Back in the UK press, an article of fiction featuring yours truly......

That headline describes a life well lived. I hope nothing negative for your personal life or career comes from this gotcha journalism garbage.
I have had something like this happen before. I shared a trophy picture to a hunting magazines Facebook page. A UK anti hunting Facebook group called " hunt the hunters" found the picture and started harassing me big time. Death threats and so on. I shared what was going on with Facebook and they did nothing. I then shared the Facebook page to a heavily right wing gun forum and they went to town on their Facebook page. We got it shut down shortly after.

I hope nothing negative happens to you due to this ridiculous piece of jibber jabber
I have had something like this happen before. I shared a trophy picture to a hunting magazines Facebook page. A UK anti hunting Facebook group called " hunt the hunters" found the picture and started harassing me big time. Death threats and so on. I shared what was going on with Facebook and they did nothing. I then shared the Facebook page to a heavily right wing gun forum and they went to town on their Facebook page. We got it shut down shortly after.

I hope nothing negative happens to you due to this ridiculous piece of jibber jabber
Those outfits are real brave--anonymously from some web page. When confronted with consequences they are not so tough. Facts and science really baffles them. Goes against their emotional drivel.
*does the looks-over-glasses-with-eyebrows-raised thing a la Albus Dumbledore at one of the comments*
Oh this looks good...

Apparently, Adrian, "You reap what you sow", you've "shortened the Lord's arm", and... uh... You're gonna get what's coming to you. Ahem. One moment...

I presume from the comment that they're Christian. Right. Let's see what this book says.

Genesis 1:26: and [God] said, Make we man to our image and likeness, and be he sovereign to the fishes of the sea, and to the volatiles of the heaven, and to the unreasonable beasts of the earth, and to each creature, and to each creeping beast, which is moved in the earth.

Genesis 9:1-4: And God blessed Noe and his sons, and said to them, Increase ye, and be ye multiplied, and fill ye the earth; and your dread and trembling be on all the unreasonable beasts of the earth, and on all the birds of the heavens, with all things that be moved in the earth; all the fishes of the sea be given into your hand. And all thing which is moved and liveth shall be to you into meat; now I have given to you all things, as I gave the green worts before, except that ye shall not eat flesh with the blood

So... if it's quite plainly spelled out right there and has been in coherent English for, oh, at least 700 years, apparently people still have considerable issues with reading comprehension. 'Cause unless you just gnaw on the animal without having killed it first (hence "ye shall not eat flesh with the blood"), there's no "what's coming to you" from the Lord re: hunting animals. Nor have you gone a-shortening any arms, seeing as that's not remotely applicable to the situation (or the relevant passage in Isaiah), as hunting is patently not a sin and is endorsed by the Lord. Oh and Galatians doesn't mention hunting as part of the naughty things that result in corruption re: reaping/sowing. So that part of their argument's just them sounding high and mighty, or trying to.

What a fun way to wake up in the morning, pointing and laughing at sanctimonious twits. Anyone wanna use this as the basis for a rebuttal in that guttertrash comment section, do feel free.

He was a mighty hunter before the Lord. Therefore it is said, “Like Nimrod a mighty hunter before the Lord.”
“He tucks into meals of meatballs made from zebras.”

Oh the horror! :D
These people are hysterical clowns.
Here is some info on him

“Trophy hunting is the cruellest thing that exists”

I wonder how many Uyghurs Mr. Eduardo has spoken with? They might disagree with his opinion on what cruelty really is.

These animal rights fanatics don’t live in the real world.
I have written a few replies and comments on there, but today I took the time to write a long informative piece, only to hit the "next" arrow and lose everything when I was only a few words from completion. I'm frustrated as hell about it, but it probably would have fallen on deaf ears anyway. (Or been read by blind eyes??)
And now I don't seem to be able to post anything!

How this the journalist found out your last name and professional position?
Take the idiot to court...this is classic internet slander....and pure lies about a perfectly legal activity..
Is there really any others type of hunting vs trophy hunting? I guess you could label other hunting activities such as meat hunting like I do with my sons on whitetail doe where we basically only keep meat.

Trophy hunting as a description has a negative connotation where ignorant folks think that all you do is cut the head off and leave everything else to rot. Nothing could be further from the truth. Everything that I’ve ever shot in Africa was fully utilized.
Types of hunting:

- trophy hunting
- meat hunting
- traditional hunting
- game management hunting
- sanitary hunting
- pest control
- sport hunting (not sure how to call high volume high profile bird shoots from peg)

in reality very small part of hunting is trophy hunting.

And if you consider all those types of hunting, only trophy hunting has negative connotation, and bad press. Trophy hunting in some cases is most expensive hobby in the world.
So general public sees that as rich people hobby.

Supposedly meat hunt is for food, so, for poor people. Accepted
Supposedly traditional hunting is for indigenous people, inuits, indians, bushman, etc - accepted.
Supposedly game management hunt - press never heard for it - thus accepted
Supposedly sanitary hunting, ditto, but sounds necessary - accepted.
Supposedly, pest control, rodents? Ok, acceptable
Supposedly, sport hunting... well what it is?

in my country, there is 1.5% of all types of hunters in entire population. I dont think in other western countries is more then 3%. How much in that numbers are really (international) trophy hunters?
So, if the media blast a total minority group, no issue. 99-point-something-% of population will not be affected.

So, the trophy hunters, are really minority, but most visible on public media with their pictures visible.
Easy to hate, easy to attack. Public just loves when "rich" people fall. Press as well, it sells good.

in this perspective, I say again, posting pictures with trophies on public media is not good for hunting. It comes back as a boomerang.
Is there really any others type of hunting vs trophy hunting? I guess you could label other hunting activities such as meat hunting like I do with my sons on whitetail doe where we basically only keep meat.

Trophy hunting as a description has a negative connotation where ignorant folks think that all you do is cut the head off and leave everything else to rot. Nothing could be further from the truth. Everything that I’ve ever shot in Africa was fully utilized.

Types of hunting:

- trophy hunting
- meat hunting
- traditional hunting
- game management hunting
- sanitary hunting
- pest control
- sport hunting (not sure how to call high volume high profile bird shoots from peg)

in reality very small part of hunting is trophy hunting.

And if you consider all those types of hunting, only trophy hunting has negative connotation, and bad press. Trophy hunting in some cases is most expensive hobby in the world.
So general public sees that as rich people hobby.

Supposedly meat hunt is for food, so, for poor people. Accepted
Supposedly traditional hunting is for indigenous people, inuits, indians, bushman, etc - accepted.
Supposedly game management hunt - press never heard for it - thus accepted
Supposedly sanitary hunting, ditto, but sounds necessary - accepted.
Supposedly, pest control, rodents? Ok, acceptable
Supposedly, sport hunting... well what it is?

in my country, there is 1.5% of all types of hunters in entire population. I dont think in other western countries is more then 3%. How much in that numbers are really (international) trophy hunters?
So, if the media blast a total minority group, no issue. 99-point-something-% of population will not be affected.

So, the trophy hunters, are really minority, but most visible on public media with their pictures visible.
Easy to hate, easy to attack. Public just loves when "rich" people fall. Press as well, it sells good.

in this perspective, I say again, posting pictures with trophies on public media is not good for hunting. It comes back as a boomerang.
Don't fall victim to their twist on words. All hunting is trophy hunting. Make no mistake, the anti's goal is the elimination of hunting, all kinds, whatever we might call each form.
What we do is hunt. There is a better chance of failure than success in most forms. So when we succeed, we have earned a trophy. Whether it has any headgear or none, it is a trophy.
We are THE most effective management method to keep the herds sustainable. We ARE the reason there are herds to begin with. Without hunters paying for licenses, donating to true conservation organizations, putting in manhours on conservation programs, there would not be any game animals except in zoos.
These people that attack us and try to shame us as hunters by lying and presenting a false narrative, only prove themselves arrogant fools with no real concern for the well being of wildlife. This drivel masquerading as an article is just another example of such. Those of you who have put well-reasoned responses in the comments section have helped; even when the rag that published this fool is primarily read by others of his ilk.
I have had something like this happen before. I shared a trophy picture to a hunting magazines Facebook page. A UK anti hunting Facebook group called " hunt the hunters" found the picture and started harassing me big time. Death threats and so on. I shared what was going on with Facebook and they did nothing. I then shared the Facebook page to a heavily right wing gun forum and they went to town on their Facebook page. We got it shut down shortly after.

I hope nothing negative happens to you due to this ridiculous piece of jibber jabber

That HTH lot is a cruel bunch, all that and infiltration also they do. Theyare not only borderline psychos ,but also borderline terrorist org . But FB have had a fight aainst hubtibg abd farming since they started. But 1933 romancing groups,that they have little or no problems with, and lot 9f other deviant unethical bs also.

Like Poachers buying and selling the same stuff the arab slavers sold before for centuries , and unfortunately got their boost again to do so.
You have covered your homework well, 90% of it - from trophy hunting and conservation hunter perspective. And in modern economic world, it is the only way how it can be managed.
I cannot dispute what you are saying. Agreed, on that part.

Only, you need to look a bit deeper, to subject of indigenous hunting practices.
For example, for homework, do a quick research; Will take you 5 minutes on search engine.

1. try to find photo of bushman, or pygmy posing with trophy such as horns or scull, or skin?
2. try to find mass media attack on bushman and pygmy hunting practices.

This is because, they hunt for food.
Hunting for horn, to their culture is unthinkable. As it is for most / all african tribes.

So, in reality, trophy hunting is sport for WASP, and similar cultures across the pond, as it turns out.

And presently it is under global media attack.
Other types of hunting, are not, generally.
The Mirror newspaper is written to "inform" a less-educated demographic within the UK. I doubt too many people with a three digit IQ pay much attention to the drivel that comes out of it.
Most people who buy the Mirror only look at the pictures. That’s all they are capable of.

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