As always the Ruger No.1 is a very polarizing topic and rifle.
If you think a Ruger #1 is a choice but get one and fire some factory full power loads to experience the recoil.
I really like Ruger #1's and have owned 4 over past several years, 30-06, .35 Whelen, 450-400 Nitro, 416 Remington Mag.
Above .375 H&H, the recoil was enough to slow down my ability to reload quickly.
That 450-400 Nitro was the most beautiful and finely fitted #1 I owned, but just kicked the hell out of me, as I was not able to rapidly reload and fire the critical accurate second shot, with factory 400 grain loads. It was more manageable with my 300 grain loads, but I wanted it to be a good companion rifle with my double 450-400,
The Ruger #1 .400 Jeffery just didn't work for me, and I sold it to someone better able to use it.
My preferred big bore I can use is an Interarms Whitworth .458 Win Mag, it fits me well, and I can deliver 3 shots proficiently. Fit and balance are paramount.
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Just buy a bolt 458 (suggest the Winchester Model 70, or a Dakota/Parkwest), as well as a Ruger #1 shoot the hell out of them, and decide which is best for you.