Animal Justice is one example of a huge threat to animal survival. On the surface, their premise is easy to accept : don't be cruel to animals. Hunters can agree with this more than most. Every ethical hunter tries to make a clean killing shot. But when you dig deeper you see some potentially strange and crazy demands by these vegans. Their website says "we are against any form of discrimination based on species....". Where does it end? Cattle living in your flat? No bug killing windshields on your car? No antibiotic when your 3 year old has potentially fatal meningitis? Don't want to choose a kid over a microbe. Of course, their premise is nonsense. But banning imported trophies to the UK is a real threat, and hunters won't go to Africa if they can't bring anything home, and when sport hunting dies, the surging human population growth in Africa will sweep over the remaining habitat like a wildfire. No, IMO, anyone who doesn't take these clowns seriously is a fool, or a troll. Or both....(but I must agree, a couple of 'em are hotties) .....FWB