Another thread of trophy shipping costs..


AH enthusiast
Feb 7, 2012
Reaction score
Wrightsville, Pennsy-sippi
Member of
Delta Waterfowl
USA, Botswana
I thought I would post the costs for getting my trophies back to the states from my 2023 hunt @ Nkwe with Jaco.

Mochaba did the dip/pack and euro mounts.

1- impala
1- waterbuck

1- blue wildebeest

Tanned flat skins/rugs:
1-blue wildebeest
TOTAL: $ 2,200.00

Freight charges (145.18kg = 320#)
TOTAL: $1,808.14

Assorted permits & BS
TOTAL: $741.00


Cargo Tours did the import and shipping of crate to taxidermist in Pennsylvania:
$850.00 (includes shipping)

Grand total: $5,599.14

On a side note, the crate arrived in JFK on May 25th. I was informed on June 27th it was cleared and ready to be forwarded to the taxidermist. It will be a year and a week from when we landed back home on July 3, 2023, that our trophies will get to the taxidermist. Thankfully Cargo Tours has own bonded warehouse.

I hope this will be helpful to someone.

Hunt on!
Thanks for sharing. I Like these threads. I’ve been on one safari and headed back next year. I know there are a lot of variables but shipping is such a big factor in overall cost and this keeps everyone up to date on current pricing.
I just wired funds today for my son and a friends trophies from last August in the Selous. From Dar to San Francisco, the cost for my son’s shipment was $1,962 for a buffalo, zebra, and hartebeest. My buddy’s crate was $2,962 for a buffalo, wildebeest and hippo skull. My shipment isn’t ready yet due to the Cites permit for my leopard, but I expect it to be about $4,000 as I’ve got a buffalo, leopard, bushbuck, hippo and crocodile coming back.
Thanks for sharing. I just paid my bill for dip and pack from my RSA trip in May.

Flat skin &Euro:
Blue wildebeest
Just flat skin:

Total was just over $1300.

Will update with the rest as it comes.
I have a crate that just arrived in Chicago, waiting to clear Customs.
Taxi work done is a wall pedestal Vaal Rhebuck, and three Euros of Cape Eland, Common Reedbuck and Common Duiker. Cost was $1,380. African Wildlife Artistry. Hunt was during the last 2 weeks of July 2023 at Nick Bowkers in the Eastern Cape.
Packing and shipping by African Trophy Exports to Chicago, USA was $593 for a 22 Kg crate.
Unknown now on Trophy Shippers cost until probably Monday? Hopefully have my dirty paws on this crate before July 4.
I have a crate that just arrived in Chicago, waiting to clear Customs.
Taxi work done is a wall pedestal Vaal Rhebuck, and three Euros of Cape Eland, Common Reedbuck and Common Duiker. Cost was $1,380. African Wildlife Artistry. Hunt was during the last 2 weeks of July 2023 at Nick Bowkers in the Eastern Cape.
Packing and shipping by African Trophy Exports to Chicago, USA was $593 for a 22 Kg crate.
Unknown now on Trophy Shippers cost until probably Monday? Hopefully have my dirty paws on this crate before July 4.
Final piece of the puzzle, my crate was cleared through Customs today, cost for clearance (single day of storage) and delivery to Cincinnati, Ohio (next week) is $1,315. So a total of $3,290 all in.
I thought I would post the costs for getting my trophies back to the states from my 2023 hunt @ Nkwe with Jaco.

Mochaba did the dip/pack and euro mounts.

1- impala
1- waterbuck

1- blue wildebeest

Tanned flat skins/rugs:
1-blue wildebeest
TOTAL: $ 2,200.00

Freight charges (145.18kg = 320#)
TOTAL: $1,808.14

Assorted permits & BS
TOTAL: $741.00


Cargo Tours did the import and shipping of crate to taxidermist in Pennsylvania:
$850.00 (includes shipping)

Grand total: $5,599.14

On a side note, the crate arrived in JFK on May 25th. I was informed on June 27th it was cleared and ready to be forwarded to the taxidermist. It will be a year and a week from when we landed back home on July 3, 2023, that our trophies will get to the taxidermist. Thankfully Cargo Tours has own bonded warehouse.

I hope this will be helpful to someone.

Hunt on!
Cargo tours is who I'm using, they are easy to get ahold of if you need anything and very simple process. Great company to work with
Cargo tours is who I'm using, they are easy to get ahold of if you need anything and very simple process. Great company to work with
Yes they are very easy to work with and communication has been excellent. First time I've used them and will use them again.
Oh boy, these prices are getting out of hand. I believe this next safari will be the last time I bring anything back. I'll take good pictures and call it a day. I'll save that money and go back again.
Thanks! My taxidermist in SA just informed me that my crate has been assigned to the shipper. I am worried about the cost.

I am most worried about the added cost of tanned Giraffe rug with backing plus skull and leg bones. I also have Spotted Hyena, Jackal, Duiker, Honey Badger, Bushbuck, Genet, Mongoose, Baboon Skull, and Cane Rat. I will be thrilled if below $2500 USD for shipping.
my shipping from Joburg to Chicago was 3200.00 for a buffalo euro, 2 warthog euro's a zebra back skin, and 3 shoulder mounts sable,kudu and a pedestal sable then 490.00 from Chicago to So Dakota, then Coppersmiths was 1500.00

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Grandpa Moose wrote on Ontario Hunter's profile.
Thanks for the advice/help. Hope the kids get a good plug from my mis post. Rain like crazy here
swag05 wrote on Inline6's profile.
Is the Americas still available? Does it have wheels? I am interested
matt2H wrote on matt vejar's profile.
Hey there Matt - i would love to understand some more about your bringing trophies home from South Africa in your checked luggage. My PH is holding onto a bushbuck euro and flatskin for me - and i am due back in South Africa in just over a week. He does have the export permit provided by the taxidermist for me. When you have a moment - could we go through the EDC Form and App? Looking forward to hearing from you.
Smo1127 wrote on duckfish's profile.
Neen doing Zelle or Venmo with other members, let me know if good for you and Ill give you my info. Im semding other orders out tomorrow so if paid today ill ship tomorrow
cwpayton wrote on Trogon's profile.
Hey trogon thanks for the shipping trophys info, so this being my first time shipping ,did you hire a firm here in the states to handle the import or was that an African firm, I would be happy with a cost around 3000+.