A university has banned beef to help fight climate change

Those people are nuts- they even strangle themselves for birds:

watch from 6:10-7:10. Darwinian evolution at work lol

Couldn't stop laughing at the leader on his radio.... Then he shit himself when the machinery started running.... Wonder what they thought would happen even if it accidentally started running.... Just slightly obvious that they might get a bit chewed up....couldn't get their necklaces off fast enough.... Shame no guard dogs roaming for them to make friends with..... ;)
Well, what some of you guys are talking about is one religion imposing itself on others. When I was in India, my uncle was talking to me about how unlike in America, there is a massive religious divide in government between Hindus and Muslins and Hindus basically force their beliefs onto everyone else. That's why despite problems, I'm thankful to live in a country that declares religious neutrality in its Constitution.

Also @sgt_zim, I actually abhor this type of environmentalist because they don't realize that you're not gonna get anywhere by just yelling at people, preaching doomsday, etc. You gotta make it so people wanna participate in change rather than forcing it on them. That's why vegans are the butt of so many jokes, even among other vegans/vegetarians.
This is very accurate.
There is no one as bigoted as an Indian Hindu and a Middle Eastern Muslim. I particularly dislike it when Hindu immigrants from India and Muslim immigrants from the Middle East come to Bangladesh ( my country ) . Eventually , they form large communities and attempt to change the laws and culture of our own country to fit with their " culture " . I find it most sickening. Bangladesh is a secular country where all religious festivals are celebrated and there are government holidays for the celebration of all the festivals of the major religions in the country ( Muslims , Christians , Hindus , Buddhists ). Occasionally , these Hindu immigrants form communities and try to impose their foolish beliefs on us , like trying to ban beef eating or cattle slaughter. The muslim immigrants from the Middle East are another type of problem. Even though , Muslims form a large percentage of Bangladesh's population , we originally are not the conservative or fanatical sort ( fortunately ). Music , cinema and art is a part of our tradition , women have open hair and can wear whatever they like and there is free mixing among the genders and liquor is not restricted. But these immigrants come and try to impose their foolish conservative ideals on the country by trying to make Bangladesh have the same laws as Middle Eastern countries . My question is then , that why did these disgusting people immigrate to our country from their own , if they want our country to have the have the same culture and laws which their country has ? The worst time for us , was from 2002 to 2010 , when the previous government was in power and , being sympathetic to these kinds of people , they allowed massive numbers of Middle Eastern immigrants into our country who attempted to change our law to fit their " needs " . Fortunately , after our current government came to power in 2011 , they managed to stop such such rancid immigration and also stopped these immigrants from having their ways with our country's culture and laws.
After the disgusting ISIS attack on July , 2016 , the government clamped down on these middle eastern immigrants and fanatics even more and deported many of them. With these Indian Hindu and Middle Eastern Muslim immigrants finally being increasingly brought to control , l hope that my country gets back on it's feet again. The last thing a man wants after fighting for six months in his country's liberation war , is for it to fall to these kinds of people instead of being the secular nation we envisioned it to be .
Sounds like your government is not caving into all the PC bullshit and not scared of hurting some poor dipshits feelings... :D Beers:Shame the rest of the supposed free world is rapidly heading down the crap pan....

Might have to try visit.. Especially if there is a good supply of gin and tonic for sundowners....:D
Sounds like your government is not caving into all the PC bullshit and not scared of hurting some poor dipshits feelings... :D Beers:Shame the rest of the supposed free world is rapidly heading down the crap pan....
Spike T
Indeed. I hope that it stays this way . After the current government came into power , they increased the legal number of fire arms an ordinary citizen can own , from two to six . This is certainly a step in the right direction.
Well, what some of you guys are talking about is one religion imposing itself on others. When I was in India, my uncle was talking to me about how unlike in America, there is a massive religious divide in government between Hindus and Muslins and Hindus basically force their beliefs onto everyone else. That's why despite problems, I'm thankful to live in a country that declares religious neutrality in its Constitution.

Also @sgt_zim, I actually abhor this type of environmentalist because they don't realize that you're not gonna get anywhere by just yelling at people, preaching doomsday, etc. You gotta make it so people wanna participate in change rather than forcing it on them. That's why vegans are the butt of so many jokes, even among other vegans/vegetarians.

I have observed that where there is a massive religious divide, it always seems to involve Islam.

With few exceptions, Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Sikhs, Hindus, Taosists, and so on all seem to get on fairly well with each other, or at least are not openly hostile to each other. Mix in Islam with any of those, and discord seems to follow as night follows day.
I have observed that where there is a massive religious divide, it always seems to involve Islam.

With few exceptions, Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Sikhs, Hindus, Taosists, and so on all seem to get on fairly well with each other, or at least are not openly hostile to each other. Mix in Islam with any of those, and discord seems to follow as night follows day.
Sgt. Zim
I agree mostly with what what you have said , being Muslim myself. The Middle Eastern immigrants who swept into my country during the previous government's rule follow a far more fanatical version of Islam ( which has sadly come to represent us in this world today ) than Bangladesh Muslims do and they did a lot of damage to my country's secular way of life ( although we are cleaning it up now since the last eight years after our current government fortunately came to power ).
However , the Hindus in India can be an extremely unreasonable sort . I say this from personal experience , since l am Indian by birth. In 1972 , after Indira Gandhi's renegade government took over India , they banned any form of hunting and eating beef , with meat eating itself being heavily demonized . It was only after they banned hunting that poaching actually became rancid and wild life started becoming endangered.
Recently , near the border , a Muslim man who owned a butcher shop that sells beef was lynched by a group of Hindu vegetarians who stripped him naked , forced him to eat pork and then covered him in pig's blood for being a " filthy meat eater ". I have photographs of the incident and the news paper cutting. I would not call these people harmonious by any definition .
There are many Hindus who are respectful towards others and will eat any meat except pork. Many even love hunting , and l certainly have many such close friends . I even worked with Hindu professional Shikaris during my career as a professional Shikari from 1962 to 1970 and guided many excellent clients who were Hindus .
Christians are genuinely harmonious people. During my eight years as a professional Shikari guiding clients from all over the world , l have never met one which looked down upon a Muslim or a Hindu or even our tribal Garo trackers.
This is in no way meant to disrespect your views but merely to offer another perspective at it , being both a Muslim and Indian .
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It is very unfortunate as to what the world was come to. These Muslim communities are so intolerant these days. I am Muslim myself , but l frequently cook pork dishes for my non Muslim friends . In Bangladesh ( where l live ) , as it is a secular country , pork ( both fresh and imported products like spam , prosciutto , pork belly and the like ) are fairly easily available in each of the areas in super markets and hotels ( especially in areas where our Christian , Hindu or Buddhist communities are prevalent ).
As a child growing up in India during the 1950s decade , l always remember my mother and father cooking plenty of pork dishes whenever our non Muslim friends would come to our house . They had a separate stove with separate pots , pans , utensils and plates to cook for our guests who would eat pork. Tinned pork items such as liverwurst , bologna sausage and tinned hams were always kept in my father's grocery shop , which l would watch part time .
We would regularly hunt boars and give the meat to our non Muslim friends and workers . Infact , l still hunt boars near the tea gardens now and twice a year gift the meat to my friends.
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Today , it is really sad to see that people can be so intolerant. Just because one person's religion prevents them from doing something , give them no right to stop other people from enjoying it .
The world must end this political correctness before it's too late. Instead of people worrying about offending others , people should not get so offended by others in the first place , l believe.

As I have grown to be an older man, and the world has become more intolerant, I have strived to learn to be more tolerant of those things that in previous years might have really stoked me up. I try to behave in a manner that if it does not threaten me, or my family, either physically or just from a conviction standpoint, then there are always two sides to every story and I need to be more open minded. I do not risk personal conviction, but it does provide for a more enjoyable, and often enlightened life. I know I have a lot more to worry about for myself than imposing my will on others just because it is my will.
As I have grown to be an older man, and the world has become more intolerant, I have strived to learn to be more tolerant of those things that in previous years might have really stoked me up. I try to behave in a manner that if it does not threaten me, or my family, either physically or just from a conviction standpoint, then there are always two sides to every story and I need to be more open minded. I do not risk personal conviction, but it does provide for a more enjoyable, and often enlightened life. I know I have a lot more to worry about for myself than imposing my will on others just because it is my will.
Mort Hill
That is a most philosophical response. The world has indeed become much more intolerant than it was fifty years ago . The uninformed , for instance , like to blame fire arms for school shootings in the United States of America , but that is illogical . Fire arms have always existed and during our youth , school shootings were unheard of anywhere in the world. It is modern generations and the way people have become , that has led to a good deal of discord in this world.
Unfortunately, it does no good for there to be 90% of any given large group to be decent folks.

Fewer than 10% of Germans were NAZIs. Fewer than 10% of Russians were committed communists. I'd say fewer than 10% of China are avowed Marxists, as well.
Sgt. Zim
I agree mostly with what what you have said , being Muslim myself. The Middle Eastern immigrants who swept into my country during the previous government's rule follow a far more fanatical version of Islam ( which has sadly come to represent us in this world today ) than Bangladesh Muslims do and they did a lot of damage to my country's secular way of life ( although we are cleaning it up now since the last eight years after our current government fortunately came to power ).
However , the Hindus in India can be an extremely unreasonable sort . I say this from personal experience , since l am Indian by birth. In 1972 , after Indira Gandhi's renegade government took over India , they banned any form of hunting and eating beef , with meat eating itself being heavily demonized . It was only after they banned hunting that poaching actually became rancid and wild life started becoming endangered.
Recently , near the border , a Muslim man who owned a butcher shop that sells beef was lynched by a group of Hindu vegetarians who stripped him naked , forced him to eat pork and then covered him in pig's blood for being a " filthy meat eater ". I have photographs of the incident and the news paper cutting. I would not call these people harmonious by any definition .
There are many Hindus who are respectful towards others and will eat any meat except pork. Many even love hunting , and l certainly have many such close friends . I even worked with Hindu professional Shikaris during my career as a professional Shikari from 1962 to 1970 and guided many excellent clients who were Hindus .
Christians are genuinely harmonious people. During my eight years as a professional Shikari guiding clients from all over the world , l have never met one which looked down upon a Muslim or a Hindu or even our tribal Garo trackers.
This is in no way meant to disrespect your views but merely to offer another perspective at it , being both a Muslim and Indian .

No disrespect inferred.

Sadly, it matters not a whit if 90% of any given demographic is peace-loving and enlightened. Fewer than 10% of Germans were NAZIs, fewer than 10% of Russians and Chinese were actual communists. Yet within the small minorities, better than 100 million found their way to mass graves in the space of about 50 years. So it is with Islam. When 99% or more of Muslims wish for comity with the rest of the world, there will likely be peace.

Between The Renaissance and The Enlightenment, the darker parts of Christendom were throttled. Permanently, I hope. We can pray, you and I, that the same thing happens in the Islamic world.
Unfortunately, it does no good for there to be 90% of any given large group to be decent folks.

Fewer than 10% of Germans were NAZIs. Fewer than 10% of Russians were committed communists. I'd say fewer than 10% of China are avowed Marxists, as well.

No disrespect inferred.

Sadly, it matters not a whit if 90% of any given demographic is peace-loving and enlightened. Fewer than 10% of Germans were NAZIs, fewer than 10% of Russians and Chinese were actual communists. Yet within the small minorities, better than 100 million found their way to mass graves in the space of about 50 years. So it is with Islam. When 99% or more of Muslims wish for comity with the rest of the world, there will likely be peace.

Between The Renaissance and The Enlightenment, the darker parts of Christendom were throttled. Permanently, I hope. We can pray, you and I, that the same thing happens in the Islamic world.
Sgt. Zim
I agree. I hope it changes one day for the better . Many Muslims are sadly very bigotted and intolerant these days , with the worst being the ones coming from the Middle East . Thank you for understanding , however , that many of us are not like that and loath such behavior .


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I'll bet the faculty in private doesn't abide by that bs.
They definitely don't they order a big fat steak at the restaurant and they love bacon but want other people to eat grass.
I had about a 50% Malasian population in my university engineering classes during the 1980's, both male & female. They were all Muslim, friendly, and courteous, unlike some classmates from other parts of the world and the USA. Several group projects I was assigned to in this phase of my education included Mayalsian students: as expected, the write-ups for these assignments often included "all nighters". At some point in the dark hours, they would ask me my best guess about which direction Mecca might be, and some privacy to perform their prayers, which I gladly accomodated. In return, they invited me to eat home-cooked Malasian dishes with them, especially at sundown during Ramadan, as a return gesture of respect. They said being a Malaysian Muslim allowed great dietary freedom as any & all seafood was permitted, and didn't need to die in any certain way before eating! If they went to a fast food restaurant they would always order the fish sandwich (e.g. Filet-O-Fish). They never tried to force their culture on us South Texans, and always pulled their weight on group project assignments. They revealed they had been told by Middle Eastern students "You can never trust a Jew"; I proved that statement wrong telling them which professors were Jewish, and they were floored since they received the good grades they had earned in classes with Jewish professors, and agreed not to listen to any such talk going forward.

There are many tolerant, easy to get along with Muslims in this world. But the others are the ones that get all the press coverage.

Blaise Pascal once said "Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction." This applies equally to things such as The Crusades (and Holy Roman Empire), The Spanish Inquisition, Salem with hunting, and all other horrible acts done in the name of religious fervor.
I had about a 50% Malasian population in my university engineering classes during the 1980's, both male & female. They were all Muslim, friendly, and courteous, unlike some classmates from other parts of the world and the USA. Several group projects I was assigned to in this phase of my education included Mayalsian students: as expected, the write-ups for these assignments often included "all nighters". At some point in the dark hours, they would ask me my best guess about which direction Mecca might be, and some privacy to perform their prayers, which I gladly accomodated. In return, they invited me to eat home-cooked Malasian dishes with them, especially at sundown during Ramadan, as a return gesture of respect. They said being a Malaysian Muslim allowed great dietary freedom as any & all seafood was permitted, and didn't need to die in any certain way before eating! If they went to a fast food restaurant they would always order the fish sandwich (e.g. Filet-O-Fish). They never tried to force their culture on us South Texans, and always pulled their weight on group project assignments. They revealed they had been told by Middle Eastern students "You can never trust a Jew"; I proved that statement wrong telling them which professors were Jewish, and they were floored since they received the good grades they had earned in classes with Jewish professors, and agreed not to listen to any such talk going forward.

There are many tolerant, easy to get along with Muslims in this world. But the others are the ones that get all the press coverage.

Blaise Pascal once said "Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction." This applies equally to things such as The Crusades (and Holy Roman Empire), The Spanish Inquisition, Salem with hunting, and all other horrible acts done in the name of religious fervor.
Mr. Zorg
This was a most beautiful response. You truly are a well read gentleman.
We Texans generally are proud of eating high-palate-heat foods, but these folks also had great mastery of making food picante, but as a complementary instead of overpowering flavor component. That was the first time I ate curry, they let me know in conversation that the chicken in the curry cost them $5.00 / chicken through an arrangement the Middle Eastern students had with a meat supplier in Houston. A whole chicken cost $1.50 or so in a standard US supermarket back then. It reinforced the degree of respect and camaraderie they had extended to me. They didn't have the typical US college experience, not partaking in alcohol and having classes & exams during Ramadan, maintaining their routine. Kingsville, TX had and still has very little in common with Austin, TX other than both having a university. They let me know in Malaysia, body modesty is a strong cultural component, beaches were segregated by gender. They could never know what it was like to have a family day at the beach, or take a girl to the beach as a date. But they never tried to force any such things on us, and as fellow young men, didn't mind the eye candy available but weren't rude anout it. During one all-nighter Ed McMahon's Star Search program came on TV, with a typical "Most Photogenic" category with of course a stunning young lady in beachwear. The guys said nothing like that was shown on TV in Malaysia, as broadcasting media was government controlled, and only the rich & politically connected were granted permits for satellite dishes. Their equivalent of locker room talk was to joke about how they would never know what a specific girl looked like without her clothes until after they were married! I can't emphasize enough how I never experienced any treatment or hear any comments about US culture being wrong, or evil, in any way, simply different.

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schwerpunkt88 wrote on Robmill70's profile.
Morning Rob, Any feeling for how the 300 H&H shoots? How's the barrel condition?
mrpoindexter wrote on Charlm's profile.
Hello. I see you hunted with Sampie recently. If you don't mind me asking, where did you hunt with him? Zim or SA? And was it with a bow? What did you hunt?

I am possibly going to book with him soon.
Currently doing a load development on a .404 Jeffrey... it's always surprising to load .423 caliber bullets into a .404 caliber rifle. But we love it when we get 400 Gr North Fork SS bullets to 2300 FPS, those should hammer down on buffalo. Next up are the Cutting Edge solids and then Raptors... load 200 rounds of ammo for the customer and on to the next gun!
To much to political shit, to little Africa :-)