Can you save having taxidermy work done in South Africa

maybe everybody should make up their own mind,i haven seen better work than what Dennis does,yet i like my guy.comparing prices that change based on cost factors seems hard to get down pat on a safari to safari bases.this is the first spat ive seen on this site.guess were all human,???different strokes etc.
Royal did my numbers more then fair. I did not take the 5% off the relive total as posted just wanted it known I did get a break. I also did not use dennis's 30% for peds like his catalog said and did a way smaller %.

Then I stand corrected. I assumed since you mentioned the discount that you included it and that you were talking about actual real costs, not an internet pricelist. I now see that you weren't. I think we really do need @PHOENIX PHIL spread sheet to keep it all straight. :)

Probably another good lesson here in this. Always call or email those last few people as you just might find out that taxidermist pricing can be different based on what you're doing, just like an outfitter pricing can vary.
Not what I would call a spat, I defend my work and my prices and my quality and my fellow taxidermist in this country, The industry as a whole in the united states and the 100,000 taxidermy workers in this country and I state my view. Bill chooses to support foreigner workers , slave wages and is happy with his work. I differ and won't sit back and watch it when it involves me . I was but decided not too. It's's really as simple as the those sentences...
You can go on and on but the fact is your now getting off topic. By your logic you should be just hunting in the states to keep the money here.You think your ph or tracker,maid skinner get paid what they should or it is ok because your getting to do what you want at the time. Cant have it both ways when it is just good for you.

Please don't tell me about being an American had a father in the army for 8 years and a brother in the airforce for over 20 so I know all about it. I drive toyota trucks never owned any other brand so I am not American now. You can rant all you want but I care not to go that way.

Since you answered the one part what about which sponsor you have hunted with or going to hunt with. I guess you just go hunt don't worry about pricing or you look for the place with good pricing. Stop taking it all so personally as I am just sharing what I have found and done just like how you did on your thread. Only difference is this one does not go your way.
Then I stand corrected. I assumed since you mentioned the discount that you included it and that you were talking about actual real costs, not an internet pricelist. I now see that you weren't. I think we really do need @PHOENIX PHIL spread sheet to keep it all straight. :)

Probably another good lesson here in this. Always call or email those last few people as you just might find out that taxidermist pricing can be different based on what you're doing, just like an outfitter pricing can vary.

Just so you know when I typed it in it was all spread out nicely and looked good. Then hit the post button and it got all mixed together.

Before I forget have a great hunt and enjoy yourself.
Billc, you can't se anything past the nose on your face...never will....LOOK at the WHITE LION SAFARI ADD BANNER that's me with the white lion BILL top banner ads....Ricus Devisers White lion safari's AND ADVERTISER ON AH .
When I go hunting it's not all about money it's a good area and success rate and references....I've been on cheap hunts it's kinda like bad taxidermy a ruined memory...and always with you.....
Billc, you can't se anything past the nose on your face...never will....LOOK at the WHITE LION SAFARI ADD BANNER that's me with the white lion BILL top banner ads....Ricus Devisers White lion safari's AND ADVERTISER ON AH .
When I go hunting it's not all about money it's a good area and success rate and references....I've been on cheap hunts it's kinda like bad taxidermy a ruined memory...and always with you.....

No dennis I don't follow everything you do so that would be why I ask. So all your Africa hunts and one was with a sponsor good for you. I guess ssi does your import work oh thats right you use coppersmith just like I do. I may not look past the nose on my face but I sure as hell don't talk out of two sides of my face to benefit myself.

Lucky for me even my cheap hunts have been awesome and my taxidermy has only given me great memories.
I think this is a good time for me to chime in and ask that this conversation not escalate further.
Ok billc I like you but as you know I am a Dennis fan!(y) I dont mind paying a few dollars to sleep well at night knowing that my trophies are here in the USA in someones hands I know and trust! I wouldnt sleep well for a year with my trophies in the hands of a bunch of africans that might loose it, wreck it, etc, etc and I have no recourse if the screw it up. NOW with dennis I can be a PIA to him and micro manage him and he puts up with me, thanks dennis. He drove 51/2 hrs to my house one way and delivered my last stuff and helped me put them up in my trophy room, dont think any relive africans will be doing that and he did it no extra chg for me. so figure that in the cost equation bill thats a pretty nice thing to do:)
Now I posted close ups of the last NZ stuff dennis did on the web site and I want to see close ups of your relive stuff because sorry bud what I saw from a distance of the plains game mts looked very average to my eyes. but as you say you are happy and i am happy with dennis. and since this is an obious throw down of you and relive vs dennis lets see the stuff up close not just the lion and we can all decide is dennis worth the price or is it relive more than costs have to figure in when it comes to my trophies!!
Good night Bill... CARRY ON !!! Keep on selling that taxidermy for those 2.00-3.00 an hour taxidermy workers in africa !
Been fun debating you , been a hoot !!! but I'm done...Mounting a beautiful leopard tommorrow and then on to the 8 lions left in the shop , 2 more lions headed in this week. You know, guys that want my quality of work. It's not for everyone but I don't run a taxidermy factory.

What you do and my business have a few similarities. As a cabinetmaker/carpenter my work is not off the shelf and requires part technician, some artistry, throw in some natural skill, maybe some experience to round it out.

I often lay hardwood floors, ones that need complex borders, geometric patterns inlaid and the like.

Sometimes I'll have someone ask me general questions about flooring that probably would never hire me as my rates are not exactly modest. I always do my best to answer them best I can.

Often that will lead to asking me to lay something like Pergo, and whats my rock bottom price per square foot; looking to best the next bid by pennies.

I tell them I'm not interested in the work and thanks anyway.

But there's always someone who wants me to explain why, and I tell them I have no experience and no interest in plain commodity installs.

Then "that guy" will then drone on and on about how great laminate MDF flooring is and how real wood isn't nice and his is sooo much better and he got some one for 32.6793 Cents a foot to lay it....blah blah blah.

People got to justify their decisions; some more than others.

I didn't hire you based off the advertising here, I have been looking at posts on a taxidermy forum for years looking at who is doing what and where........but it when the time came I was looking for a taxidermy artist, it kept the name out in front.

In the end I take pride in what I do and you do too, let this stupid stuff go.
Ok billc I like you but as you know I am a Dennis fan!(y) I dont mind paying a few dollars to sleep well at night knowing that my trophies are here in the USA in someones hands I know and trust! I wouldnt sleep well for a year with my trophies in the hands of a bunch of africans that might loose it, wreck it, etc, etc and I have no recourse if the screw it up. NOW with dennis I can be a PIA to him and micro manage him and he puts up with me, thanks dennis. He drove 51/2 hrs to my house one way and delivered my last stuff and helped me put them up in my trophy room, dont think any relive africans will be doing that and he did it no extra chg for me. so figure that in the cost equation bill thats a pretty nice thing to do:)
Now I posted close ups of the last NZ stuff dennis did on the web site and I want to see close ups of your relive stuff because sorry bud what I saw from a distance of the plains game mts looked very average to my eyes. but as you say you are happy and i am happy with dennis. and since this is an obious throw down of you and relive vs dennis lets see the stuff up close not just the lion and we can all decide is dennis worth the price or is it relive more than costs have to figure in when it comes to my trophies!!

My post was to help not just about dennis and the place I used. I don't care what anyone else thinks of my stuff so I don't need to take anymore pic's. You of all people should know I help anyone if they need it. I went over plenty of stuff about Africa not just about pawprint with you. I am not telling you my stuff is better but I see value for my dollar and do what I think is the best for me.

See you see a value it what dennis did and does for you. I don't need relive to help hang my mounts but I like the thousands I saved as it will pay for a few animals this trip. I am just a simple working man who spends way to much on hunting. You see a value and pay and use him you don't see me questioning you on who you picked.

See I am beyond a loyal person but I will not just say something because it is a friend or a person I do business with. You may not like what I say but it is the truth as I SEE IT.
Good night Bill... CARRY ON !!! Keep on selling that taxidermy for those 2.00-3.00 an hour taxidermy workers in africa !
Been fun debating you , been a hoot !!! but I'm done...Mounting a beautiful leopard tommorrow and then on to the 8 lions left in the shop , 2 more lions headed in this week. You know, guys that want my quality of work. It's not for everyone but I don't run a taxidermy factory.

Yup been a blast you just keep hunting Africa were the tracker and skinner and maid get paid peanuts to. It is all ok though that is not in your field of work so I am sure you will look past that point after all it is for your enjoyment so what they make does not matter then. Also make sure to give ssi a call so they can handle all your importing now since there a sponsor and paying more is not a problem for you. Good night and have a great week at your shop.
I had my work done in South Africa and as near as I can figure I ended up saving.
So for the sake of those who may read this thread in the future, let's see if I can come up with an accurate summary regarding taxidermy being done in the U.S. versus Africa.

A few days ago, Dennis @The Artistry of Wildlife started a thread comparing costs that @Royal27 paid for taxidermy on a previous safari versus what he would have paid Dennis. By Dennis' numbers in comparison to what Royal provided him, it turns out that Royal actually paid more that he would have paid Dennis. As to whether or not the quality of Relive's work versus what Dennis would have provided is from the comfort of my recliner impossible to say. I would say based off of what Dennis' peers say via the awards he has received, that Relive does not do a better job. So quality being considered at best equal, Royal paid more for the same. Sorry Royal, not meaning to rub salt into a wound. Now this was just one data point and I don't think Dennis was implying that this would be the case for everyone. My take from that thread was you may not be saving anything at all, you may be in fact paying more but even if you are saving some money it may not be worth it. The latter part of that last sentence is the rub. If you do save money having the work done there, just how much do you need to to make it worth it to you? The answer to that question is subjective and up to the guy paying the bill.

That thread can be seen here:

This thread was started after and I presume in response to Dennis' thread. The title of the thread asks the question can you save having your taxidermy done in Africa? Well there's no question you CAN when it's all said and done, pay less. The numbers in the first post of this thread need correcting. First the numbers that Bill provided that Dennis would have charged are off by $3500 when you add them up. Those numbers also do not reflect the 10% discount Dennis gives for the volume of work. That would be an additional $3100 or so. So if you back out the total of $6600 (3500 + 3100) you end up with a proposed $32,000 Bill would have paid Dennis versus the roughly $26,000 he did pay. So he saved about $6000, or paid roughly 20% less. No big surprise there, Dennis said himself he would have been about 20% higher.

One observation of Bill's case that stands out is the giraffe. The cost difference there was the most significant. If that work was not part of the bundle, the delta between Dennis / Relive would shrink considerably. Dennis would still be more, but not quite so much either in dollars or as a percentage. I mention this only because I think it safe to say that not many hunters will do a shoulder mount of a giraffe due to its size. As such and in order for those that read this thread, this particular item, unless you're planning on having a giraffe mount done, should probably be removed to get a more useful comparison.

So we have two cases identified. One where the customer paid more than he would have if he went with Dennis and this one where Bill paid less. My own experiences support both of these cases. The taxidermist for my first safari was in RSA and specifically LifeForm. Why LifeForm? Because that's who my outfitter used and I hadn't done my homework. LifeForm does in my opinion very good work and I think they're one of the better outfits in RSA, but you pay for that. In the end there's no question in my mind that I paid overall more than I needed to. My second safari the work was done far cheaper and I'm quite certain that I paid less by having the work done there. Most of that work however is okay, average. Additionally instructions weren't followed. Finally the full mount of my son's African Wild Cat is at best quite poor. Take that piece out and I'm not really disappointed, but I'm not terribly impressed either. I got mostly what I paid for.

So a few things to consider:

1) The first question to ask isn't can you save, the question is WILL you save by using a taxidermist over there versus here?

2) If the answer to the first question is yes, then you have to ask how much?

3) After determining (guessing?) the answer to number 2 then ask if the quality of the work you think you'll receive will meet your normal expectations? If the answer to that question is no, then you need to decide if the cost savings is worth what to you is less than your expected quality?

4) Also take into consideration the intangibles. While communication with a taxidermist in Africa is certainly not impossible, it is somewhat problematic if for no other reason than the time change. If you live in the west like I do, it's that much worse due to the larger time change. What happens if there is a problem? I think it's safe to say that handling that issue with a taxidermist here versus in Africa is much easier.

5) Trophy clearance has for some reason come into the discussions. This in my opinion is noise. Whether one uses Coppersmith, F&F, SSI or clears the trophies themselves has no bearing when deciding on whether or not to do your taxidermy here or there. Whether it be finished work or skins/horns, the normal clearance procedures will come into play.

The issue really comes down to shipping. It is fairly easy to request price lists from the taxidermists and to possibly negotiate discounts for volume and compare those costs. But whether one saves or not is determined by the combined less expensive taxidermy costs but higher shipping bill from Africa in comparison to the more expensive taxidermy but lesser shipping bill by having done it in the U.S.

But determining that shipping cost of taxidermy from Africa is so hard to determine. Add to this that shipping costs likely vary with fluctuations in the cost of oil and it gets that much more complicated. I volunteered to collect data from those willing to share it, but I'm now rethinking this. It seems to me what we really need is a way to pre-determine what the shipping cost will be or at the very least a reasonable, in the ball park number. Robert SSI, I wonder if you have any ideas regarding this?
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LOL PHIL that 20% was before I say the numbers and guessed at it. I've done this a long time I guess it's showing...
The Giraffe did kill the deal , here in the states it's 1500 to tan a caper 1500 for a form and 300 for other costs
3300 in material alone....I can't make it work for everyone but I can for 90% of hunters....
I've got a hunt scheduled in 2017.. For now I only intend on having a couple of European mounts on shields and a few rugs made... and have thought about having a soft rifle case done up out of a hartebeest hide as well.. I do not intend on doing any shoulder or full body type mounts.. no pedestals.. etc..etc..

I understand there is some controversy and debate over the quality of work done by some African taxidermists vs the quality of work that can be acquired from a taxidermist in the US..

But when we're talking skulls and rugs.. I'm wondering if there is typically that much difference in quality? (I'm sincerely asking.. I don't know the answer..)..

My experience in Africa with leather work (not taxidermy) is that there are some extremely good artisans out there and high quality is available if you know where to look for it.. Ive got a leather belt that I had made in Tanzania in 2008 (I paid about $15) that still looks as good today as it did the day I bought it.. Its outlasted a similar belt made by Columbia that I bought around the same time period ($40)... I've also got a Sandstorm leather briefcase ($400) that was made in Kenya that is equally (if not better) constructed than the Coach briefcase ($595) I used to carry.. there are several threads on this board that tout the quality of Courtney boots (made in Zimbabwe)...

Surely there are African taxidermists that can produce a quality rug, rifle case, and euro mount?

The difference in pricing I have seen from a couple of local area taxidermists in the US that are known to do good work (DFW area) vs the price list I have on hand from 1 African taxidermist that seems to have a decent reputation (Capricorn) seems pretty significant.. for example:

DFW area Taxidermist - Kudu Euro Mount on Shield = $375
Capricorn - Kudu Euro Mount on Shield = $230

DFW area Taxidermist - Hartebeest Euro Mount on Shield = $345
Capricorn - Hartebeest Euro Mount on Shield = $165

Whether I use a US taxidermist or an African taxidermist I am going to be paying shipping costs, export permit fees, etcc.. I assume those are going to be roughly the same whether the items are shipped from Africa to a taxidermist in the US or if they are shipped to my home as completed trophies?

And if I use a US taxidermist I am going to have to pay for dip and pack services... whereas if I have the work done in Africa those costs are avoided?

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Spending a few years hunting out west then back to Africa!
mebawana wrote on MB_GP42's profile.
Hello. If you haven't already sold this rifle then I will purchase. Please advise. Thank you.
jbirdwell wrote on uplander01's profile.
I doubt you are interested in any trades but I was getting ready to list a Sauer 404 3 barrel set in the 10-12 price range if your interested. It has the 404J, 30-06 and 6.5 Creedmoor barrel. Only the 30-06 had been shot and it has 7 rounds through it as I was working on breaking the barrel in. It also has both the synthetic thumbhole stock and somewhere between grade 3-5 non thumbhole stock

Jaye Birdwell
CamoManJ wrote on dchum's profile.
Hello there. I’ve been wanting to introduce myself personally & chat with you about hunting Nilgai. Give me a call sometime…


Jason Coryell