First off a lot of crates are not opened by USFW or USDA just to many of them, I've opened some up that turned into what looked like a fish fly invasion in Michigan in June...Swarmed...
Yours should have because of the cites lechwe. BUT you didn't have any RAW skins so concern was limited....
Johnny blues you stay you never heard of it I've opened a thousand crates this happens all the time , all the time. I get bugs in many many crates 10-20 % 0f them but usually RAW skins are less susesptable to bug damage as they are to low PH heavily salted and dusted with BIG KILLER " Seven" . If they get in eat to usually die' eating it.
10%-20% of all skins from Africa will HAVE BIG ISSUES , We just don't tel you about it and repair and move on.
If we can repair airbrush and get the skin together WE JUST DO IT. Why get you all upset, If its not mountable , in my shop 1% on average, 1 out of 100 skins or capes , except genets and small cats BUGS love them best.... we replace it if we have a stock one that was given to us by a client not mounting the trophy and keep on hand just for this kinda crap.
Tanned capes from AFRICA ARE big no-no.... Pieces of flesh although tanned and grease unless it's degreased PROPERLY still remain on the skin around the eyes and nose and ears and the PH is higher. This and improper tanning and leaving the protein capsule at the end of each hair follicle on badly tanned skins done with third world tanning chemicals IS A BANQUET for BUGS. They eat the microscope protein sack and cut the hair follicle at the skin line and move to the next one....
This lets you all know tanning is no guarantee of no bug problems , even after mounting, Dermacid beetles are everywhere in nature and if you have a dog cat to carry one in or open any windows and a torn screen in your home at any time they CAN get in and eat your mounts and skins. After TANNING and MOUNTING.
Feel bad for you and I wonder if you were talked into getting them tanned their to save freight and dip pack costs?
TANNING IN AFRICA in my opinion is inferior to what is done in the states. The Chemicals are of less quality and production of these IS vital to finished quality. Some can argue but I've been in this business full time as my only living for over 39 years and 10 years before that I did it part time and was in high school.
MY OPINON, and it's MY OPINION... NEVER DEAL with a taxidermy company in africa for DIP PACK IF you can ! USE A DIP PACK ONOY COMPANY, there is no conflict of interest......
Those dip pack skins are not being mounted by them so in my opinion they don't care as much
There used to a BIG DIP PACK Company in Africa that ONLY did Dip pack, now he's into taxidermy and guess what
In the last year now 50% of his stuff comes on with bugs and or Bug Damage. NEVER did in the 15 years I had dealt with him.
If you had Insurance you have a chance at something if its covered.
Replacement hides, from anyone of Africa is a far stretch. SO many fees to pay to government for trophy fee and documentation export fees and then you have an Issue with a cites, Your Lechwe if cites was only importable with that permit, You would have to get another to import another lechwe IF it is cites.
Don't take them to a taxidermist yet , your crate is a business KILLER for them, Keep it away. Don't infest their studio...Get 6 to 9 bug bombs Immediatly from hardwde store ORANGE one set them off in the crate seal it up and let them smoke it out. Now you juts killed the adults in a few days guess what the larvea hatch you have to do it again before they breed. The will be inside the horns and MOST LIKELY is where they CAME FROM, still have boiled meat an tissue in them. You got more problems not, you have to BOIL them all and them get some 2 part epoxy of 2 part foam into the horns that don't come off because f=of the curve in them.
Wonderful life being a taxidermist. I do this all time and that is why I RECOMMEND certain companied and NOT others. I get tired of saving someone stuff that I had no part of screwing up and do it without question and or comment to my clients except for " its got bug issues, I got this covered " and then save their stuff....
YOUR BEST COURSE of action get PH and Dip packer / taxidermist to buy new tanned capes here in the US, may cost them a few thousand but cheaper than them trying to re tan and get ones here from there. I don't see it happen much at all. I have lots of capes, A LOT of them.