jacques smith
AH elite
Take money and shoot both. No money shoot the black
This is a very thoughtful response. Thank you.I think this is something only you can answer because you are the only one who is going to be looking at on the wall every day.
Personally I value mount appearance over the experience factor because most people are going to hunt Africa once, maybe twice...or even more likely - never. I'd rather look at a handful of mounts that's regal, elegant, etc - not "yeah it's ugly, but I had fun". I can see the opposite argument though.
So I'd get on the Googles and image "euro wildebeest" and run through a bunch of examples (different plaques, how it blends in with the rest of room, etc). Since you are looking to hunt impala and zebra, pay extra attention to how the euros look with those shoulder mounts / rugs.
For the record, I would vote Blue but only because you said euro mount.
I would urge you to really prioritize because you may only go one time. That might mean no wildebeest
That is a great trophy. Congratulations!Having taken both wildebeest I would hands down go with the black. For me I found them much more challenging. Their antics need to be seen in person. Took this boy with KMG safaris this past August.
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