Absolutely. If you're a non-resident and honestly can do a time-value of money on all the outlays for Elk points, plus your hourly rate over years to decades to plan your draws, plus travel and lodging, maybe even trespass rights to hunt prime land, your Elk hunt that might take 8 years to plan out is in that $8000-$18,000 price range. You can short-circuit that by hunting places with private game departments like Ted Turner's place to the tune of $28,000 or more.
There are many people in America that are hunting out of State that in aggregate are actually spending "elephant or leopard hunt" money and they aren't aware. This is to say nothing for even a basic hunt. Loading up my two boys, driving to the UP of Michigan, gas, lodging, food for three, trespass rights, out of state hunting tags, ice, snacks, incidentals, tip for the landowner, we add it all up to go kill a spike buck or a couple of whitetail does and we are literally spending what it would cost for a 5 day RSA plains game 4 animal package.
Every time I explain that to dyed in the wool North American hunters they never seem to believe me, but then they go drop $15,000+ on a poorly guided hunt that is unsuccessful in the USA. I'm starting to wonder if cost/price is the straw-man objection to Africa but in fact its just an excuse and the real reasons are various.