Another Hurricane!

Good luck down there, but honestly I dont know how or why folks put up with the constant fear of having to evacuate and or lose everything.
I couldnt do it.
Good luck down there, but honestly I dont know how or why folks put up with the constant fear of having to evacuate and or lose everything.
I couldnt do it.
Same reason people stay in the plains tornado alley, stay in the earthquake areas and in the areas that get burned to a crisp every few years. It’s home. We can at least see these things coming and can prepare a bit.
Same reason people stay in the plains tornado alley, stay in the earthquake areas and in the areas that get burned to a crisp every few years. It’s home. We can at least see these things coming and can prepare a bit.
Agree, but I can only say, living in the NW my whole life, I have never had to evacuate for any reason or even been told it was even a possibility or recommendation.
We do have some rain, and wind storms are frequent in the winter and occasionally we get dumped on by a couple feet of snow, but rarely.
Biggest storm of my lifetime and it was a whopper, was the Columbus Day storm of 1962. It was what they call a bomb cyclone, very rare for this area.
Did much damage and there was some loss of life.
Keep yer head down back there.
@Red Leg I tend to simply say wind rating. They are both wind and impact rated for our zone which aligns to the Miami Dade ratings.
If any of you guys in the Big Bend/eastern panhandle evac west and can’t find a hotel room PM me and maybe we can put up a couple of people. I’m about 45 minutes west of Pensacola.
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We're done securing the house and I think we can handle up to a 6 or 7 foot surge. We leave for friends near Clermont shortly and will come back on Friday. The most important items from the lower level are secure!

Helene firearm safety.jpg
It seems like Middle Georgia will get Cat-1 winds. Having lived in Homestead and dealing with every hurricane that went through there to include Hurricane Andrew's, I don't get all worked up about them. I prepare and go from there.
Wind is bad but flooding is worse. EVERY road going into Asheville, NC is closed due to being either flooded or completely washed away!

We were out of town when this hit and now we are trying to get home. We had many inches of rain which caused flooding and then Helene arrived to drop more rain. Some places got upwards of 20 inches of rain between the two.

Fire dept I work for sent its task force that direction a couple days ago. Semis full of equipment and specialists ready to go to work.
I stay home and cover their shifts while they are out of state.
Hope you are all safe and without loss of anything too valuable.
It’s an absolute disaster in Lowndes County, GA. We were very fortunate that all my family are safe and sound. I did not have any damage to my house or property. My heart goes out to all those who were not as fortunate. Lots of trees down and clean up is going to be a chore. I’d image it’s gonna be a week or better before power starts getting restored. Thousand of trees down on lines and across roads. This is just another example of the importance of being as prepared as possible. Me and my crew will be uncomfortable for a week or so but we will have plenty to eat and drink and will be fine. There are lots of folks that are in much worse shape for sure.
Everyone better pay attention to this one. These things have been known to intensify more than expected once they get over the Gulf.
Well. Looks like I was right. We took a pretty direct hit here in middle Georgia. It will probably be weeks before power is completely restored.

We had no major damage but lots of downed trees and a big mess.

There were a number of fatalities in our area from spin off tornadoes and trees falling on houses.

And on top of that one of our dogs got into it with a timber rattler last night.

When it rains it pours.

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idjeffp wrote on Jon R15's profile.
Hi Jon,
I saw your post for the .500 NE cases. Are these all brass or are they nickel plated? Hard for me to tell... sorry.
Jeff [redacted]
Boise, ID
African Scenic Safaris is a Sustainable Tour Operator based in Moshi, Tanzania. Established in 2009 as a family business, the company is owned and operated entirely by locals who share the same passion for showing people the amazing country of Tanzania and providing a fantastic personalized service.
FDP wrote on dailordasailor's profile.
1200 for the 375 barrel and accessories?