Cameroon Hunting feedback

Spear Safaris

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Jan 16, 2010
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Limpopo, South Africa
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I wanted to share some Photos and a short report on my recent Cameroon hunt.
Between DSC and SCI I conducted a 12 day LD Derby Hunt in an amazing zone.

First of all arriving at Camp is an experience in itself. The camp is situated across a river, so you get ferried across by means of dug out.
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The Hunt for this tremendous LD was actually quite un-eventfull, it went something like this.
Our first morning out, started with re checking the zeros on the rifle, after we had some breakfast and off we went.
Straight off the batt we saw a lot of Eland tracks at a salt lick, but decided to just look around first.
Not far from the lick we spotted a great old Waterbuck bull. A fairly easy stalk got us in place and a first shot was taken, a bit far back but a short follow up got him in the back of the truck.
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With the waterbuck Loaded, we started slowly heading back to camp, it was not yet hot so no rush. The mornings were actually quite cold.
En route back to camp we spotted a Batchelor group of 9 Bulls. I hopped off the truck to check them out.
Right at the back was a great Bull, Long Horns, dark neck, all we were looking for. I actually asked my Hunter to come look with the intention of shooting but luckily some Hartebeest nearby spooked and got them all going. For heavens sake it was the first Morning, and I did not really want to finish that soon. We decided to come back in the afternoon and follow their tracks. off we went again towards camp.
For heavens sake it was the first Morning, and I did not really want to finish that soon.
Great start! (keep going!)
But I wouldn't have passed something on a first day, that I would shoot on last day! ;)
Not two Miles down the road we spotted three Bulls standing in the shade, and in a open area.
We slammed on the brakes and out came the Binos. All of them were very mature and nice.
As it was the car was screened behind some bushes and the Bulls were totally un aware of our presence, or they just didn't care.
Off we went, tracker in front, myself and trailing my Hunter. The going was slow as it was very open. We kind of lined up big trees between us and the bulls, and did a slow crouched walk towards them, every time a bull would glance in our direction we would stop and wait until he relaxed again.
About 400 yards from us was a really large tree, with good shade that help shield us, it was also the target spot where I hoped to reach and look the 3 guys over.
We did reach the shaded spot and sat down. All 3 the bulls were still very relaxed, and seemed to not care about our presence, 180 yards away with a good wind. Not a hard shot for my Hunter and his .300 wildcat.
The Bull in the above Photo stood sideways, quite a bit closer than the further one and was extremely tempting. He was Black, really good horns, but most importantly he stood broadside in the open. .........
What to do.........
Keep going! Put him down and read some books in camp for ten days, or write one yourself!
Exactly right. !
Sorry for the slight delay, I got so exited re-living the hunt that I had to go fetch a cold beer.

On the left was a Younger bull, really really thick horns. He would probably have measured really well, but just did not yet have the Maturity yet.

On the far Right hand side though, was a beast of a bull. Facing dead away from us, and showing some signs of nervousness. Exactly 180 yards away. The stick were already up and ready, with us sitting underneath them.
My Hunter had a bit of time to get his breathing under control after the last Crawl. The last 15 yards or so required a bit of a crawl through the burnt, stubby grass.
I was glassing the Bull, and there was no doubt, I could see the back of his neck, Massive with bulging muscles. His horns were Long, pointy and splayed outwards, yet the ridges started showing wear. It was a matter of time, but I did not want to rush a shot.

After an eternity of about 3 minutes, the bull turned to his left, and exposed his side flank. Perfect for a shot.
I got my hunter up, and slowly on to the shooting sticks. I can remember him settling in and clamping down on the home made tripod with his left hand and the front of the rifle stock.

Seconds later the shot rang out and the Bull Bucked at a perfect shot.
All of them broke to our left and took off with our Bull favouring his left Shoulder and Leg.
Everything looked perfect.
About 100 yards later the Bull stopped and he received a second shot to his shoulder, this was not necessary , but a mad dash got him to his knees in a massive cloud of dust.

At the final moment, a loud roar went up. Our trackers on the car went crazy, they had a perfect birds eye view. It was all Over, my Hunter, whom i've shared many a Hunting camp with, twice in South Africa, Twice in Zimbabwe, once in Burkina Faso, once in Zambia and now in Cameroon got tears in his eyes.
The very first time he attended a SCI convention, he saw a LD Derby Eland full body mount and straight away fell in love with it.
It would tale many years to get to this point.
We slowly approached, at about 20 yards away I stopped and got the tracker and water bearer that now joined us to also stop. Our Hunter approached first, and spend a few quiet moments with his bull, before we joined. He was truly magnificent.

Ill continue with some more photos and updates tomorrow. Hope you have enjoyed so far.
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Ernest, that bull is magnificent. Congratulations to your hunter and yourself.
Jees ernest
Great hunt amd a great bull!!!
Double quick time
It was great speaking with you the other day Ernest, thanks for your time. These Lord Derby's are amazing animals. Unsure I'll be able to resist this temptation. Thanks for posting.
Reading these stories is what makes me want to go to Africa so bad!! Making lifelong memories and making lifelong friends!! I can't wait to read more about this magnificent hunt!!
Great bull and well written hunt report.
Thanks for sharing an incredible hunt report. LDE has to be one of the top game animals on earth and that looks to be as fine a specimen as you’d ever hope to see, let alone shoot. Congrats to all involved.
Wonderful story and what a bull! LDE are so majestic
Congrats and thanks for sharing!

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T/C wrote on Dewald's profile.
Hi Dewald,
I am looking for a copy of Wright's "Shooting the British Double Rifle" (3E).
Please PM me (T/C) if you still have one.
Thank you very much in advance!!!
I am game for a meat and eat. My attempt at humor.
rigby 416 wrote on rifletuner's profile.
Come from cz like that.
John A Flaws wrote on Horbs's profile.
500 schuler magazine.jpg
500 schuler bore.jpg
500 and 425 rifles.jpg
500 and 425 magaizne.jpg