Hoss Delgado
AH fanatic
Mr. RahmanHoss
I really appreciate you acquiring that magnum .460 from Weatherby for me . Just two cartridges will make me very content. You see , during my time the magnum .460 was talked about by quite a few hunters and l always hoped that a client would bring one to Darjeeling so that l can try it , but unfortunately they never did. When more knowledgeable members that l say that the recoil is unpleasant , l believe them and definitely would not use one for hunting. However , l suppose suppose l still have that childish desire to try one out.
On a related subject , clients must never be referred to , as retarded. They must be respected even if you do not agree with everything they say. His foolish actions led to Rongon getting hanged. However , the poor man lost his life as well and we should always respect the deceased.
PS : Could you please send me a picture of the diagram of the Kynoch Lethal Ball cartridge ? It will be very useful for tonight's article. And the pictures of Dr. Kumar’s entire article , please ?
Your level of respect for people is something I've never seen before in anyone else Fine , he wasn't retarded I still hate him for what he went off to do and what it led to , for your pal .
And yeah. Check your inbox looking forward to another great one .