DeWald -- The .404 build is just about to start. I am meeting with gunbuilder Reto Buehler in a few days to nail down the details. The action will be a left hand, double square bridge Mauser from Granite Mountain Arms, a good match grade barrel (23" - 24"), it will have QD scope mounts with a Leupold VX-III 2.5 - 5X scope. express sights with the front having a flip up for low light shooting if needed. I am considering some type of ghost ring rear as well if it can be accommodated with the scope. Not sure on the ghost ring, but I am more comfortable with an aperture rear sight because I grew up shooting with a peep.
I have a nice rifle blank of French walnut that I have been saving for many years and expect Reto to fashion a classic, English-style express rifle with a 4 round magazine. Granite Mountain makes one-piece bottom metal that incorporates the magazine box, which is fitted to carry and feed the specific cartridge specified. Looking at the .404, I expect that the shape will provide smooth feeding when needed.
For me - a left hand shooter - the choice was between Granite Mountain Mauser and Dakota. I want a reliable rifle. I have done some big game hunting in USA, Canada and Mexico, but I have never been to Africa or hunted any dangerous game. SO I am a rank beginner. At this time I have little interest in hunting elephants, Hippos, or cats but am focused on buffalo and plains game, especially Oryx and Sable.
I hope that the .404 magazine rifle will be a flexible tool and easy to carry and shoot. I think that 9 to 9-1/4 lbs is a good weight for a large bore rifle. This is a compromise between 'carry-ability' and recoil management. Does this sound like a workable plan?
I considered a double rifle, too, as I have a number of SxS shotguns and have done a lot of bird shooting with my SxS guns. But in the end I was seduced by the sleek English express rifles that I have seen and handled.
BTW, I usually shoot a 16 gauge SxS for birds behind my setters and would love to take a 16 to Namibia, but can I get ammo for the 16 there?