BSO Dave
AH elite
I admire your willingness to attempt to educate these idiots. I quit trying long ago.It is almost always a useless exercise because they are too ignorant to even feel uncomfortable by their parasitic existence.
I admire your willingness to attempt to educate these idiots. I quit trying long ago.It is almost always a useless exercise because they are too ignorant to even feel uncomfortable by their parasitic existence.
People like your niece are the true enemy's to our way of life....these entitled, coddled, privileged, liberals are the ones causing the changes occurring in the world. Left to their own devices, our native "indigenous" ghetto dwellers will keep killing each other just like they do every single day in every 'hood in the USA.I am ever further stunned by the sheer ignorance of history repeatedly displayed by the cloyingly virtuous left. My great niece (by marriage!) is one of these young woke teachers who throws around words like "justice" and "colonialism" like they mean something to her. She knows no history (or economics for that matter). She has never traveled anywhere and so has no idea what the vast majority of the planet is actually like.
I once asked her if the indigenous peoples of Britain deserved reparation's and if so, from whom. She was too ignorant of the history of the British Ilse's (or Europe itself) to even understand the point I was making. I appalled her recently by stating that were I a black American, I would have prayed my great great great grandfather would have stowed away on a slave ship had he not been brought here forcibly. I am pretty sure most black Americans would eventually agree should we drop them into the burbs of Beira, Mozambique for a few weeks.
We periodically have a few protestors on our town square demanding the removal of the "traitor's" statue in front of the courthouse. They are usually earnest looking middle age women occasionally accompanied by their metro-looking husbands. I usually will speak with them - pointing out my military service, my father's, and grandfather's in the two World Wars, and the service of my great great uncle at Cold Harbor and Petersburg, and another who fell leading a Brigade at Gettysburg - both of whom served in the Army of Northern Virginia. I site my pride in all of them, and ask what they have done for their country that entitles them to attempt to erase part of my history.
It is almost always a useless exercise because they are too ignorant to even feel uncomfortable by their parasitic existence.
Exactly!! He’s an Uncle Tom/sellout to most blacksThe fact that the name Al Sharpton is well known and the name Thomas Sowell is not speaks volumes.
He’s only been saying it for 50 years, libs haven’t had enough time to understand him yet.Exactly!! He’s an Uncle Tom/sellout to most blacks
He’s incredible, and if people followed his advice black culture would be in a much better place
I think they are choosing denial. Think about what is the easiest. To follow the narratives of a party that offers you victimhood status and hand-outs, or the teachings of a small handful of individuals who challenge you to believe that we as individuals must take responsibility for ourselves and can determine our own fates?He’s only been saying it for 50 years, libs haven’t had enough time to understand him yet.
All men are created equal. What happens after that is entirely up to the individual.I think they are choosing denial. Think about what is the easiest. To follow the narratives of a party that offers you victimhood status and hand-outs, or the teachings of a small handful of individuals who challenge you to believe that we as individuals must take responsibility for ourselves and can determine our own fates?
I demand all manner of compensation from the assorted genetic descendants of The Ones Who Live Over There for murdering my ancestors circa 8 Million BCE.
Wonder if the Zulu...ndebele....and other similar war like tribes will have to pay compensation to the descendants of the tribes they conquered, slaughtered ,enslaved and robbed...while they were on the rampage?
This thread comes in a different form, on always the same subject.
History. And how it reflects today. In africa, is relations between black and white population.
Confiscation of white property, land reforms, another example.
I spoke with my PH about this.
He said, the curse of white man is written history, it comes back as boomerang.
Come to think of it, where history is not written, atrocities are forgotten. What was happening in Africa before white men came, we know only little.