the facebook thing is way bigger than i could have imagined . i was out this evening and was talking to 2 women and africa came up, and worked its way around to a name and shame thing that is going on where people on face book find people who have shot animals and put them on "name and shame" part of it.......and guess what the first one she mentioned .........was a woman lying next to a giraffe she had shot......talked to her, and after a bit of working on comparisons that she understood and brought up herself, ie she dives and said in a certain place lion fish are eating all the small fry of other fish, and they need to be brought down to a sustainable level, and i told her about sustainable use and nothing goes to waste she was more understanding, and that was not too long a discussion. so she was one that has seen this on facebook, and was how can you do that? but with rational discussion both ways came to understand a in a small way how hunting helps in the conservation in the big picture .....