I have hunted a lot of Buff cows with a bow and the one thing I learned fast was that a cow is as hard as any bull and twice as cheeky.
Either sex charges, you had best be up a tree with your bow.

I have hunted a lot of Buff cows with a bow and the one thing I learned fast was that a cow is as hard as any bull and twice as cheeky.
I have hunted a lot of Buff cows with a bow and the one thing I learned fast was that a cow is as hard as any bull and twice as cheeky. They are all like a pissed-off alley cat that got showered with a hose pipe and lost his rat.
Never take them for granted. They charge just like any bull and they keep grudges. They also tend to do it all in packs so watch o
I never change from a heavier setup for a bull to a lighter setup for a cow. The heavy combination works every time.