I agree , cull hunts make sense to me . I think every hunter should have a few trophies . Maybe a nice Kudu or waterbuck , a zebra skin and some trophies where it was a great challenge to get the specific animal.
After that , I think focus on the experience. It can be a challenge and good experience to do a cull hunt . The way the animal was hunted is just as important to me. I like hunting warthogs , impala and Kudu .
The bigger the challenge The Better . Shooting blesbuck from the bakkie isn't that big challenge.
I think a client will have a great experience to mix a trophy and cull hunt. His money will go further , he will get some more time in the sun and work for the animals.
Willem, you've taken the words out of my mouth.
Having just done a combined trophy and cull hunt in September 2010, I'm in total agreement with what you and Louis have both said.
The PH added a number of cull springbok to the hunt for my mate and I to to take. Everyone of those animals was stalked, no shooting from the vehicle etc and it added immensely to not only the enjoyment of the trip, but to the value as well and it was done at no cost to the outfitter.
Neither of us are 'head collectors' so the experience of the African hunt was everything. Photos, video, memory and in my case, a set of warty tusks, were the only things to come back home.
I'm the kind of bloke who doesn't need or particularly wants a high level of accommodation, a farmhouse with a comfortable bed, local cuisine that makes a lot of use of game animals is just fine with me. Add a couple of cold beers at the end of a long hot day, and I'm very happy camper.
I struggle at times to see the value of any outfitter whose PG day rates are say, $400 a day, compared to another at $275 per day, when according to the information supplied via their websites, there appears to be little difference in their offerings.
At the end of a 7 or 8 day hunt, the difference is another one or two animals and I know which way I'll go.
Willem, I think both you and Louis are on the right path and I believe the value for money hunt will win over the unbelievably cheap, and unsustainable hunt any day.