I didn't shoot any Woodys in my guns, shooting mostly factory or Triple Shocks and some old RWS bullets I found on line. By far the best shooting in the CZ or this Ruger Custom No. 1 has been with the Barnes and IMR 4064 and 4320. This is only limited testing but showing well in two very different guns I think it will bear out. In the Ruger/Krieger barrel, 72-74 grs by half grs increments produced 4 shot groups from one half inch to just under an inch at 100 yds. Best shooting in the CZ was with 4064, using 72grs for a chronographed 2200fps - 4300 ft/lbs. of ME. I did not yet chrono the 4320 loads but there is scant difference between these two powders, the 4320 being just a tad slower on the chart, but they are very similar in performance. I cant speak of your gun, but in almost every instance that I have tried Triple Shocks, they shot at least as good or better than any other bullet. I have also used them as "last resort" bullets, in that if a gun wont shoot Triple Shocks, it goes down the road. I don't get too exited about how far off the lands they seat per the instructions either, I seat to the cannelure and shoot them into itty bitty groups. I was about to give up on my dads old .284 Win, but when I tried the Barnes, it just came back to life and we took it to RSA and my boy used it well even on wildebeest.