Interesting thread... I was commenting on this very thing to Jerome about a week before this was posted..... For me, the blurred or symbol covered faces remind me of the cards that get handed out on the Strip in Vegas by who I am certain are legal immigrants just trying to make a living...
Blurring/blocking faces sends the wrong message in my humble opinion....
Still, I can completely empathize with those folks who fear repercussions from employers, clients, customers, etc., that would take more than offense by attempting to affect the very livelihood of those who post or display their trophy pictures. It is a sad statement on the drastic cultural shift this country seems to have taken to the far left of PC. It sickens me personally that there are so many folks out there that have to cower to these types out of fear of such reactions. I guess I am lucky in that respect because my clients are hunters and fisherman.
My wife and I always have, and will continue to be proud of the hunting and fishing lifestyle that we live. We have lots of hunting friends, some non-hunting friends, but we don't have any anti-hunting, sandal wearing, smart-car driving, bunny hugging, kale eating vegetarian friends... Why would we? What would we possibly have in common?
And, although I'm sure that there are some on here that would appreciate it if I blurred my face, it's never going to happen on our photos.... As far as outfitters' posting client photos, they should obviously only post photos with the clients' consent, and they should post them proudly. Otherwise, don't post them at all....