About to go on Cape buffalo hunt, guns and calibers?

I suppose someone will bust my chops for my avatar on my first post.... you can't see my eyes...

I guess if everyone is going to get their shorts in a twist over a photo, I suppose we should also get worked up over people using something other than their legal name own their posts, too....
Well hell I'm not even in mine! I just picked one of the planes I used to fly until my trophy is in the salt. THEN it will be my avitar! :D Beer Draft:
There, I changed it so my face is in it.... :D
Sorry Aleksandar I'm not convinced. When one intentionally misrepresents oneself it takes a lot to gain peoples trust back. With all that is going on with regard to hunters (who respect the whole aspect of hunting) vs the anti-hunting element (who have no clue and are only interested in promoting their own agenda) hunters are very skeptical when situations like this occur. Intentionally hiding ones face doesn't help. You maybe sincere in your apology (which if sincere is big of you to admit your faux pas) but you've created skepticism. A lot of fine people "weighed in" to try and help you.
It's like this. You go to a fancy restaurant. You order your favourite meal whether it be steak, chicken, lobster, venison or what have you. You order your favourite vegetables to go with it. Your anticipation is heightened as you can smell the aroma of your meal approaching. The waiter puts it front of you. You realize it's been served on a garbage can lid.
You "served up" a real nice story but served it on a lie or "garbage can lid". You did not have respect for that which you sought. Kinda leaves a sour taste in one's mouth.
Remember "Respect Is Earned, Not Given"
Old post, but new to the board. I was looking for post about .375s and came upon this interesting thread. It’s been 6 years since this hunt was supposed to take place and curious if anyone knows if Aleksander shot anything. Or if this hunt actually took place
Old post, but new to the board. I was looking for post about .375s and came upon this interesting thread. It’s been 6 years since this hunt was supposed to take place and curious if anyone knows if Aleksander shot anything. Or if this hunt actually took place
Well as the op hasn't been on since June 2015...I somehow doubt it...as if you read the hunt was a fabrication which he apologised for...
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