A mixed bag at the range today


AH legend
Mar 26, 2017
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Richmond, Texas
Hunting reports
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NRA, Houston Safari Club Foundation, NWTF
South Africa, Idaho, Texas, Louisiana
New loads for the new 375H&H.

Norma unfired brass, CCI LRM primers, Varget 62 gr, Hornady 270 gr Interlock, just over MOA at 2310 fps. That should be a nice starting load for the missus.

A redo on loads for my 280 AI and Norma Oryx 156 gr. I'd tried Magnum and IMR4831 in the past, never could get the MV I wanted, so I switched to H4350. Lights out accurate at about 2950 fps. I couldn't be more tickled.

I'm a bit flummoxed on the new 9.3x62 loads for the Sauer. Brand new PPU brass, CCI LR. Tried 6 shots, the primer got dented on all 6, but not enough to cause ignition. I'd zeroed the rifle with some milder loads I'd worked up for my Zastva, same batch of primers, but using Norma 2x fired brass, functioned as expected. Only thing I can think of is the shoulder is just a little too far back on the PPU brass.

I don't believe it's the primers. I used the CCI LR primers from the same tray in both my 280 AI and 308 Win loads, and they all worked

No ignition

good ignition

Also worked up loads for 308 - Hammer bullets 180 gr Shock Hammers and IMR 4895. Not accurate enough, and at only a little over 2500 fps, not as much MV as I was expecting on the top end. Going to try CFE223 next.
For a 270 gr projectile, my usual load for the 375 H&H is 77.0 gr of AR2209 (H4350). I use a standard Win LR primer (allegedly helps with brass life in bottle necked cases). Velocity 2721 fps. I save CCI LR Mag for straight walled cases such as the Lott.

With your 9.3x62 loads, did you seat the primer all the way to the bottom of the primer pocket? If not some of the firing pin energy gets wasted bottoming out the primer. Were the PPU cases full length sized before loading? If so, try a couple of cases sized with the die backed out a few thou. May be a headspace diference between your chamber vs the die. Also, CCI primer are good quality, but they are a bit tougher than other brands. Maybe try a diferent brand, at least until your cases match the chamber.
For a 270 gr projectile, my usual load for the 375 H&H is 77.0 gr of AR2209 (H4350). I use a standard Win LR primer (allegedly helps with brass life in bottle necked cases). Velocity 2721 fps. I save CCI LR Mag for straight walled cases such as the Lott.

With your 9.3x62 loads, did you seat the primer all the way to the bottom of the primer pocket? If not some of the firing pin energy gets wasted bottoming out the primer. Were the PPU cases full length sized before loading? If so, try a couple of cases sized with the die backed out a few thou. May be a headspace diference between your chamber vs the die. Also, CCI primer are good quality, but they are a bit tougher than other brands. Maybe try a diferent brand, at least until your cases match the chamber.
I only own 2 magnums - the 375 and a 404J. The little one is for the missus, and the biggest she's ever shot to date is my 6.5x55 Swede. A 270 gr pill at 2700 fps is a bit more than she can handle, even off sticks.

The only thing I ever do to new brass is run them into the expander just to make the mouth uniform.
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I'm with Hunter4752001, I bet your primers aren't bottomed out in the pocket of the new brass. Every time I've run into that issue that has been the case.
I'm with Hunter4752001, I bet your primers aren't bottomed out in the pocket of the new brass. Every time I've run into that issue that has been the case.
The primers are flush.
The primers are flush.
I don't have a 9.3x62, but PPU and Lapua in particular seem to have tight pockets for me and thick case heads. The primers should be noticeably recessed from the head of the case, not flush.

Just to eliminate the possibility, try seating a primer with increasing force until the primer deforms a bit. Compare the depth with some you previously loaded. On some new brass/primer combinations I end up deforming the primer very slightly to get it to seat properly.

I think the primer issue is more likely than a headspace issue. There is quit a bit of leeway with excess headspace vs a primer not bottomed out in the case, in my experience.

You could also check the headspace by putting layers of masking tape on the case head. If the misfired brass chambers easily with 3 or more layers of masking tape on the head, then you may be on to something there.
The no ignition on your 9.3x62 is puzzling. Maybe get a can of this and lightly (very lightly!!) spray it on your reloads.
:A Blowup:

I don't have a 9.3x62, but PPU and Lapua in particular seem to have tight pockets for me and thick case heads. The primers should be noticeably recessed from the head of the case, not flush.

Just to eliminate the possibility, try seating a primer with increasing force until the primer deforms a bit. Compare the depth with some you previously loaded. On some new brass/primer combinations I end up deforming the primer very slightly to get it to seat properly.

I think the primer issue is more likely than a headspace issue. There is quit a bit of leeway with excess headspace vs a primer not bottomed out in the case, in my experience.

You could also check the headspace by putting layers of masking tape on the case head. If the misfired brass chambers easily with 3 or more layers of masking tape on the head, then you may be on to something there.
Primer pocket seems to be the culprit here.

I measured unfired PPU pocket depth at 0.130" and unfired Norma at 0.126". Twice-fired Peterson for my 280 AI at 0.124". CCI LR primer thickness is 0.125". Seems like the primer is sitting 5 thou away from the flash hole in the PPU brass.

I use the same Hornady hand-priming tool that I've used on thousands of other loads and never experienced this issue. I can't get the primers any deeper than they are. Once the handle meets the shaft or the primer hits the bottom of the pocket, that's as far in as the primer goes.

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Using new PPU brass in 9.3x62, I did some practice loads before my Cape Buff hunt. (Actual hunting loads were in Lapua brass.)

No issues with the PPU brass going bang.
Still have a few marked "1s" = new first load.

Not positive if I uniformed the primer pockets since they were practice only. But I annealed and FL sized so probably did. Sounds like yours need it.

Primers (standard Fed 210s) are just slightly below flush. Not to the extent of the primer in Lapua brass, though. Not even close.
Using new PPU brass in 9.3x62, I did some practice loads before my Cape Buff hunt. (Actual hunting loads were in Lapua brass.)

No issues with the PPU brass going bang.
Still have a few marked "1s" = new first load.

Not positive if I uniformed the primer pockets since they were practice only. But I annealed and FL sized so probably did. Sounds like yours need it.

Primers (standard Fed 210s) are just slightly below flush. Not to the extent of the primer in Lapua brass, though. Not even close.
Doesn't seem like it would matter if I uniformed the primer pockets if they're already too deep by 0.005"
Doesn't seem like it would matter if I uniformed the primer pockets if they're already too deep by 0.005"
The obvious solution is better quality brass.
The obvious solution is better quality brass.
No disagreement on better quality.

At the time, that's all I could find for the 9.3. It's 2 different lot numbers, too - one from 2021 and one from 2024 if lot numbers 21001 and 24001 are any indication. I already ordered 100 new Normas last night from @RAVEN ROCKS PRECISION , and emailed PPU this morning. We'll see what they say.
Primer pocket seems to be the culprit here.

I measured unfired PPU pocket depth at 0.130" and unfired Norma at 0.126". Twice-fired Peterson for my 280 AI at 0.124". CCI LR primer thickness is 0.125". Seems like the primer is sitting 5 thou away from the flash hole in the PPU brass.

I use the same Hornady hand-priming tool that I've used on thousands of other loads and never experienced this issue. I can't get the primers any deeper than they are. Once the handle meets the shaft or the primer hits the bottom of the pocket, that's as far in as the primer goes.

Having messed with the Lee, Hornady, RCBS, hand primers and modifying them to work how I wanted, I found them lacking in adjustability and durability. Finally the market responded with this: Frankford Arsenal Perfect Seat It is adjustable for primer seating depth and well built.
Get this thing and you'll throw away your Hornady hand tool. It will completely solve your problem.
The obvious solution is better quality brass.
PPU brass has been good for me, especially for the money. It's not Lapua, but better than Hornady and a lot of our domestic stuff.
already ordered 100 new Normas last night from @RAVEN ROCKS PRECISION

Norma is good brass but based on the Norma 338 WM I purchased last year, it has extremely tight primer pockets. I coul not get a significant percentage of my Federal primers to fully seat without some work. (I use an RCBS Universal primer seater, btw.)

While a primer pocket uniforming tool is not ideal (the pockets are already deep enough), it's what I have and works. Trick is to add a little Imperial sizing wax with a Q-Tip to the outer wall of the uniforming tool. About every 5th case or so ' just before priming. (I cannot hold the case tight enough without the wax.)

In effect, I guess I made it into a primer pocket lubing tool. I did 150 cases this way. FWIW I used once fired cases from that 1st batch for hunting.
New loads for the new 375H&H.

Norma unfired brass, CCI LRM primers, Varget 62 gr, Hornady 270 gr Interlock, just over MOA at 2310 fps. That should be a nice starting load for the missus.

A redo on loads for my 280 AI and Norma Oryx 156 gr. I'd tried Magnum and IMR4831 in the past, never could get the MV I wanted, so I switched to H4350. Lights out accurate at about 2950 fps. I couldn't be more tickled.

I'm a bit flummoxed on the new 9.3x62 loads for the Sauer. Brand new PPU brass, CCI LR. Tried 6 shots, the primer got dented on all 6, but not enough to cause ignition. I'd zeroed the rifle with some milder loads I'd worked up for my Zastva, same batch of primers, but using Norma 2x fired brass, functioned as expected. Only thing I can think of is the shoulder is just a little too far back on the PPU brass.

I don't believe it's the primers. I used the CCI LR primers from the same tray in both my 280 AI and 308 Win loads, and they all worked

No ignition
View attachment 660782

good ignition
View attachment 660783

Also worked up loads for 308 - Hammer bullets 180 gr Shock Hammers and IMR 4895. Not accurate enough, and at only a little over 2500 fps, not as much MV as I was expecting on the top end. Going to try CFE223 next.
If'n you want a load for the 280Ai that should give it a set of balls try Hogdon superformance.
Work up a load similar to the 4831. I did that in my 25 and got up to 200fps more speed, better accuracy and what appeared to be lower pressure
Superformance is a tad slower than H4831 and reloader 22
Talked to an dude at Graf's, he says 0.130" is within tolerance. I guess I need to get a new priming tool.
If'n you want a load for the 280Ai that should give it a set of balls try Hogdon superformance.
Work up a load similar to the 4831. I did that in my 25 and got up to 200fps more speed, better accuracy and what appeared to be lower pressure
Superformance is a tad slower than H4831 and reloader 22
H4350 got me where I need to be with those low BC Normas. I think the issue with Magnum and 4831 is they're just too slow for my 22" bbl.

At southern Africa escarpment and elk altitudes, I should be right at 500 yards and still be around 2k fps and 1500-ish ft lbs of impact energy. That's farther than I'm comfortable to shoot at an animal anyway.

IDK why i didn't just start with CFE223 for the 308 loads. I'm getting a staggering 2875 fps with 168 gr Speer Gold Dots
New loads for the new 375H&H.

Norma unfired brass, CCI LRM primers, Varget 62 gr, Hornady 270 gr Interlock, just over MOA at 2310 fps. That should be a nice starting load for the missus.

A redo on loads for my 280 AI and Norma Oryx 156 gr. I'd tried Magnum and IMR4831 in the past, never could get the MV I wanted, so I switched to H4350. Lights out accurate at about 2950 fps. I couldn't be more tickled.

I'm a bit flummoxed on the new 9.3x62 loads for the Sauer. Brand new PPU brass, CCI LR. Tried 6 shots, the primer got dented on all 6, but not enough to cause ignition. I'd zeroed the rifle with some milder loads I'd worked up for my Zastva, same batch of primers, but using Norma 2x fired brass, functioned as expected. Only thing I can think of is the shoulder is just a little too far back on the PPU brass.

I don't believe it's the primers. I used the CCI LR primers from the same tray in both my 280 AI and 308 Win loads, and they all worked

No ignition
View attachment 660782

good ignition
View attachment 660783

Also worked up loads for 308 - Hammer bullets 180 gr Shock Hammers and IMR 4895. Not accurate enough, and at only a little over 2500 fps, not as much MV as I was expecting on the top end. Going to try CFE223 next.
what model Sauer are you running and wood or fiberglass?
H4350 got me where I need to be with those low BC Normas. I think the issue with Magnum and 4831 is they're just too slow for my 22" bbl.

At southern Africa escarpment and elk altitudes, I should be right at 500 yards and still be around 2k fps and 1500-ish ft lbs of impact energy. That's farther than I'm comfortable to shoot at an animal anyway.

IDK why i didn't just start with CFE223 for the 308 loads. I'm getting a staggering 2875 fps with 168 gr Speer Gold Dots

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schwerpunkt88 wrote on Robmill70's profile.
Morning Rob, Any feeling for how the 300 H&H shoots? How's the barrel condition?
mrpoindexter wrote on Charlm's profile.
Hello. I see you hunted with Sampie recently. If you don't mind me asking, where did you hunt with him? Zim or SA? And was it with a bow? What did you hunt?

I am possibly going to book with him soon.
Currently doing a load development on a .404 Jeffrey... it's always surprising to load .423 caliber bullets into a .404 caliber rifle. But we love it when we get 400 Gr North Fork SS bullets to 2300 FPS, those should hammer down on buffalo. Next up are the Cutting Edge solids and then Raptors... load 200 rounds of ammo for the customer and on to the next gun!