Tundra Tiger
AH legend
Mine is a Plano. At 20 pounds it really doesn't buy you a whole lot light I guess. It is well under the 60", and when I pack clothes in addition to my rifles, it's up just a tick over 40 pounds. It's been to Africa twice and on 2 in-state hunts. I like it a lot thus far and it has proven durable. I got mine on sale on Amazon for a bit less than a Benjamin.
I like the idea of a single gun to Africa, but I doubt that's going to happen anytime soon. Both of my trips involved buffalo, hence 2 guns. I hope for future trips to involve at least one of my kids, so still at 2 even without a buffalo.
I like the idea of a single gun to Africa, but I doubt that's going to happen anytime soon. Both of my trips involved buffalo, hence 2 guns. I hope for future trips to involve at least one of my kids, so still at 2 even without a buffalo.