When hunting in Africa, I always use a travel agent. I’ve always used Shawn Kennedy of Gracy Travel, though I know many like Jennifer Ginn of Travel Express. I’m sure either is fine. Travel agents tend to know which routes work best, and more importantly, which routes and airlines to avoid. An example would be British Airways and Heathrow Airport no matter which airline. Many know to avoid them but some don’t. If you’re ‘that guy’ and end up having your flight screwed up (especially if traveling with guns) by flying BA through Heathrow, do you really care that you saved a couple hundred bucks by doing it yourself?
Here’s an example of where a good hunting specialist travel agent is worth their weight in gold…. In December of 2019 I took my son on his first Buffalo hunt, to Maswa North in Tanzania. If you hit it right it can be some of the best hunting anywhere for a truly big buffalo. But when we went, East Africa was being hit with record rains and widespread flooding across Kenya, the DRC, Uganda and Tanzania. When it was time to depart, the airstrip was too muddy for our charter to land and we were going to be faced with a 2-day drive to Mwanza (nearest town with an airport) to catch a commuter flight back to Kilimanjaro and then fly home. We were flying Emirates and would not make our flight home from JRO. The gun permission is flight specific and requires about a week’s advance notice. This wasn’t going to work for us. Fortunately, we had Wi-Fi in camp, so I was able to call Shawn Kennedy at home on her cell phone. She got to work and told me not to worry. When I next talked to her, she explained that the only airline leaving Tanzania that would allow us to fly without advance gun permission was Ethiopian Airlines. She had us booked onto an Ethiopian flight and got our return leg on Emirates refunded for us.
Perhaps you’re someone who wants to deal with figuring that out while you’re out in the bush hunting buffalo. I’m not. A good travel agent is worth their weight in gold when something happens. Think about the total cost of an African hunt. Is travel where you want to pinch Pennie’s? I don’t think it’s a wise thing to do.