Barnes .404 Jeffrey 400 Grain Tsx Velocity


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Feb 20, 2020
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US, Namibia, South Africa, Greenland
I am heading to Limpopo in May for buffalo, and would like to load the .404 Jeff, 400 grain TSX. What velocity will give me optimal bullet performance?
I have no idea, but that's the right question to ask.
Had mine loaded at 2150 FPS two years ago.
OK, can I ask you guys who have actually shot a buffalo with this bullet to comment on bullet performance? I’m interested in range of the shot, response of the animal to the shot, as well as penetration/expansion details.
OK, can I ask you guys who have actually shot a buffalo with this bullet to comment on bullet performance? I’m interested in range of the shot, response of the animal to the shot, as well as penetration/expansion details.
While I have not used the 404 400gr TSX bullet on buffalo, I have used the 375 300gr TSX on 4 buffalo. In my experience when I was running them at 2450 fps when I hunted Australia water buffalo, they killed very well. However on some of the shots that weren't within 50 yards or less, I noticed the bullets didn't expand nearly as well. So by that, I would say to keep your muzzle velocity up as high as you can stand it, or just use a Swift AF.
I used Swift in my 416 RM on the one buffalo I shot with it and the results were perfect.
90 yards, head on shot, center of chest. Buff immediately dropped, got up, turned 180 , ran 30 yards and rolled over dead. Bullet came to rest in stomach full of fresh eaten grass.

Barnes TXS on Buffalo.jpg
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Good stuff, thanks.
Great bullet for Cape Buffalo. I run mine at 2350 in the .404. Shot my last Buffalo with it and bullet preformed flawlessly. Shot was shoulder at 35 yards.
I am heading to Limpopo in May for buffalo, and would like to load the .404 Jeff, 400 grain TSX. What velocity will give me optimal bullet performance?
82 grains RL17 at 2325 FPS. Shot was quartering towards 75 yards. Spinal shot to cervical/thoracic junction. Dropped to shot. 8 inches of vertebral bone destroyed. Insurance paid with Barnes solid 75 grains RL17 same velocity/point of impact.
Good afternoon all, not trying to hijack the OP’s thread but it’s the same topic. I am headed back to Limpopo for 3 buff and some PG and plan on using my 404J with 400 gr TSX. I have a copy of African Dangerous Game Cartridges by Pierre van der Walt and he shows quite a few different powders for 400 grain bullets. Could anyone share the powders you used with the TSX? I realize every rifle is different - plan on starting low and working up but would appreciate any proven load info.
thank you
My son hand loaded mine. 400 Gr TSX, 72 gr IMR 4064, Primer CCI 250, COL 3.50, Hornady brass, 2150 FPS.
Thank you sierraone - I’m trying to find different loads to make the powder I have work. Thankfully I have a few different types and some primers
I used them on a few buffalo. The TSX in my 404 didn't expand uniformly or well. This is quite different from my experiences with TSX in all other calibers I have used. Don't remember the velocity for sure but around 2200fps if I recall correctly. I'd load them faster if I wanted to use them again or switch to another bullet if I wanted that velocity.

That said, suboptimal expansion notwithstanding, they did work extremely well on the plains game I shot with it.
Thanks Bert, that’s not the feedback I was hoping to receive but if it happened then it’s good to know about. This will be the first trip with the 404 and my PH said he prefer I shoot TSX. I have woodleigh, TSX or A-Frames. Thankfully I stocked up a while back when they were still available.
the bullets were about 2012 vintage. Maybe an off batch or maybe velocity too low. Don't know. If your PH has a preference for them, perhaps he has more recent experience and some good advice. I would check to ensure he is specifically familiar with them in 404. They are a generally great bullet, but just didn't perform as expected for me in my 404
I’ve used them in several calibers as well with great success. That’s very weird with the 404. Whitetail season is pretty soon, maybe I can get two to line up end-to-end perfectly and see how the 404 expands
My load 2340fps with 81.5 viht 550 fed 215 primer Barnes 400tsx
Sight in at 100 7.5” low at 200yds
Perfect expansion at 200 cape eland both shoulders recovered under hide off side Cape buffalo at 30 broadside both lungs not recovered second running shot neck/spine where it dips into chest at 25 down for keeps one petal sheared off on vertebrae recovered with bullet 4” of bone destroyed.
@nomspc - how did the buff hunt go? Did the Barnes work well for you? I’m loading some 404J this weekend for my hunt in March - need to decide soon if I will be taking Barnes, woodleigh or swift aframes

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Longfeather1 wrote on Cmwkwarrwn's profile.
Hello Clark
Thanks for the interest in my rifle. If you want to discuss it further you can email me direct at [redacted] or call my cell number [redacted].
Look forward to talking with you.
Jack Kramer
quacker attacker wrote on JMV375's profile.
Hello, My wife and I hunted with Marius 2 years ago. He fit us into his schedule after a different outfitter "bailed" on us. He was always very good with communications and although we didn't end up meeting him personally, he called us multiple times during our hunt to make sure things were going well. We were very happy with him.
TERMINATOR wrote on Cuthberto's profile.
Reach out to the guys at Epic Outdoors.

They will steer you right for landowner tags and outfitters that have them.

I have held a membership with them for years and they are an invaluable resource.

Way better that asking random people on the internet...WAY better

Raskolnikov743 wrote on skydiver386's profile.

Did you ever find your 30-06 CZ550? I own a fairly solid conditioned one, if you wanted to talk.
