I would associate my remarks with the gentleman from Canada.Hmm, the actual content now takes up about half the window that it used to . . . making everything smaller . . . the yellow bars on top and bottom cover the whole screen but the actual content is squished in the middle . . . is that me or is that the update?
I may be getting too crochety for updates!
I think that's to allow ad space. Seems to be what it's for on other sites, but since I use an ad-blocker, it just has vast empty spaces on the sides.Hmm, the actual content now takes up about half the window that it used to . . . making everything smaller . . . the yellow bars on top and bottom cover the whole screen but the actual content is squished in the middle . . . is that me or is that the update?
I may be getting too crochety for updates!
We should be back on Tapatalk. Can you check and let me know if everything is in order, thx.Is the form no longer on TapTalk?
All I get is a long wait
Thank you Jim.It's back up on TT
Researching various stuff on the net I've stumbled onto other forums that obviously haven't been updated in a very long time. It's tough to work with them. Updating is a good thing.Also know that this move to update to this new/updated platform was necessary for lots of reasons and it is something that in time could not have been avoided. The now older platform which was replaced by this one was no longer supported properly in many ways. A major one was the security updates which were no longer available and this is crucial to AH. Also if I did not keep up with the times there would be a moment of no return where you are just stuck with what you have as it is no longer feasible or much more complicated to update. I know people don't like change, but I only did this because I had to. I hope that you will give it a chance once it is completely finished.