Imagine you are an Uber driver. You are not a car guy, you are a transportation specialist… of sorts. You are an independent contractor scratching out a living doing what you love best; making money slightly more slowly than your car depreciates.
Since you are not a car guy you take your Toyota Camry to a “mechanic” for repairs. You take it to a tire shop that has billboards on the highway and gets good Yelp reviews. They rotate your tires and change the break pads and off you go.
Your next passenger gets in, you zoom down the highway to get them to the airport, and the wheels fall off because the incompetent, untrained child who put the nuts on, really didn’t.
You took on the inherently dangerous endeavor of driving a car, but you didn’t bring your torque wrench to double check the work of the subcontractor you hired to make the car safe. Hell, as a not-a-car-guy you wouldn’t know a torque wrench from a pipe wrench. How culpable are you here? How negligent are you here?
(This scenario presumes you have no objectionable political views that make armchair legal experts all grumpy and conflate feelings with actual law.)
This hits close to home for a guy named Denvir Tire, guess what I do for a living...
While your premise is valid at face value, some other factors need to be considered. If a person is a "transportation specialist, of sorts" one might assume that person is familiar with the machine they're operating. Said machine can be a Camry, sewing machine or a firearm. My point is that if you have previous extensive experience with the "machine" in question, it's logical to assume that you'll be able to detect if it's functioning correctly or not?
After all, you've logged thousands of miles in this car, to this airport and you have no warning whatsoever there's a problem with the wheels/tires????
Now one might also ask, was Alec Baldwin an experienced operator of firearms???
Even the most rudimentary inquiry regarding this turns up Alec's father.
Who taught you firearm safety? Proper gun handling? Marksmanship? Perhaps your father??
Alec Baldwin's father was a US Marine. Alec (most likely), learned any firearm skills he might have from his father. The senior Baldwin was a high school teacher who was also the school Rifle Team Coach, for 28 years. So, we have Marine father, coaching a rifle team of high school students raising a son. Can you imagine any scenario where somehow Alec Baldwin is not aware of gun safety rules?
But wait, there's more...
Mr Baldwin was medically discharged from the Marine Corps after being shot in the shoulder during live fire training. Here's a father with the means, motive and opportunity to instill proper gun handling and safety into his students and, most likely, his son.
It's indeed a tragedy, and Alec Baldwin is not a killer, however ask yourselves, have you forgotten enough of your early firearm safety training to find yourself in his current position??