Allow me to clarify things in Botswana. The officials has merely underlined what is already in place. All hunting on public land is effectively stopped...not even the San people is allowed to hunt.
Hunting on private game farms is still allowed. It is also allowed for farmers to shoot problem animals as lion and elephant that kill livestock and/or brake down fences ..
I shot 2 problem elephants on such a farm in june. It was hazzle-free to bring in guns if all the paperwork was rightely done..
Elephant population is totally out of control in Bots...with ele migrating into areas in the Kalahari that has not seen them before...the number on ele is believed to be approx. 200.000..
It is clear that the positive attitude that prevailed towards ele by farmers is more or less gone. The animals brake down fences every night and makes it neccesary to keep permanent crews to mend them, both on cattle and gamefarms..
If hunting + culling is not done I predict poaching to soare, destruction of top soil layers, destruction of flora by ele to the point of making problems for other plant eaters, etc etc.
This is pure madness by Ian Khama and his government..!