viable caliber.
pretty much anything conceived in the last 20 years. All answers to problems already solved for the sake of keeping Gun writers, Ammunition and Gun companies floating.
My uncle talked me into shooting his 03-A3 with original steel recoil pad which kicked the crap out of me much to his delight. I swore I would never own a 30-06 then and there. That was 65 years ago and have held to my word but I do have a 300 H&H model 70 with a steel butt plate that I love and shoot a lot. 165 grain TSX, 72.5 grains of H4831SC is a tact driver.
While there is absolutely nothing wrong with them, from time to time I might see a rifle at a gun show, just to discover it's chambered in .270 Winchester or 7mm Remington Magnum, and quickly lose all interest.

I'm one and done on those...

I don't "hate" any cartridge, but I've never found the .243 Winchester to be good at anything.

One and done on that one too...
The good Lord Almighty endorses the .30/06 and .375 H&H.

If he needs more, he just strikes it down with a bolt of lightening!
Well, hate may be a strong word. But it makes for a good click-bait.

In any case, lately I have been running into people who, when asked, what rifle caliber they would like to buy now, reply .308 Winchester. Now, do not get me wrong, I not only like the .308 fundamentally as a cartridge and always wanted a rifle chambered in one, but I even own a few. However, having had and still owning several, every time I get one, I wonder why I bothered. I need one for Palma style/FTR matches. But for hunting, if I shoot .30 cal, I shoot .30-06. If I wanted more power and recoil, I'd shoot .300WM or .300WSM or .300 PRC. I do not want/need that. So ought-six it is. Pretty much same availability as .308, pretty much the same price, pretty much the same choice of bullets. Actually better I'd say. So why would anyone need or want the .308? Ugly ass, short cartridge.

I also do not like .243 Win. And when I remember it is based on .308, I dislike it even more. What do you need 6mm for anyway? If I was hunting smaller animals in Europe, I'd use 6.5 of some kind. Probably 6.5x57. Or 6.5x55. Or maybe even that 6.5 Creedmoor.

I hate .25-06, yet my buddy kills deer and elk with it at distance on regular basis.

I hate .270 Win. Just Weird caliber to me. Too much recoil and blast for what it is. Plus everyone loves it "sooo much".

I used to hate 6.5 Creedmoor without ever even firing or seeing one. Probably because everyone liked it "sooo much", like the .270. So, I decided to get one to be able to substantiate my "hate". Well, it turns out, it's falling into the same bucket as the .308. Nice, yet nothing special. Wanted to hunt with it this season but did not get out enough, so was not successful in filling my tags. So, jury is still out. But it only sends 140gr bullet at 2625 out of my 20" barrel. Switching to 130gr Terminal Ascent, I can send it at 2718fps, so good enough to 400m or so. But even if it kills deer well, I hate Short Actions and will go back to 7mm for hunting...wait, maybe that is why I do not like the .308 or .243. Maybe it's that one is really limited by the COAL of these. But at least I like the 6.5CM more than the .308 and will probably use it to replace 6.5x55 to punch paper and shoot occasional coyote.

I dunno. I also hate .416 Rigby. I like how it looks, I hate the recoil, muzzle blast and concussion.

I also do not like Weatherby cartridges, belted cartridges (except .375H&H, .458 Lott), magnum cartridges, big kickers - like the .416 (except .458 Lott and have yet to try .404 Jeffery), rimmed cartridges, any weird ones. I almost wonder why I like anything at all. Maybe I'm getting old and crusty.

I used to like .458 Lott but it's no longer with me. Same with .338WM and .300 WM. Who needs all that recoil and blast anyway? That .338 sure killed good though.

I do like .22 LR, 7x57, 7x64, 280 AI, 8x57, 9.3x62, 9.3x64, .375H&H (though once I shoot up all the ammo it's gone).

I also like 8mm-06, 338-06and 35 Whelen never even firing one of these - so you could say I like things based on 30-06, rather than .308. But I kind of like the 6.5CM, yet do hate that .25-06 and .25 or .277 anything.

I also like .505 Gibbs, .50 BMG not having fired either of these. So how do I know if I like them? Would probably hate the recoil and concussive blast.

I might like 7mm-08 even though it's based on .308, but then I'd probably go for 7mm SAW or 7 SAUM if I wanted a SA 7mm.

Now...Do NOT take this post as criticism of YOUR favorite cartridge (should it happen to be one of the ones I do not favor) but rather as a statement that I recognize I may have completely irrational dislike for some cartridges and still end up owning them, shooting them, but for some unknown reason still hating them. Then one tries to figure it out and comes up with some reasons or rationalizations behind the dislike. Yet it all seems false in some way. In the end I like that we have so many different cartridges to choose from.

However, the main reason for this post:
Do you also hate or dislike some specific cartridge or class of cartridges? For real reasons or just so? Are we nuts? Am I?
This is one of the best things I have ever read on here.

I’m a cartridge nerd. The stranger the better. It makes no sense but I love the .300 Savage, but hate the .308. I hate .243 but love my 6mm Rem and .24 York.

I have never met a 9.3 I didn’t love. I’m probably the only guy in the world that owns two 9.3 Sisks. I have two .416 Rem Mags and killed my first buff with one, but I’m growing tired of it the same way I did with my first wife.

I like the .404 Heff because it’s an odd duck. Just like the .375 RUM I have. Boomer (as in old men) based cartridge, but still good to go.

I hated the .270 until I got a Ruger No 1 that is a wonderful rifle to shoot and gives great field accuracy with anything I feed it. Same with .270 Weatherby Mag. Thought it was dumb, bought one, and it is a go to now.

6.5 CM I accidentally bought…. We do transfers for DU and other orgs. After 1 year the winner forfeits the gun. I thought it was a forfeited gun, so I took it as mine and signed out of the book after I did my background. My partner (dad) calls and asked where it went bc the customer is coming to pick up in a couple days ( he won at a different event than I thought). So ordered a new one. This one shoots so well I don’t hate it and glad I accidentally bought it.

.500 Jeff is too much of a good thing. I had .30-30, but love .38/55 and .375 Remington. Though I generally hate lever guns except for 99s.
and I will add I hate the .458 WM. Just make it a Lott already. Thats like buying a .38 Spl over a .357.

And I do not like .375 HH. I have two, but everybody likes them too much and I hear them drone on and on about how good of an all around cartridge it is. I would much rather take a 286 gr 9.3 Sisk over a 270 gr .375 HH. Hell a 9.3x64 has some coolness to it. Just saying….
This is one of the best things I have ever read on here.

I’m a cartridge nerd. The stranger the better. It makes no sense but I love the .300 Savage, but hate the .308. I hate .243 but love my 6mm Rem and .24 York.

I have never met a 9.3 I didn’t love. I’m probably the only guy in the world that owns two 9.3 Sisks. I have two .416 Rem Mags and killed my first buff with one, but I’m growing tired of it the same way I did with my first wife.

I like the .404 Heff because it’s an odd duck. Just like the .375 RUM I have. Boomer (as in old men) based cartridge, but still good to go.

I hated the .270 until I got a Ruger No 1 that is a wonderful rifle to shoot and gives great field accuracy with anything I feed it. Same with .270 Weatherby Mag. Thought it was dumb, bought one, and it is a go to now.

6.5 CM I accidentally bought…. We do transfers for DU and other orgs. After 1 year the winner forfeits the gun. I thought it was a forfeited gun, so I took it as mine and signed out of the book after I did my background. My partner (dad) calls and asked where it went bc the customer is coming to pick up in a couple days ( he won at a different event than I thought). So ordered a new one. This one shoots so well I don’t hate it and glad I accidentally bought it.

.500 Jeff is too much of a good thing. I had .30-30, but love .38/55 and .375 Remington. Though I generally hate lever guns except for 99s.
375 Remington? As in Ultra Mag?
Yes. The .375 RUM. And when speaking of lever guns I should have said .38-55 and .375 Winchester. If I said Remington that was a mistake on me. I was on a roll. Lol
Love the 375 Winchester and the 94 BigBore! Beautiful rifles and very underrated…
None/Zero! they all go bang, grab them up, load em up and go shooting, I have given away truckloads of ammunition, powder, brass, scopes, rifles, shotguns etc to those in need, get your weapon zeroed and ready to go, grab your kids and get them out hunting and shooting, i don't care what it is.

Told a guy once IDGAS if someone shows up here at the farm with a '74 Sharps rifle chambered in 22 Hornet, I'd find him a set of reloading dies, get him set up with my machine shop guy to cut him a powder compression die and brass cleaning jag and wiping stick, and I know Steve Brooks would make him a mold for casting bullets, I am not critical of any weapon or cartridge.:cool:
short fat or super short fat
Ah meh, blah. “Hate” is a strong word. Centerfire rifle cartridges are generally cool.

That said, I have no personal use for the recent centerfire fads known as the 6.5 Manbun nor it cousin, the 6.8 Neckbeard, nor really any 6.5-ish variant.

Millennials and Gen-Zers like to preach high and wide about the virtues of the 6.5 and 6.8 but they’re just regurgitating what some Millennial or Gen-Z “influencer” said in a YouTube video or posted on Reddit. :rolleyes:

Yeah, there’s the old Swede too and it is a venerable round with both a military and a hunting pedigree. But it still didn’t win nearly as many wars as the U.S. .30-cals (‘06 and .308), and those are proven hunters in their own right.
While there is absolutely nothing wrong with them, from time to time I might see a rifle at a gun show, just to discover it's chambered in .270 Winchester or 7mm Remington Magnum, and quickly lose all interest.

I'm one and done on those...

I don't "hate" any cartridge, but I've never found the .243 Winchester to be good at anything.

One and done on that one too...
As you dislike the 270 Win, I love it!

I dont have one anymore but kept the reloading dies laying around for the last 20 years. I took many deer when I had one and honestly I think the 30-06 is a better killer than the 270.
But I still have one 30-06.

Someday I have to own another 270. Somehow I feel like I have a spring in my step when I hunt with a 270. Must be the Jack O'Connor thing.
I have a bigger problem. I like them all and love more and more of them… Favor practical rifles and cartridges so cartridge availability and durable stocks are my preference - I prefer composite but more and more wood rifles are catching my eye. Love the look of wood laminate though it is heavy.

I have a 300 PRC and I bought a Blaser R8 in 300 WM/375 H&H. In spite of this, having bought ‘the last rifle I’ll ever need’ twice in the last two years and 3 times in the last 10, I find my tastes broadening. I think double rifles are cool, but doubt I will ever own one. However, there’s a Kimber Caprivi in 375 that’s been catching my eye on the used market. Why I would need another 375 I have no idea.

Someone posted a beautiful Dakota Arms 375 in the ‘gun deals of the week’ with an elephant engraving on the floor plate. Something like that could tempt me for sure, though would have to sell some rifles (which I should do anyhow). If I shoot my 375 well and find the recoil tolerable I find myself contemplating a 416.

I have firearms in 17 hmr, 22lr, 223, 6.5 Grendel, 6.8 SPC, 6.5 CM, 6.5 PRC, 7 RM, 300 PRC, 300 WM, and 375 at the moment as well as 410 and 12 gauge. I should get to work and sell a few. But I still love learning about cartridges and firearms and buying selling them to try new ones.

I wish I hated more cartridges…
For me, the 6.5 Creedmore. Nothing particularly wrong with the cartridge, but I hate how people think of it as being a lot more than it actually is. Case in point, too many people regard it as a long range elk cartridge - IT ISN’T! It’s OK for elk with quality bullets and reasonable ranges, let’s say 300 yards or less. But it IS NOT a 500 yard elk cartridge, period.

I hate that cartridge because all the hype makes too many people think it’s more capable than it is, actually.

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schwerpunkt88 wrote on Robmill70's profile.
Morning Rob, Any feeling for how the 300 H&H shoots? How's the barrel condition?
mrpoindexter wrote on Charlm's profile.
Hello. I see you hunted with Sampie recently. If you don't mind me asking, where did you hunt with him? Zim or SA? And was it with a bow? What did you hunt?

I am possibly going to book with him soon.
Currently doing a load development on a .404 Jeffrey... it's always surprising to load .423 caliber bullets into a .404 caliber rifle. But we love it when we get 400 Gr North Fork SS bullets to 2300 FPS, those should hammer down on buffalo. Next up are the Cutting Edge solids and then Raptors... load 200 rounds of ammo for the customer and on to the next gun!