The rifle that I rent out to my guests for Cape Buffalo is CZ .375H&H. Unless requested something else, they are loaded with 200gr GS Custom running in the region of 3200fps. Out of the last 4 Buffalo taken with this rifle, 7 shots were taken, with 4 complete pass through. The extra shots were insurance shots. I recovered about 2 of them. One of the projectiles measured 100% weight retention.
On the 130gr GSC out of the .308Win, depending on the distance, the bullets do throw their petals away, which I'm on the fence whether its a good or bad thing. I suppose without the petals, it plays a factor in the penetration. I am yet to weigh them after this, but believe it will be around 85% weight retention.
This one hit a tree on the way to the buff and continued in a straight line:
Nice to see real world experiences. Shedding petals is a bit concerning though, particularly when driven at only 2900.
Top view:
Projectile obviously obviously going ass over end....
End Result: