The 450Gr Norma African PH ammunition is loaded with Woodleigh round nosed steel jacketed FMJ solids, isn’t it ?Thanks to all of you for making me feel welcome and giving your advice and sugestions. I have made a few phonecalls and know a little bit more. Unfortunatly, it does not look very good. I spoke with a company that normaly has a wide selection of woodleigh bullets. They have no idea when they will get a new shipment of bullets from them. Jakt & Friluft(hunting gear shop in Norway) do not answer the phone. Probably have their hands full since moosehunt start next month. They also normaly have a good selection of woodeighs, but also have Hornady factory loads in their Dangerous game label. But nothing in 416 Rigby..
i have sent them an email.
As it stands my choises are two.
1. Buy factory loaded Norma with Barnes round nose solids and use them with the TBBC I already have.
2. Buy 4 packets of Normas African PH line, 450 grains. Both solids and expanding.
At the moment I am leaning on alternative 2.
PerH: regarding Rhino bullets: Jaktdepotet have not imported Rhino for years. They do not have any 416 that would be usefull for Hippo.