CANADA: Bumed Out Hunt In British Columbia


AH legend
May 21, 2012
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Hunting reports
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ssaa, aba ,bairnsdale field archers SFP
australia south africa (limpopo, north west,eastcape) canada (b.c)zambia
i waited 14 months to go hunt elk,whitetail,mule deer,and black bear with saw tooth out fitters in cranbrook ,b.c
i was a ring in on the hunt as three mates were going over there but one died in an accident and one of the remaining two was a mate of a mate and turned up at the boat one day to see if i was interested , which i jumped at (who wouldnt )to fill the gap .
and so started emails and checking up on theyre website .
we left oz on the 14th sept and done the tourist thing for 5 days stopping where ever sounded good ,which was great as me and my mate paul met heaps of great people every where we went them canadians are a gerat bunch , the other fella matt left 10 days before us to go to adams lake in northern b.c to hunt mountain caribou and wolf which he tagged out by the fourth day and stayed the rest of the time taking some photos and stocking theyre firewood supply and generally having a great time with his new friends , which he cannot fault the whole outfit (i cant remember the outfits name )any way he flew into cranbrook on the 18th and was supposed to be met by ryan berard the outfitter but ryan was out at the camp which he didnt say but we now think he was making ammends for two of his guides .]luckily we were there in cranbrook and had accomadation
on the 19th ryan got in touch with matt good and early and appolagized and made plans to pick us up and get us in the bush .
when we got to camp that arvo we were met by garth the cook and i guess camp head honcho who made us welcome and helped to get us settled in and never once stopped whinging about two of the guides mine and pauls as it turned out .
he told ryan that after the last hunters left the guides just up and bailed and said they would be here on the 20th to start our hunt and he said that they left a chainsaw and a heap of sadle packs half way along a trail to a place called barabou.
ryan asked if we were keen to go for a hike and help retrieve his gear off we went it was about 3km to the stuff which was scatered alongthe trail for maybe 500 metres which started us asking why they left it and he said harley had a falling out with his two hunters and they called the hunt off early and some how the horses bolted and the gear was left strewn along the trail .
we looked at each other and were starting to see that all was not as it seems
anyways we gathered the gear and ryan asked if we wanted to go and check that his camp was in good order as we were about half way to it so we strolled off and it was a good looking bit of a camp .
we were expecting cool to cold weather and he told us to gear up for up to -6c at nights but it was unseasonally warm and up around 28c in the day .
we asked if it will affect the rut as at home the fallow deer wont always croak when rutting if its to warm ,it sounds like the elk are a bit the same.
we end up getting back to base camp and garth said the guides returned and they all had a barney and the two guides took off .
at three oclock in the morning they staggered in to the cabbin and literally fell over each other on theyre way to bed .
at 0500 we were up and getting ready to hunt ,had breaky and expected to be out of there way before daylight .
didnt happen these two clowns wouldnt get up until 0900 and said that we wouldnt be hunting today until later in the arvo .
at ten am ryan was back at camp to take matt to meet his guide at another spot and asked why we wernt hunting (paul and myself )so i said im keen its just that your guides are to hung over and couldnt get out of bed ,
so he took them outside and set them strasight for the first time on our hunt.
our first days hunting consisted of driving from slide to slide glassing and harley would give the odd bugle just like the other 25 resident hunters were doing that we seen that day .
i asked if we were going up the slides to see whats around and he goes not until we see some elk .
im thinking we were told we would be out there stalking from before sun up and camping out most nights and when asked this harley says no way were not doing that.
that was our first heated talk
back at camp and pauls looking like hes not happy either .
the two guides are looking like theyve been through the wringer and are sucking cans again .
i asked paul what his hunt was like for the day and he said they had done the same thing we did .we decided to let it slide and see what tommorow brings .
at 0500 we are up and getting ready to go , when garth serves breaky ,still no guides .
so l go up to loft and ask what goin on with you two ,my guide harley says we will get up at around 8 and have breaky then go for a stalk if you want .
bullshit get up we are going now .
20 minutes later this HARLEY LEADER and pauls guide are sitting at the table sulking like a couple of kids when we decide to tell these clowns what we signed up for and let them know what we want ,l to which this harley claims no one hunts like that in b.c and we will learn .
i asked garth if there were any other guides that work for ryan so we could swap,and he said that he didnt think so .GREAT
pauly wanted to give it up there and then as the writing was on the wall .
his guides name was SEBASTIEN CROTEAU and seemed to have alot of local knowledge but pauly reckons he was lazy and wouldnt get out of the car and just wasnt into it .
paulys exact words were it seems like he didnt want to be there .
once old garth said that ryan would be here soon they got moving and we were gone .(OLD GARTH GAVE US A WINK)
once in the ute harley asked what tags i had obtained which i told him, thinking he should have known that and at least asked to see them before we hunted.once he found out i had tags for elk ,white tail,muley ,wolf and black bear he asked why i got so many as calmly as i could i explained that was what i wanted to hunt and that he has already wasted one and half days on me and we need to get serious.
then he all of a sudden remembered that he had to show friend where he could camp in his new trailer , i thought what the hell but he explained that we could stalk from where he was to meet this bloke .when we got to the spot he claimed we were right on time and that this bloke would be here any minute and started telling me of all these wonderfull hunts he had and these awsome trophies he had got his hunters ,fair dinkum this guy has seen it all .
after about an hour of this crap his mate still hadnt shown up and old"done it" as i called him by this stage suggested it was nap time so i said im goin for hunt and will be back soon that was maybe 1100at 1430ish i returned to the ute to find harley snoring beside the ute and stared glassing the other side of a huge slide . after half an hour of listening to harley snore i woke him up to see if his friend had been ,which he hadnt so i suggested we go hunting .
once harley had eaten some lunch and we were just heading off sebbastien and pauly came up the road and the two guides chatted for another hour .
i ended up telling harley lets go .
we drove off back down the mountain with absolutely no plan of attack ,all harley kept saying was we should be following sebbastien bacause he knows where the elk are , the whole hunt this harley wanted to be with sebbastien and every plan he came up ,had to be ran by sebbastien . he couldnt get a game plan happening and stick to it ,it was becomming apparent that we werent going to do anything with out sebbestien .
with in a short time i was glassing as we idled down the dirt road at harleys driving speed which rarley exceeded 35kms an hour ,i spotted a big black bear about 1100 metres up a hill and harley stopped the ute and said yeah his a good one .you could see a track not far under the briun and i thought we would drive up there and have a go at him . but no harley didnt want to drive up there he claimed the track was to rough and he would damage his ute,fair enough lets leg it up there and get im not going to do that was his response and curled up and went to sleep claiming that the bear would come back down this evening .so im gearing up to do this myself when" done it" says i cant let you do that it could be dangerous and i will get in trouble if you got hurt statement
and went to sleep .
now im not an agressive person but im thinking that im gunna run a knuckle over this idiot real soon .
an hour later sebbastien and paul come back down the road and harley springs up and tells sebbo that his found me a black bear ,just a ways up there and piont about 150 metrs away from where it crossed the road ,sebbastien just looks at him dumbfounded and says why arent you up there getting him harley that road is as good as this one ,theres nothing wrong with the road .so i said to him will you take me up there sebbo and you can have his tip which he was good with but harley started whinging that i was his hunter and that i cant hunt with anyone else.after another guides only talk they decided that i cant hunt with sebbo.and they left but you could tell that even sebbo wasnt happy with harleys preformance and pauly told me later that himself .
so we are waiting there until about 3/4 of an hour before dark when dickhead decides we should go glass for elk twenty minutes down the road .
the bear did come out and sebbo said it was around 61/2 footer and we were 20 minutes down the road .
so this is how i spent the first two days of a 9 grand hunt .
when we got back to camp the two guides and the cook were at each others throats again within minutes of seeing one and other
and harley started talking shit about how he got me on to a black bear today ,which was the end of me and i lost my shit for little while .
and told garth that i want to talk to ryan before i knock the last three teeth out of harleys mouth .
pauly just wanted to get out of this fiasco and get our money back , which when i look back it wouldve been the smart play .
but ive tied the boat up and there was lots of jobs goin on as the engine room was getting a refit and i wanted to hunt so i talked paul into staying but let it known to garth that i wanted ryan to fix this up as it was known we are walk and stalkers not diesel stalkers
on the morning of day three old harley was actually up at breaky time and we were hiking back into barabou before the sun was up ,when we got to the campsite we stopped and unpacked and boiled the billy and had a cuppa, for the first time this hunt im actually thinking this may turn out alright .
then harley asked if i was up to another hike into the slides which he didnt have to ask twice and led the way we were hiking and glassing slides every 1/2mile or so until 1130 when harley suggested we stop for a break for lunch .3minute later hes snoring like baby .at 1300 i woke him up to get going again and he started heading back to camp.wrong lets keep going this way mate ,he starts whinning that it gets real ruff if we keep going that way ,goodo then thats where the elk should be .
everywhere we go he just keeps going on about it will be to hard to get the meat out of or down from there .
i keep explaining that us three have all ready worked out that as soon as one of us take an animal we will work together to get it off the slopes.
but this guy is to bloody lazy to want to do anything that may be hard.
so under sufferance he followed me into this ruff ground which was a well defined track that had been cut open with chainsaws where someone had done a great job coz you could bring pack horses in if you had to .we end up going through another 4or 5 slides when we come to another campsite ,this is where we should of set up camp i told him but he just kept whinging and moaning about how far it was back to camp .so i suggested we hunt here and walk back in the dark shut down for the night and shift here in the morning but he wasnt having any of that because there was no way of getting the big tent here .
this was how it was the whole hunt everything was either to hard or to far and way to much effort .
anyway come 19 00 and he said we will have to head back to the camp now as it would be dark soon ,what are the elk not going to be more active at sunset im thinking .but i went with him thinking we would be back in here tomorrow morning .wrong when we arrive back at camp im thinking a quick feed and shut down time so we can move camp in the a.m not to be he starts packing up to go back to main cabin .what for i still dont know but told him i want go camp in the other camp tommorow and check out that way as we had one bull answer us late arvo and it was the only place where the wallows were active .
so like a couple of clowns we walk out of there in the dark .it was good to have streched our legs for the first time
we got back to the cabbin at 2330 and woke every one up for no reason while harley told sebbastien and garth and paul how far we hiked and done the hard yards .and that not to have breaky until about 8 .wrong i said that we will be going back in there for a couple of days and 0500 would be great thanks garth. and harley said that we wont be doing that we are gunna check another place out in the morning .
day four and what do you think we done today ,drove to all the slides we done the first day and that was enough for me i told him to just drive me anywhere and i will hunt by my self for rest of the hunt .
so each evening i would get out a toppo map that was in the cabbin and get a plan happening for the next day on day five while hiking along i came across a big ass grizzly bear and got some great photos .and tracked out some elk and wore my self right out ,i worked out there are two directions in b.c up and down but this is what i was here for .
on day six i saw another grizz this one stood maybe 9 foot and was eating berries like they were tax deductable so i got another photo oppotunity ,and was learning the the bloody squirrels were alot like our kookaburras and alerted everthing in earshot that all is not right .
day seven harley decided that he should come with me today as i was going to a place called bitch which followed the river accross from the cabbin into a big canyon system .which of course harley knew this place lik the back of his hand and told me theres no piont wasting the batteries on that there gps of yours .wrong
we hiked for a couple of hours stopping to glass every slide for a good while it was like hunting with someone else today harley was actually into it and seemed like he wanted to be there the track was broken and hard to define as there was lots of trees down and i kept thinking i should be tracking us in .but we were following the river and worse case we get back by that means
at lunch we ran out of trail and i asked harley what was up ahead he said that he didnt know (which was afirst)and that we were the first blokes to come this far since he had been with ryan .so we made fire and cooked some dehydrated meals and glassed for a while and he suggested that we keep on blazing a trail for a while. this is more like it
so we went maybe another mile and came to another slide which had heaps of feed down low and good regowth up above and i could see harley was liking this place so we sat and glassed for an hour or more .
of course he fell asleep again and i just let him go in fact im pretty sure i dropped off for a while to.
i was preying that we would put something up here ,as the berries were everywhere i thought maybe another bear or a muley would show up but not to be harley said that we have to leave here pretty early as we needed daylight to see our way out of here .wish i had of tracked us in .
we got back to the cabbin just after dark as we lost the track several times.
that night i said to my self ,self track your self in everytime.
day 8 we were going somewhwere else and staying out over night which pauly laughed about that and told garth we would see tonight .the plan was to hunt this new area which was right on the edge of town at the city limits of
so we are up in the morning and first go back to where i seen the big black bear and watch harley sleep again ,so im off down the track that he claimed was to rough for him to take his ute down more B/S and im working my way up the side of the mountain along this track which was one the best dirt tracks wed been down and i seen three mule deer does but no stag alittle further up i watched some cyotes chasing bugs and each other but no bears so i walked around the top for awhile and there was sign everywhere .
about mid morning i walked back down to the main track and saw harley s feet poking out the window ,so i went back for another walk but turned off at the bottom to the right and followed it for a couple of mile into some good looking country once again there was elk track and bear scat all over the place and water everywhere that was one thing i noticed about this buaetiful country was the water evrywhere you go. at home we take our water with us religously but here every100 metres or so there water running out of nowhere .i walked around for a couple of hours and it was like every other day since we had been in b.c around 26 to 29 degrees i was ambling back to see if know it was awake yet along came pauly and sebbastien on the quads and said harley was stressing out that he didnt know where i was and that he was sick of me taking off all the time and that i shouldnt be carrying a gun with out him being there .so l asked what the time was and pauly said it was 1400 ,which i had to laugh at because i had been hunting today since around 0630 while he slept .sebo couldnt beleave that i was doing this and
had been for most of the time .and i just told sabo stuff him it will do him good to worry a bit ,it might make a guide out of him ,which cracked all three of us up and he had only had 6 or so hours sleep today so there was no need to hurry.
they offered me a lift up to harley but l said id walk so they took off up the side i had been up this morning .when i got back to ole harley he was beside himself carrying on like a pork chop saying thing s like how much trouble he could get in over this as there was plenty of resident hunter around which i already knew cos id proberly spoken to a dozen of them over the last few days and every one of couldnt believe that he would be so slack . mate i told them if i hunted with that idiot i wouldnt see bugger all .and that i was only there until the 30th of sept and if they were gunna report him would they be so kind as to wait until after that .all agreed no worries .as he was squarking like a merry magpie i looked over his shoulder and bugger me dead there was a black bear he was only little but as i walked around harley i quietly said shutup theres one right there, and through the300rum up and watched him for a whille before deciding he was to small .
harleys is in my ear to pound him as he would make a good rug which he may have ,but i was here for mature animals as i wanted to have full body mount of a black bear done .so i put the gun away and grabbed the camera .
old harley was still whinging about how long i was gone and i said to him that he was the only reason that i was hunting by myself and that he was welcome to come any time he wanted .so stop whinning .
after that he was alright . iknow im making him look bad and canning him alot but mate i could tell some other things that went on with this joker and the crap that poured out of his mouth was a steady stream just like the endless water that comes out of any mountain in b.c.
all in all and this is what i told ryan berard thes two fellas are quite good blokes but they are not guides a** ***es and i truley beleave that if matt ,paul and myself had come over hunting by our selves and just back pack hunted for ten days by our selves we would have done better .
on the same token i should add that matts guide which i never met until the eighth night was without a doubt a guides ,guide and matt speaks so highly of him you would think he had a halo over his head his name is PERCY WILLAMSON . and matt says this bloke did everything he could to get matt an elk they were walking in in the dark and hunting until well after last light .
i think ive read a couple of articles he has written in some magazines .
and thats where this place is we were going to camp on the eighth night was where they had been hunting all hunt so we head in there and arrive at 1730 and throw our gear down and make an aussie camp set up some tarps above and below our sleeping bags ,of course sabo and pauly are with us .and then go and have an evening hunt me and pauly went different directions from the top and sebo and harley sat in there utes , which i should add that sebo was not good with and said so but harley said not worry no one was around
pauly got onto about 30 elk cows and was watching a 4x5 bull keeping his harem together while i was following a decent mule deer stag he had the biggest body out of all the muleys i had seen so far but i couldnt get a look at his head gear and soon took off never to be seen again as it was getting dark i could hear some elk cows sqeeking and a bull grunting i guess as it wasnt any bugle .and walking back up to where we were camping who should i met but matt and percy which as soon as i met i liked straght up .at camp we started sucking the sides in on alot of beer cans and having heaps of laughs and matt took me aside and appollagized for the way mine and paulys hunt was going but it wasnt his fault i said these other two guides were hopeless nothings gunna change that
after lots of beer we went into town to rustle up some grub and i ended getting us all a huge rib eye each and some salads and two more slabs of stubbies
we went and had a real shower and went back to the site and kicked it up for a few hours .
when i woke just before sparra fart roused everyone and went for a hunt .this morning i had to stay with harley as there was many hunters in this area but after an hour of sitting there glassing some ski resort that we werent allowed to hunt anyway i said take me for a stalk hareley but he was happy to stay there as we were feeling pretty seedy ,o.k see ya off i went straight down and straight up seen 7cows and a 4x4 that had taken a real beating and was limping around .then i heard some more taking off under neath me and headed up towards another hunter i cuold see way up to my left which turned out to be matt and percy then from way down to the right boom some one had taken a shot
i was hopimg it was paul and sebo
but it wasnt it was a resident and harley claimed that it happened just behind where he was parked but you know .
later that morning while he was going to have a nap i talked him into taking me down to a pumping station for water to kimberley so i could hunt in there hopefully for a muley or bear as it was close to farmland a couple of hours later i was sitting in a great little spot glassing off a track when i heard a click then not far away a snap and then i caught movement of a muley hind and young one so thinking a photo oppotunity was happpening i got the camera out and above me a bloody squirrel started chattering and the doe went into alert mode for a long minute then settled down and begun to browse then i notice another deer comming in from the left and it was a decent stag (by my standard as it was going to be my first mule deer stag and i could see he had 4 on either side ) so i picked up the 300 and lined him up but could only see his head and didnt want to wreck his cape, so im waiting for him to show himself and at that time the squirrel lets out this ungodly scretch and five or six deer hit the bolt making these blowing sounds for a long way after they departed i nearly shot the bloody squirrel there on the spot
so i went back to wake harley up but he was already up as percy and matt cam,e past and percy must of giving him a serve coz harley told me to tell him that he put me in some spot to wait for an elk . but later matt said that they knew he was dribbling some more crap and that paul and sebastien had told percy what was going on
so we headed back to the cabbin along the way harley actually pulled up and said ive always wanted to have a look in here if your keen ?.stupid question
he also said he didnt know what it was like in there and never knew what to expect . that just made me keener
so off we went
he said dont you get hang over or something ,coz ive been hunting all day ,which i had to laugh at because i had felt lousy all day and in fact it was a head ache that woke me up before dawn
as we settled in to stalk mode harley spotted a whitetail doe and then further along the flats we heard some thing coming towards us and harley whispered it might be a bear and to get ready but it was a young moose cow and she didnt mind getting her photo taken
after that we never saw nothing else but when we got to the river we seen some good sized bull trout maybe 4 kgs each
then went back to the cabbin
last day we started off glassing slides then went to look for the big bear from earlier and then grabbed some rods and went back and caught 3 bullies each hoppin g to jump a white tail stag but no good . harley then asked what i wanted to do as we had 6 hours of day light left and as we gat back to the road sabo pauly and matt came along in sabos ute .
and said thats it we are going to town and getting on it ....
and get on it we did
shit sorry to hear that. that was a total nightmare. been waiting for your report as you had mentioned quite a few times you were going on this hunt. will they give you any sort of a refund? i am surprised you managed to restrain yourself, i would have had a total sense of humour failure..
You, mate, have the patience of a saint. I would have buried the or used him as bait!
You, mate, have the patience of a saint. I would have buried the or used him as bait!

I vote for using him as bait...
Sorry to hear, I do hear some bad hunting reports from BC and I think it has mainly to do with the outfitters and guides, because there is plenty of game. I think some outfitters stretch the truth on the possibilities of filling tags. Some areas are a LOT BETTER than others.

Terrible hunt, hard to read the report, I was so frustrated with your guide!!!

My sincere regrets for this nightmare. Your ability to make the best of it is amazing.



That is the most pathetic unprofessional crap.

All non-residents are required to be accompanied by a licenced guide while hunting big game, ....
Harley needs his license suspended.

Sadly, I can not find them as members of the guides association.
GOABC Outfitter and Hunting Directory | Find Your Next Brtish Columba Hunting Adventure

ps. I'd have popped the squirrel. :)
The little beggars are the alarm system in the Boreal Forest.
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thanks fellas
when i think about it we should ve pulled the pin after the second day ,but we wanted to make the most of a bad situation . and the fact i wanted to take an animal to show harley that stalking was the way to go when the rut doesnt go as planned
there was plenty of game no worries about that i could have written about heaps more animals that i got in on but none were trophy quality either immature or girls
i was hoping someone knew of harley and actually had had a good hunt with him , he claims to be a master taxidermist and ive been told that he does have a studio in calgrary in alberta .
i also knew i wasnt aloud to hunt without a guide but paying 900 usd a day to watch your guide sleep wasnt going to happen .
and the outfitter did come up there and give old harley several ear bashings and has since offered us half priced hunts if we return for another go and even offered to guide us himself .
pauls wife is solicitor and is in the process of trying to get us some coin back but i cant see it working .
as for the paitence thing my wife says that ive got less paitents than a bad doctor ...
You need to familiarize yourself with the period and enter keys. Man that report was tough to read. :knockedout:

My heart goes out to you. I got suckered on a Manitoba bear hunt and it still sticks in my throat. Funny thing is, the following year their brochure said that they had 100 percent success, with the exception of a bowhunter who was holding out for a "monster". I would have shot Boo Boo if he had made an appearance.

There is no way in hell I would put another nickle at risk hunting with that outfit. The outfitter knew that Harley was a worthless piece of shit, yet he kept sending you out in the woods with him? Total lack of class.

What are stubbies? Ribs?
beers that come in little bottles
sorry about the way that it was typed
1 im on a fishing boat in the middle of bass strait in a little weather
2 im not real good at this typing thing yet , even though im practicing like mad since i joined this forum
sorry about that mate
beers that come in little bottles
sorry about the way that it was typed
1 im on a fishing boat in the middle of bass strait in a little weather
2 im not real good at this typing thing yet , even though im practicing like mad since i joined this forum
sorry about that mate

bluey dont worry, your typing is as good as my one finger effort so it must be perfect.:laughing::beer: p.s. whats a bloody period key??:headscratch:
thats what i was wondering but wasnt game to ask
thanks fellas
when i think about it we should ve pulled the pin after the second day ,but we wanted to make the most of a bad situation . and the fact i wanted to take an animal to show harley that stalking was the way to go when the rut doesnt go as planned
there was plenty of game no worries about that i could have written about heaps more animals that i got in on but none were trophy quality either immature or girls
i was hoping someone knew of harley and actually had had a good hunt with him , he claims to be a master taxidermist and ive been told that he does have a studio in calgrary in alberta .

i also knew i wasnt aloud to hunt without a guide but paying 900 usd a day to watch your guide sleep wasnt going to happen .
and the outfitter did come up there and give old harley several ear bashings and has since offered us half priced hunts if we return for another go and even offered to guide us himself .
pauls wife is solicitor and is in the process of trying to get us some coin back but i cant see it working .
as for the paitence thing my wife says that ive got less paitents than a bad doctor ...

Not your fault. Make the most of a bad situation, you certainly did. 900 a day, I'd have been out hunting myself.
Stalking was the only way to go at 28C.

A conversation with the Environment Department in BC about this outfits license might get some action.

I hope the outfitter steps up and provides the hunt you already paid for the first time!

Heres hoping for you.

Never heard of this twit.
Harley Leader, Wildlife Art Taxidermy Studio

Master Taxidermist??? Perhaps during a intoxicant induced dream.
You, mate, have the patience of a saint. I would have buried the or used him as bait!
I KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN! but Black bears don't eat shit they eat berries, but the first time he went to sleep in the middle of my hunt he would have looked aweful funny with that big stick up his A$$.
beers that come in little bottles
sorry about the way that it was typed
1 im on a fishing boat in the middle of bass strait in a little weather
2 im not real good at this typing thing yet , even though im practicing like mad since i joined this forum
sorry about that mate

Thanks for the clarification on the stubbies. No worries on the typing. I was just bustin' your balls. :p
Hi Bluey. Makes me sick to read your story. A little effort would of gone a long ways... That kind of $$ and still resident hunters there. They should of had you packed back in away from almost everyone but those in your camp. Sorry to hear about it. Bruce
You know the old saying you can't go to africa hunting once. This is very true. I am an american and the hunts in america suck compared to africa. I have found that in america it is better to just hunt for meat and if you get a representative trophy more power to you. I just drive out west and hunt the weather but you have to have alot of time.
gday iwaters i havnt given up on the idea of hunting in
canada or the usa yet as theres some animals there i want to match wits with (lots of em ).i truly think with a guide that wanted to hunt this trip wouldve ended on a happier note . since i come home ive been pionted in different directions .and are starting to get together some plans for 2014 or 15.i wouldnt mind planning the next trip around some of these shows every one on here is getting excited about
i also dont entirely blame the outfitter for my bummed out hunt either
gday iwaters i havnt given up on the idea of hunting in
canada or the usa yet as theres some animals there i want to match wits with (lots of em ).i truly think with a guide that wanted to hunt this trip wouldve ended on a happier note . since i come home ive been pionted in different directions .and are starting to get together some plans for 2014 or 15.i wouldnt mind planning the next trip around some of these shows every one on here is getting excited about
i also dont entirely blame the outfitter for my bummed out hunt either
Sorry about your hunt. I've had crap hunts like that. I know this is a late post but if you ever need any suggested guides that I have used in the US, PM me and I can throw a few names your way. I've done mostly my own hunts but sometimes I utilize outfits or hunting consultants.
That’s horrible! I’m sorry you had such a poor experience here in BC!

We went on a guided horseback elk hunt this fall in northern BC. I told dad we’re booking it and doing it. Was a great experience.

Rode great horses probably 2-4 hours a day. Hunted morning and afternoon or all day. They worked their butts off to get us Elk. Didn’t end up getting one but that didn’t matter. It was the total experience that mattered and a bull would of just been a cherry ontop.

I know there’s a few outfitters in that region and some good bulls. But as a hole, BC wide it isn’t what it once was. The area we hunted 10 years ago guys and buddies would guarantee a shot at a bull in two days. Wolves have really put the hurt on elk/moose and deer in BC.

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John Kirk wrote on Macduff's profile.
Great transaction on some 375 HH ammo super fast shipping great communication
akriet wrote on Tom Leoni's profile.
Hello Tom: I saw your post about having 11 Iphisi's for sale. I have been thinking about one. I am also located in Virginia. Do you have photos of the availables to share? My email is [redacted]

Thanks and regards,

Natural Bridge, Virginia