Back country carry gun

For you High Capacity guys, Try this, have a buddy run at you as fast as they can from say 20 feet. Youll be armed with an Airsoft version of your favorite GAT. Your gun will be in your holster like you normally carry it. They will be armed with a cream pie and they get to decide when to start (maybe when you are cutting the grass or taking out the trash). If you cant hit them lets say three times in the head, then you get the pie in the face. Wanna make it more realistic then they are armed with a stick...
An LEO up here told me that at the academy they hook a refrigerator box with vital areas painted to a 4-wheeler with a 50' rope and drive toward you at 35 mph. You can start shooting after the wheeler goes by you.
My friends and I used something that pulls wake boarders across a pool, lots of fun .
In @EDELWEISS scenario what’s the difference if you have a high capacity magazine or a single shot ? But that would be fun, I would rather be the guy with the pie
An LEO up here told me that at the academy they hook a refrigerator box with vital areas painted to a 4-wheeler with a 50' rope and drive toward you at 35 mph. You can start shooting after the wheeler goes by you.
Yes thats a test that makes sense although 50 feet of rope seems way too long. Ive seen DR shoots with Cape Buffalo targets on a wheeled cart that are pulled towards the shooter with a 4 wheeler. The results can be enlightening or embarrassing...

Theres a reason the police have the "21 Foot Rule". An officer with his pistol holstered facing a suspect armed with a knife will always be able to cut slash or stab the officer even if the officer knows the suspect is charging IF the suspect is within 21 feet. NOW imagine a Bear or Wolf or Hog that can run much faster and you otherwise busy dressing a downed deer etc. You simply Do NOT have time to empty a High Cap mag with any chance of head shots. Much better to BRACE yourself for the charge and fire that one important head shot with a cartridge that will flip his light switch
Glock just got away with the safety thing because people were so busy trying to ban it as a plastic gun. LOL. Most guns don't go bang unless one pulls the trigger, and a lot of them won't fire if dropped. If NYC got anything right it was the NY safety on the Glock. Very, very, serious people have accepted the Glock as the best handgun extant. I never got it myself. It does seem to be innovative. And the majors at the time seem to have dropped the ball on marketing to the police.

There should be a word for that phenomenon where something new gets a pass for behavior or characteristics that would otherwise, get it banned, subjected to ridicule, or just plain disbelieved. Like modern tech violation privacy norms, and constitutional protections, but who cares. Anyway, Glock was replacing revolvers, so safety schmafty.
Theres a reason the police have the "21 Foot Rule". An officer with his pistol holstered facing a suspect armed with a knife will always be able to cut slash or stab the officer even if the officer knows the suspect is charging IF the suspect is within 21 feet.
I believe the actually reason for the 21 foot rule was to make a convincing argument in court. There is a grain of truth to it, but the rule aspect is for the benefit of the people in the 12 cheap seats.

NOW imagine a Bear or Wolf or Hog that can run much faster and you otherwise busy dressing a downed deer etc. You simply Do NOT have time to empty a High Cap mag with any chance of head shots. Much better to BRACE yourself for the charge and fire that one important head shot with a cartridge that will flip his light switch
The flip side is when you do get a bunch of shots, which has happened. But also, when the shooting is in defense of a remote person. So there was a case in Canada, but the couple was not able to get to their guns, and one of them died. But the situation was roughly a triangle. Bear, husband, wife. If one of them had been armed they could have shot repeatedly at the bear, which was after the other person. There was some distance between them, so you would not want to gamble the whole thing on one or two shots. And you want an accurate enough shooter/gun proposition, not one that is mostly effective when the assailant has taken up residence in your lap. Just as a numbers game, I want a weapon that is capable of defending others, as well as myself. And with some capability at a distance. Really yells rifle. But at least something modern would help. Of course, in certain situations, you might have all three. Say armoring your jeep. People like to yelp about great white north gun laws, but we can legally get shotguns with 12 inch barrels up here. Personally I like longer barrels, but I think I have seen 8 or 10 inches, if one wants something that is very compact, but has the capability to carry optics, and to be shoulder fired.
Kenai holster is my go to, Glock 40 10mm.
Elk 22.jpg
There are internal safeties which prevent the gun firing if dropped; but the most obvious safety is the trigger. The gun can not fire unless the trigger is deliberately pulled.
Very well explained. However, I would disagree on the "deliberate" bit. That classic case where one holsters the gun with the trigger in the trigger guard, that gun is going off; In the famous video, of FBI officer zero, shooting himself in the leg in front of a classroom of people, that thing went off; Sadly, in a lot of situations where someone just picked up the gun and shot the owner with it. That gun went off. Deliberate on the part of the perp, but you would have had around a minute if it had normal safeties on it, so the experts say.
That is a nice holster concept. I like to make Yaquis. That is a nice minimal rig. looks very practical.
Kid shot this bear with a sitting frontal shot at 150yds.

As we were approaching it he attempted to charge at about 4yds, luckily her bullet exited the lower spine taking his rear end out of play but the front end was alive and well.

As he was using his front end to come at us dragging his back legs I put a 9mm Federal HST quartering through his left front shoulder and exiting just behind his right shoulder. The 9mm got full penetration and dumped him on the spot.

Post mortem analysis showed that the bullet penetrated heavy muscle, ribcage, and both lungs and exiting with a satisfactory exit wound. When it comes to penetration 9mm is no slouch.
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Not sure if you are joking; but here goes in case you really dont know. Glock calls it a SAFE ACTION Pistol for a reason. There are internal safeties which prevent the gun firing if dropped; but the most obvious safety is the trigger. The gun can not fire unless the trigger is deliberately pulled. If you look close. when the "toggle" is pressed (the little lever in front of the actual trigger), it rotates out of the way, allowing the trigger to be pulled to fire the gun. Without the "toggle" being depressed the trigger can not cycle far enough to fire the gun.... And if you are still confused you were born with the Primary safety. Its located next to you thumb and is connected (OR NOT) to your brain. Ultimately dont pull the trigger and the gun wont fire.
I had the chance years ago to talk to Herr Glock. He fully admitted there is no safety in the the Glock pistol. Glock does in fact offer safeties on some.

I prefer on true DA/SA decockers over safeties. My R8 decocks for safety. Having any part of the firing mechanism under tension puts the gun in an armed condition. Little finger diddly thing or no.
Fellow Gun Slingers,

Calling the little tab in Glock pistol triggers a “Safety Device” is comparable to putting such a thing in automobile gas pedals and calling it a “speed control device”.

Some folks like to say that the standard today for Law Enforcement Agencies to issue Glock pistols, is due to it being of superior design.

When I was a Police Officer, my own agency and others at that time adopted the Glock pistol, because it was less expensive (a lot less) than higher quality ones, such as Sig-Sauer.

That said, I do not recall any more accidental shots fired from the then new Glocks than some of our Nervous Neds and Nervous Nellies had shown with revolvers and other brands of auto-pistols.

Big surprise, every firearm “Safety Device” remains between our ears.
Or in some cases, it is missing and yet to be found.

Admittedly, Glocks are almost always super reliable and accurate enough as well.
Add that to an affordable price and what’s not to like ?
Well, you have to look at it to know if you are actually picking up the pistol or a box of ammunition to fit same.
They feel block like in the hand.
And that trigger tab is snake oil but it is indeed popular snake oil.

But for a back woods handgun, a Glock 10 MM seems like a decent choice.
There is ammunition in the USA market these days with very hard monolithic projectiles designed with a cutting tip.
The business end of the bullet looks almost sorta kinda like a Philips screw driver tip.
If those will function reliably in a person’s pistol and are accurate enough to shoot a grumpy bear where you want them to go (“minute of bear vitals”), seems to me they’d be as good as handgun effectiveness can be.

Anyway, stay in that front sight,
Velo Dog.
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I believe the actually reason for the 21 foot rule was to make a convincing argument in court. There is a grain of truth to it, but the rule aspect is for the benefit of the people in the 12 cheap seats.

The flip side is when you do get a bunch of shots, which has happened. But also, when the shooting is in defense of a remote person. So there was a case in Canada, but the couple was not able to get to their guns, and one of them died. But the situation was roughly a triangle. Bear, husband, wife. If one of them had been armed they could have shot repeatedly at the bear, which was after the other person. There was some distance between them, so you would not want to gamble the whole thing on one or two shots. And you want an accurate enough shooter/gun proposition, not one that is mostly effective when the assailant has taken up residence in your lap. Just as a numbers game, I want a weapon that is capable of defending others, as well as myself. And with some capability at a distance. Really yells rifle. But at least something modern would help. Of course, in certain situations, you might have all three. Say armoring your jeep. People like to yelp about great white north gun laws, but we can legally get shotguns with 12 inch barrels up here. Personally I like longer barrels, but I think I have seen 8 or 10 inches, if one wants something that is very compact, but has the capability to carry optics, and to be shoulder fired.
I have a Remington 870 with a 14” barrel from Dlask Arms, it is perfect IMO. I had a 12” barrel on it but I could reach out and put my fingers in front of the barrel when it was shouldered. No es bueno. Since it’s what’s legal, it’s my bear/truck/hiking gun in addition to bear spray. For packability, I’d carry a Glock 20 if it was legal.

Of course, I only have an Sig 320 in 9 mm. Wanted to buy a Glock 20, but it took the Fed’s 5 mos to renew my possession and acquisition license and they closed the registry before I had a chance.
I have a Remington 870 with a 14” barrel from Dlask Arms, it is perfect IMO. I had a 12” barrel on it but I could reach out and put my fingers in front of the barrel when it was shouldered. No es bueno. Since it’s what’s legal, it’s my bear/truck/hiking gun in addition to bear spray. For packability, I’d carry a Glock 20 if it was legal.

Of course, I only have an Sig 320 in 9 mm. Wanted to buy a Glock 20, but it took the Fed’s 5 mos to renew my possession and acquisition license and they closed the registry before I had a chance.
Where are you located to have to go through all of that to buy a Glock?
Canadian Conservatives regulated handguns out of existence 60 ish years ago, when other places like the UK were doing the same thing. The Cunuckistan thing had not taken root yet. And to an extent it hasn't taken root at this point given that only 12% of Canadians voted for the A-hole. That is parliamentary government for you. At times it is the best system, many argue, but these are not those times.

Technically you actually can get and carry a handgun for bear defense in Canada. Mainly if you are something like a prospector. But it sure isn't a Will Issue situation. I have never met anyone who had one.

On the other hand, until a few years ago, you could slap down 4-500 bucks and get an SKS and a crate of ammo, and leave no regulatory trace. Take that Mr. Brown. Mostly the price has just gone up. Until Trudeau came along, and it isn't evident his rules are being implemented yet. Canada was number two easiest country in the world to get guns (non-failed state, G20). And had the lowest murder levels in the world, save the real outliers like Japan, and a few of the friendlier Pacific Islands. It is just that we are next door to the US, and the view through the window is depressing, in comparison.
Keep trying, you can have as many murders as us if you'd just work at it! Might already, if you'd count the medical ones!
Very bad direction on medical murders, however, that is what happens anyway, and has been happening all along. Most of the "died quietly in their sleep" stuff is people who are having augmentation of medication until they shut down. Or they say they can't treat your condition because it either isn't economic, (like Oregon), or feasible. My dad had great teeth all his life but in his last years he had trouble, and the dentist wouldn't see him because of liablity. In the US, Fentanyl kills 100K a year. There are lots of ways they get rid of populations they don't want around.

Life expectancy in Canada is about 5% longer than in the US. After 65 it is about 10% longer. Not really a big number, when one figures it comes down to 2 years. That is Canada vs White US, which ought to net out some factors around access to medicine.

Guys have been shooting themselves in large numbers all along. So not really sure it matters whether they bring in assisted, for people with guns. It mostly has to do with changing who shows up for work, and less to do with outcomes. They managed force ethically trained people, and religious people out.
Very bad direction on medical murders, however, that is what happens anyway, and has been happening all along. Most of the "died quietly in their sleep" stuff is people who are having augmentation of medication until they shut down. Or they say they can't treat your condition because it either isn't economic, (like Oregon), or feasible. My dad had great teeth all his life but in his last years he had trouble, and the dentist wouldn't see him because of liablity. In the US, Fentanyl kills 100K a year. There are lots of ways they get rid of populations they don't want around.

Life expectancy in Canada is about 5% longer than in the US. After 65 it is about 10% longer. Not really a big number, when one figures it comes down to 2 years. That is Canada vs White US, which ought to net out some factors around access to medicine.

Guys have been shooting themselves in large numbers all along. So not really sure it matters whether they bring in assisted, for people with guns. It mostly has to do with changing who shows up for work, and less to do with outcomes. They managed force ethically trained people, and religious people out.
My Jesus you have an interesting take on life and death. Like to hear you discuss it with the man at the gate, but I disimagine I'll get that close.
If you’re looking for a .44 Mag I’d look at a new Colt. They have a 4” ported model that I think would be the cat’s meow.

Personally I’d go with a Glock 20, Gen 5, MOS, with a KKM Barrel, and a 22# recoil spring, titanium guide rod, loaded with Buffalo Bore 220 grain hardcast lead. I’ll bet you shoot it better.

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schwerpunkt88 wrote on Robmill70's profile.
Morning Rob, Any feeling for how the 300 H&H shoots? How's the barrel condition?
mrpoindexter wrote on Charlm's profile.
Hello. I see you hunted with Sampie recently. If you don't mind me asking, where did you hunt with him? Zim or SA? And was it with a bow? What did you hunt?

I am possibly going to book with him soon.
Currently doing a load development on a .404 Jeffrey... it's always surprising to load .423 caliber bullets into a .404 caliber rifle. But we love it when we get 400 Gr North Fork SS bullets to 2300 FPS, those should hammer down on buffalo. Next up are the Cutting Edge solids and then Raptors... load 200 rounds of ammo for the customer and on to the next gun!