Hello 375Fox,
Back 15 or so years ago, when my wife and myself were treated for the particular strain of African Tic Bite Fever we had been infected with, I believe our prescriptions were each for, 10 mg of Doxycycline per day, for 30 days.
My elderly memory is admittedly not perfect by any measure.
So perhaps I’m wrong.
But, 10 mg for 30 days is how I remember it.
My wife just now said that she only remembers it as a “very low dose for 30 days”.
Anyway, your comment about 100 mg per day made me curious.
So, I googled it.
Turns out that today’s latest trend in treating this disease and similar ones (Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever for one example) is to give the patient 200 mg of Doxycycline each day for 5 to 7 days (100 mg twice per each 24 hours).
So evidently, the medical community has departed from a low daily dose, that was taken for 30 days.
Today, the shift to administering a very high dose, for only a few days, reportedly resulted from people complaining that long term use of Doxycycline was causing their teeth to become discolored.
Kind Regards,
Velo Dog.