Okay folks, thanks to the guys who gave me very quick PM's in response to moving the dinner to Friday night. So it's official, we will have it on Friday night. I'm thinking now that I'll change things with time just a bit.
Cocktail Hour : 6:30pm
Dinner : 7:30pm
For those who may be at the show and would like to go back to their hotel to freshen up from the day, this should allow enough time for that and still make dinner. For those who go directly to the restaurant, it gives them something to do until everyone shows up. Please give me your feedback on this idea.
So keeping count here:
HartzView Group ( 4 )
Buff Buster ( 2 )
BnC 04 ( 2 )
BWH ( 1 possibly 2 )
Wheels ( 1 )
Cliffy ( 2 )
Paul T ( 2 )
Bobpuckett ( 2 )
Heym88 ( 1 )
Now just as a heads up on the arrangements. In order to make this cost effective, if we are to reserve a room specifically for our group, we need to have roughly 40 people. There is a room fee as well as a minimum amount for food and drink. So please promote this as you can.