Yes, operating costs across the board have gone up. Of course Alaska is going to be more expensive than many easier locations. But pretending that overhead/operating costs are the reason why brown bear/grizzly hunts are so expensive is silly. If that were true, their black bear hunts would also cost almost the same.
They are so expensive because almost everyone wants one, and because outfitters realized they could charge much more and still get enough clients to pay themselves well for less hunts.
That is the reason why grizzly, elk, mule deer, and whitetail hunt prices have gone up so drastically. Although there are supposedly less hunters overall, the hunters that are still hunting are hunting more hours, they are often more educated than in the past, and many more want to travel to get more species. Influenced by endless supply of hunting shows telling them it's the best ever.
I have had many outfitters tell me essentially the same thing, phrased slightly differently from each one. "Why would I take 10 guys for $5,000 each when I can take 5 guys for $10,000 each and make the same money with less work and less animals out of the herd."
It's supply and demand, plain and simple. If all of the wealthy people suddenly decided they didn't need another bull elk tomorrow, you would see prices for elk hunts drop drastically to working person's prices and the outfitter would take more people at a lower price per animal to make the same wages.