one day,
what do you think about the aiming point at the head?
My PH (15-20 Ele per year) would say too low.
So many elephants so many opinions apparently.
A PH from HHK (biggest outfitter in Zimbabwe) told me at the campfire in Save that they no longer allow head shots from clients, as 90% of these elephants are not found if they miss.
In the region where I was recently in South Africa, headshots are mandatory as the first shot.
Well... maybe... I think that
VertigoBE is pretty much on it.
The darker color at the top of the ear slit makes it look like the ear hole is higher, but if you look at the zygomatic arch, the shot is pretty much in line. I might shoot (blue dot) a little forward of the
Perfect Shoot II recommended red dot, and a bit higher, but not by much.
I am reminded of the old say for elephant brain shots: "when in doubt, shoot low!".
For that matter, my body shot (green dot) would also be just a little different from the suggested shot (red dot), assuming a perfect broadside with no angling.
As to body shot vs. brain shot, I am on record on for recommending unconditionally and repetitively the behind-the-shoulder double lung & heart shot on elephant for most clients, especially the novices, which we almost all are, as darn few of us nowadays have more than a couple elephants experience...
A lot of hype is placed on blogs and in videos on the brain shot, and it is misguiding clients to believe that somehow "real men" only take brain shots. This is not only ridiculous, but really not helping folks on their first elephant hunt...
And yes, .375 will do (I have done it!), and the various .40+ will do a bit better, but I too believe that elephant is .45+ territory, including in case one would hit the humerus accidentally (and certainly not purposefully as was suggested).
My own elephant medecine: R8 Pro steel insert stock with .458 Lott Selous barrel and Leica 1-6x24 scope. Works quite well too on Impala for the pot out to 200+ yards. And no, this is not an also-ran because I could not afford a double. I actually sold my Krieghoff .470 double after switching repetitively to my "backup" R8 on DG hunts.
Of course, the bigger you go, the more leeway you have -- assuming you can still shoot the rifle accurately -- and the .500 Schuler (dubbed Jeffery by the British) or .505 Gibbs will easily shatter ANY bone up to and probably including Tyrannosaurus Rex , but my own recoil tolerance threshold is with the .458 Lott, which I can still shoot accurately enough from the sticks, to make it count.
3 rounds of .458 Lott 500 gr TSX or Banded Solid (they shoot to the same point in my barrel) from my R8 off the sticks @ 100 yards.