With absolute respect, animals with ear tags??? Animal a no shoot because they are saved for someone else??? Animals sold by the inch??? Why play that game?
I get it that there is a broad spectrum of hunters some with physical limitations, that may need to attend a more ‘intensive’ operation but this thing ain’t for me. I want that ‘what’s around the corner’ or ‘is today the day’ feeling as I kit up in the morning.
A perfect example is the 60 inch kudu posted on this forum by Kowas, a real trophy, hunted free range, I would bet that the client had no idea what was around the corner that day. That is hunting at its core.
Unless you really have to, why not look to the wilderness option, get away from the fences and the controlled environment, the ‘problem’ cage bred lion that is killing the neighbours cattle, the 50 inch buff that thinks when you walk up to it it is time for a scratch, you get the picture.....
Namibia, Zim, Moz, Zambia all offer the real open places with free range and a touch of excitement, SA has some great areas too but do the research.
Given the cost of a trip to Africa, the trophy fees etc why pay to experience an artificial safari?
My 2 cents
Cheers Stu