AH veteran
My sons and I hauled up an old 6x6 side by side to our moose camp this weekend.
We had a tough time getting the boat on step, but after two miles of hugging the shallows she finally got on step. We were able to run 30 mph for 40 miles. Then I got to close to a gravel bar and sucked the cooling system full of gravel.
There was no choice we had to Unload the side by side in the middle of the river. So with the help of some neighbor, that is exactly what we did. Abive are some pictures of us driving it off without ramps.
Then it was time to sort out the boat. I sent a picture of my codes and what I thought the trouble was to the absolute boat guru. An hour later he text and called in the solution.
I needed to flush the system. That is hard to do (not a water spicket within 40 miles), so I pulled the bullet pump out of the well at my cabin, cut the end off, and hooked it right up to the bottom flushing nipple. I tossed the bullet pump overboard, and hook the power to the boats battery, and walla instant flush. I believe this pump is going to become part of my regular repair kit. It took 4 hours of rain filled fun to get it all sorted out. No more over heating, time to load up and head down river.
After an hour of running, the belt tensioner burns up, and now the boat only idles. So again we pull over, and open the dog house. I fortunately had a spare pully in a water proof box, thanks again to the great and wonder boating guru. The rest of the trip was uneventful. I will post pictures as moose season progresses. Should be fun, at least it usually is.