Hi Guys
If I may.
As much as it hurts get in to the habit of slamming your bolt back against the bolt stop and then slamming it forward repeat this until muscle memory takes over.(Espesialy with your BIG game rifle remember most if not all are built on LONG actions) But also do this with your light rifles this will help to prevent you locking up your rifle by short stroking.
Get OUT of the habit of picking up your empties until LONG after the range session.(You may loose a few cases but it will pay in the long run)
Short stroking and taking your eyes of the game to look for empties (and believe you me I have seen this happen many many times) are two of the best ways I know of getting badly hurt
Having a Buff or an angry cat stropping there Horns or claws in me is not my idea of fun.
Keep safe guys and ENJOY
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