Another Newby


AH veteran
May 18, 2015
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SSAA, Australian Hunting Net
G'day Another Newby here! I have been browsing a few threads as a visitor and have thoroughly enjoyed it. So decided to join....... Not to mention some of the small pics of the custom rifles look awesome can't wait to see the full size images!

So a little about me I am an avid hunter and fisherman based in Australia. I am relatively new to big bores having recently joined the Big Game Rifle Club and purchased a new Model 70 Safari in 375H&H. To say I'm hooked is an understatement! I love it all though some of the true big bores are well beyond my recoil levels but still doesn't stop the grin from appearing when the trigger is pulled!

Thanks for taking the time to read and hopefully I can contribute an African hunting story here one day.

Welcome to AH TW! Nice choice of a rifle and caliber you have there.
Welcome to AH The_Wanderer! I'm certain that you will enjoy the posting side, good to have you with us.
Welcome to AH !
TW welcome to AH
Welcome to the family TW, just know that you'll enjoy it here!

My best always
Welcome to AH.
gday wanderer , welcome to AH , enjoy the site
Welcome to AH!
Welcome to AH TW! Try the 458 Win Mag not to bad on the kick. Enjoy the site.
Welcome TW, enjoy the hunting, we don't discuss rugby ...
Welcome to AH. I've been looking at that same rifle in 375 as well. Have you had a chance to hunt anything with it or just range time? I enjoy pics and hunt reports from everywhere, if you get a chance post some of your favorite pics from hunting in Australia.
Welcome to AH!!
Thanks for the Friendly Welcome!

TMS its okay I'm more of a Cricket and Australian Football fan than rugby (y)

Bobpucket- not sure about the 458! i've shot the 404 and it was manageable having said that I wouldn't say no if someone offered me a go of a 458...

huntingforsanity- no I haven't had a chance to hunt anything with it yet but the rifle is brilliant- I can't recommend it highly enough... a friend of mine was looking for a 458 had a look at the M70 and went and order one. In my opinion they are hard to beat for value for money. As for pics I will see what I can dig up- a lot of the shooting we do is under spotlight for rabbits and foxes so its usually pretty dark.

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Welcome to AH! Great choice for first big bore. Give yourself some time to shoot it and you'll be surprised at how you'll get used to the recoil.

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Redfishga1 wrote on gearguywb's profile.
I would be interested in the ruger if the other guy is not.
Bartbux wrote on franzfmdavis's profile.
Btw…this was Kuche….had a great time.
Sorry to see your troubles on pricing.

Happy to call you and talk about experience…I’m also a Minnesota guy.
Ready for the next hunt