CB Finance debate, Egg Recipes, etc.


AH veteran
Aug 28, 2012
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Actually, and not trying to be a wise-ass here, I would like to know how he paid for 100 plus African Safaris on a writers salary since I remember reading him say that he never took a free hunt.

He has to have several million invested in Africa alone.
No reply on my question??

Is the question : how would I, a man of modest means, hunt like Mr. Boddington? What financial strategies do you have to share?

Or is it: I want to know your personal financial information?

The latter does not deserve an acknowledgment in my view.
Is the question : how would I, a man of modest means, hunt like Mr. Boddington? What financial strategies do you have to share?

Or is it: I want to know your personal financial information?

The latter does not deserve an acknowledgment in my view.
I agree with Pheroze. If someone asked me that, I believe I would tell them by working my ass off for the last 35 years, sometimes 2 and 3 jobs at a time. I would also tell them to get a life of their own and quit poking their beak into my personal business. The reciprocal question could be asked in return of some, not all, of the folks who might ask that question. How is it that you have been unable to afford to go on a bunch of your own trips to Africa? Are you just a poor financial planner? Do you blow your money on stupid stuff? Is setting money aside for trips just not a big enough priority for you? Do you have a trophy wife that buys too many shoes?
I get the thought behind the question. And if someone (anyone) made the claim of having paid for every trip and then an outfitter came out and said, no I donated that trip for free in order to get the publicity, then I would agree whole heartedly. No one should get a pass on misrepresentations or false advertising. Without evidence of such a thing, it seems like a fishing expedition with a motive to go on a witch hunt.
There’s also the question of discounts. How many of us have received discounts or free travel days from an outfitter? How about free animals? I’m no celeb and I’ve only been to Africa twice, but I have received all of the above. I have been grateful to the outfitter and I have said nice things about the outfit I have gone with. Because they have deserved it.
Just my two bits and not trying to start a fight. Just some things to consider...
No reply on my question??

If you had read the thread, then you would know that your question was two days after the live answer session and it will be saved for the next one. I'm sure Craig will answer it then, though if he does, he has a higher tolerance for the rather rude and insulting phrasing of your question than I would.

Frankly, I find this follow up reply barely a day and a half after the first extremely disrespectful of both Craig and the other posters who posted questions and waited patiently.
Is the question : how would I, a man of modest means, hunt like Mr. Boddington? What financial strategies do you have to share?

Or is it: I want to know your personal financial information?

The latter does not deserve an acknowledgment in my view.

I don't think that the original poster was necessarily looking to the answer to either of those questions. But rather are all of the safaris that Mr. Boddington has been on, paid out of his own pocket, or through other means- i.e. did the owners of a magazine he was writing an article for pay for that particular hunt, or the production company of the t.v. series that a particular hunt was filmed for etc.... or as I would assume some combination of the above.
I agree with Pheroze. If someone asked me that, I believe I would tell them by working my ass off for the last 35 years, sometimes 2 and 3 jobs at a time. I would also tell them to get a life of their own and quit poking their beak into my personal business. The reciprocal question could be asked in return of some, not all, of the folks who might ask that question. How is it that you have been unable to afford to go on a bunch of your own trips to Africa? Are you just a poor financial planner? Do you blow your money on stupid stuff? Is setting money aside for trips just not a big enough priority for you? Do you have a trophy wife that buys too many shoes?
I get the thought behind the question. And if someone (anyone) made the claim of having paid for every trip and then an outfitter came out and said, no I donated that trip for free in order to get the publicity, then I would agree whole heartedly. No one should get a pass on misrepresentations or false advertising. Without evidence of such a thing, it seems like a fishing expedition with a motive to go on a witch hunt.
There’s also the question of discounts. How many of us have received discounts or free travel days from an outfitter? How about free animals? I’m no celeb and I’ve only been to Africa twice, but I have received all of the above. I have been grateful to the outfitter and I have said nice things about the outfit I have gone with. Because they have deserved it.
Just my two bits and not trying to start a fight. Just some things to consider...

I think it's a very good question, in light of the fact that Boddington filed Chapter 7 bankruptcy, not paying his creditors, but continues to hunt all over the world.
Well I guess that I would like to know how a man on a writers salery would be able to, on his own dime, afford a few million in safaris. I always assumed that PH’s let him hunt for free for the publicity until the General himself said that he never took a free hunt.

Since some of you mentioned it, his financial history does open a can of worms so might as well address it. He did file for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy and several of his investors lost allot of money. On another site, a reputed friend and investor lent him several hundred thousand dollars just before he officially filed, and this investor lost his money. Shortly thereafter, Boddington hunted a Markhor in Pakistan $100,000 plus.

Also when his daughter shot her Tracker during a leopard hunt he solicited the hunting public for donations for medical bills.
He was also selling his used T Shirts as well:(

I do respect Boddingtons accomplishments but the above leaves a bad taste in my mouth and tells me that he isn’t the “Awe Shucks” farm boy that we think he is.

Hero Worship aside I think we should all see the big picture
Well I guess that I would like to know how a man on a writers salery would be able to, on his own dime, afford a few million in safaris. I always assumed that PH’s let him hunt for free for the publicity until the General himself said that he never took a free hunt.

Since some of you mentioned it, his financial history does open a can of worms so might as well address it. He did file for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy and several of his investors lost allot of money. On another site, a reputed friend and investor lent him several hundred thousand dollars just before he officially filed, and this investor lost his money. Shortly thereafter, Boddington hunted a Markhor in Pakistan $100,000 plus.

Also when his daughter shot her Tracker during a leopard hunt he solicited the hunting public for donations for medical bills.
He was also selling his used T Shirts as well:(

I do respect Boddingtons accomplishments but the above leaves a bad taste in my mouth and tells me that he isn’t the “Awe Shucks” farm boy that we think he is.

Hero Worship aside I think we should all see the big picture
Well, that one is finally out of the bag. Several of us have been aware of this, and know claimants.
Actually, and not trying to be a wise-ass here, I would like to know how he paid for 100 plus African Safaris on a writers salary since I remember reading him say that he never took a free hunt.

He has to have several million invested in Africa alone.

No reply on my question??

It was quite evident from your first 2 posts (above) that you had something to say. You just didn't want to come right out and say it. Now you have. Thank you for elaborating. That was the main reason for my post above. You had an assertion to make, but weren't willing to come right out and say what you mean. My tolerance for gamesmanship runs a little on the short side...
It was quite evident from your first 2 posts (above) that you had something to say. You just didn't want to come right out and say it. Now you have. Thank you for elaborating. That was the main reason for my post above. You had an assertion to make, but weren't willing to come right out and say what you mean. My tolerance for gamesmanship runs a little on the short side...

Ida, you have the right to your opinion on what my intention was but be that as it may, do Boddingtons character issues change the way you feel about him as a man? He is a public figure who does represent our sport for one and he makes his living off of us as well.
He’s done some pretty shady things in his life and when I learned of all of this it changed the way I feel about him as a man.

You can Hero Worship him all you want but it doesn’t change who he is.

Would you take him as a business partner?
Well the kitty is out and about.

First, from looking at Safari Ed web site, it looks like a licensing deal to me. Are the courses of interest to me - no. To someone else, who knows.

Second, it's a free country for a man or woman to earn a living any lawful way.

However, given his personal Chapter 7 bankruptcy and then going on an expensive Markhor hunt (one of the most, if not the most expensive hunts) and claim you have never taken a "free hunt", I can see how some folks would be upset considering all the debt he wiped out. Particularly, someone with their alleged household income . I know that's a hunt that I would never be going on out of my own pocket, unless I win the lottery.

And then the story of his promotion to "Brig General".
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You can Hero Worship him all you want but it doesn’t change who he is.
Thanks for making this comment. I can see why you might perceive my comments as "Hero Worship" because if you interpret my previous posts as defending CB, then I guess that is how it would seem. Because it is difficult at times with written words to get the right "flavor" of the remark, let me add for clarity's sake, I am not being sarcastic, glib or flippant. I'm glad to have the opportunity to clarify my thoughts.
The extent of my familiarity with Boddington is having read a few of his articles. I've never purchased any of his books, videos or T-Shirts. I've never spoken to him or seen him speak. I'm not a "fan" of CB.
I don't KNOW what the truth of any of these allegations is. If they are true and accurate then I have no sympathy for any repercussions he suffers. But I also know that the internet is simply the court of public opinion. Justice rarely reigns supreme. So until the facts are in, I try to give folks at least some benefit of the doubt.
My issue was, it seemed you had a point you wanted to make and were chomping at the bit to make it, but were not willing to come right out and say it. Rather, ask a leading question that is somewhat subtly damning and then subsequently post what is in effect an accusation of avoiding the question. If you're going to make an accusation of the magnitude you ultimately have, I would hope you'd just come right out and speak your piece, rather than asking a loaded question which intimated that he's a liar and a fraud. That is what I took issue with. That compounded with the fact that you have been a member here since 2012 and had only 6 posts to your name causes me to question your motive and agenda. I hate to see AH being used as a platform for character assassination. Does CB deserve it? Hell, I don't know. Maybe he does. Maybe he doesn't.
You made the comment, "it doesn't change who he is". OK, who is he? It sounds like you must know him quite well because you've obviously formed quite a firm opinion regarding the matter. I don't know the guy from Adam, so I guess I will with hold some judgment until I am confident I "know who he is".
Ida, run on over to the other forum and look around for their comments. You'll see "who he is" rather quickly.

Love your avatar pic BTW.
Ida, run on over to the other forum and look around for their comments. You'll see "who he is" rather quickly.

Love your avatar pic BTW.
Roger that. I have seen some of the stuff posted here and there, but much of the time it is simply opinion. And some opinion stated as fact. However, I will make a point of becoming more informed on the matter.
Mostly interested to hear from Supercat "who CB is". Maybe he is someone who has had first hand dealings with CB and would like to enlighten us of his experiences.

And thank you! An animal with very special meaning to me :)
Great Post Ida and I understand where you are coming from....yes I did ask a loaded question when I should have come right out with what I wanted to say.

That said I will say that I am not out to assassinate CB's character and furthermore I don't know him personally nor did I ever meet him. And true again, I don't post much but I do check in here everyday to catch news and hunts for sale....everyone is different.

FWIW: it wouldn't bother me at all if CB got every single one of his hunts for free....if he did I say good for him. That's the industry he's in and that's how any business works, you wash my hands I wash yours.....just don't lie to a guy like me who breaks his balls working 7 days a week to pay for a hunt, and tell me that you pay for all of your hunts as well....when you don't. Pretty disingenuous and insulting actually. Then to find out that this same guy filed for Bankruptcy and screwed his investors, some of whom were his friends...well that doesn't sit too well with me either. To me, all together, this tells me all I need to know about the man's character and deep down, what kind of person he is. It appears that he isn't the salt of the earth farm boy from Kansas that he leads us to believe.

How would any of you like to be one of his investors?? Would you trust such a person with YOUR money?? I sure as hell wouldn't.

FWIW: I did see his Bankruptcy affidavit a while ago when it was floating around, and a hunting-lawyer I know told me that it was authentic.

On a personal note, when I read his humble request for donations for the tracker that his daughter SHOT on a Leopard hunt, I sent him a check for $100 along with a nice note for his daughter to help her through her ordeal. Now I am not a wealthy man and $100 might not seem like allot of money to some but it is allot to me. And YES, not long after my donation I read that he went on a $100,000!! hunt for Markhor in Pakistan!! Would that sit well with you guys because it didn't sit well with me....pretty slimey and low of him if you ask me!
Pay for my daughters mistake so I can continue hunting.

Again I have no first hand knowledge of his business issues or ethics but I have read and heard enough from people that know him and are aware of his ethics that I can say "where there's smoke there's fire."

Just because he was nice to you when you met him or when he was signing a book for you that you bought from him doesn't mean that he is genuine.

At least tell him to give me my 100 bucks back.
Ida, run on over to the other forum and look around for their comments. You'll see "who he is" rather quickly.

Love your avatar pic BTW.

Hey Tex, instead of getting all bent out of shape about what I wrote why don't you search the net a bit and read about the shenanigans your hero has been up to?
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wow this is getting ugly pretty quick.

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Brian wrote on Skshyk's profile.
Thank for the laughing post! You have a keen sense of humour. I am usually able to just ignore those geniuses but this time I could not get past it. chuckle, Brian
Longfeather1 wrote on Cmwkwarrwn's profile.
Hello Clark
Thanks for the interest in my rifle. If you want to discuss it further you can email me direct at [redacted] or call my cell number [redacted].
Look forward to talking with you.
Jack Kramer
quacker attacker wrote on JMV375's profile.
Hello, My wife and I hunted with Marius 2 years ago. He fit us into his schedule after a different outfitter "bailed" on us. He was always very good with communications and although we didn't end up meeting him personally, he called us multiple times during our hunt to make sure things were going well. We were very happy with him.