If you happen to own any pistols you will find that the cases they come it make wonderful ammo cases. I am using 3 such cases this May. One S&W and 2 Spingfield XD & XDM cases. They will each hold up to 6 boxes of ammo. I have 2 of them packed with 110 rounds of 30-06 (One is for me and one is for a friend also using 30-06). This keeps them just under 11 pounds (5 kg) with case and locks. The third case has 5 boxes of 300 Win Mag in it - again, just under 11 pounds all in. The great thing about this it that when you check the ammo here in the states it will be in the middle of a suitcase, but if you have another flight in SA, either in, or out of country, they are not going to let you leave the ammo in a suitcase. They will want it out and traveling on its own. The pistol case works good in this instance - better than a lunch box, or plastic ammo can. They may not be as tough as a Pelican, but they are made to protect a pistol, and if you already have them at home they work fine. I have done this twice before. It is hard to watch them send your ammo down the belt on its own, but it is better than the bag and string they sometimes offer you to put your ammo in. A side note - I have not yet been asked to pay an extra baggage fee for going over my 2 checked bag allowance when they do this. Not saying it can't happen though......