The freedoms we enjoy as Americans end when we leave the country. If she has been working for a media outlet in Zimbabwe then she was fully aware of the laws and the implications of her actions.
True. For all the nasty things I said about Obama, I would be in prison for the next 100 lifetimes.Most of the republicans also....
Seeing how Americans talk about there leaders; be it a republican or democrat, how would you expect young folks to learn how to behave?
First . . . The topic was about Zimbabwe and not "a lot of states in Africa".
Second, . . . I've hunted in Zimbabwe and visited friends there on many occasions for 29 years now. And even though I do think Robert Mugabe is a cruel and brutal despot I'm not so stupid as to voice that opinion publicly while there.
If there is anyone who makes Zimbabwe look bad it is Robert Mugabe himself.
Respectfully disagree. At what age does one become responsible for their own actions? It's a major problem in the United States. Keep giving everyone a break, including lifelong criminals, with the hope that they shape up, trying to save everyone from themselves, and trying to please everyone on every issue. She never learned you don't mess with a junkyard dog? Well that's just too damn bad. Some people just have to learn the hard way.
All I can say is silly Bitch!
You guys need to take it easy. She’s a kid and she’s not wrong. The bad guy here is the one in the funny looking blazer and hat.
suggest you dont say that out loud in zim as you will be a guest of mugabe and wife.
How do you propose we deal with the criminals? Jail them, do you realize that there are not enough prisons and jails to hold everyone. Who's is going to pay for all that bed space? You and me, and it would be expensive. That's why they keep getting "breaks." And another thing "Time Out" does not work. I have folks every week that would just rather take the "3 hots and a cot" then be on probation or worst in-patient treatment.
Repeat offenders should be locked up for life. They're sociopaths and no amount of jail, rehabilitation or money will change them. Lock them up and throw away the key. Maryland recently had a triple murder by a 15 time felon who was previously caught with a firearm IN MARYLAND and plea bargained to go back on the street and eventually kill three people and tried to kill another in Delaware. The same people keep committing crime over and over again. Take these people, lock them up for life, no plea bargains and watch crime drop dramatically. If it takes more jails, stop giving money to Mugabe and the rest of his ilk and build prisons.
You guys need to take it easy. She’s a kid and she’s not wrong. The bad guy here is the one in the funny looking blazer and hat.
his wife will be worst,unless she get whacked,yea,yea.Won’t be hunting there. I did so in 1995, but I won’t be back until he’s gone.
And as far as getting the diplomats going, @Pheroze, that's a nice thought, but what would you do about Zimbabweans caught in the same predicament? Leave them to their own devices? Why should someone from the first world get favoured treatment just because of a lucky accident of birth?