9.3X62 for Cape Buffalo?

HWL, please follow this up for me with this company, I believe you are making use of them buying your rifle components in Germany??
I need a price on the 9.3 x 70 cal items ...

Dear Mr Odendaal,

Thank you very much for your enquiry. We do not sell the reamers for that calibre, but we have a LEE die set in 9.3x70 MAGNUM in stock (LL89770). For a detailed quotation, please let us have your complete delivery address.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards

Irmgard Kaack

.... this seem to be a letter from Reimer Johannsen...... I can order the die set and send it to RSA.

HWL, you know you (family) are anytime welcome to visit me in South Africa as long as you wish to stay, you have a vehicle at your disposal to use when ever /where ever you want to drive to, all meals ( a lot of braaivleis) is free and on the house ...and you can even spend your time in the gunsmith shop of my good friend Johan Greyling of JS Gunsmithing ....I even have a set of claw mounts for your 9.3 x 63 Mannlicher Schoenauer, will take measurements and photos for you to see if they will fit on your rifle..you can have them ...(y)(y):A Banana::A Banana:

What a generous offer! Hunters as a rule are some of the greatest people in the world!
7x57 Joe, this invention extended to any forum member , I have previous stated that any forum member traveling to South Africa , via OR Tambo Airport who need assistance and ammo or any difficulty you experience are free to call me so I can assist you , Johan Greyling of JS Gunsmith feel exactly the same...I will drive to OR Tambo if you/any forum member are in need of assistance ...any time of the day or night..I have available a vehicle if you need one, just fill up with fuel and drive to where ever you need to go, if you /members are afraid to do self drive I will take you/members to where you guys want to be...I have a lot of friends across South Africa to be of assistance to any forum member ....please make use of this invitation... (y)(y)(y)(y)(y)
.... this seem to be a letter from Reimer Johannsen...... I can order the die set and send it to RSA.

HWL , please order it when they open their Custom re-loading dies department since they do not operate that department currently , they are having a lot of orders currently and are not capable to do custom orders, HWL, you can bring the dies to SA when you come for the Black Powder hunt next year..I need to complete the 8x86 S and 6.5 x 55 Swedish Mauser builds first..so no haste at all my good friend..(y)(y)(y)(y)
HWL, the person in Belguim said he will make a copy for me of the original 9.3 x 70 caliber reamer this weekend and e-mail it to me..I will then send the copy to Pasific Tool/reamer and gauge company to make me a reamer..I bought the 8x68S and 6.5 x 55 Swedish Mauser reamers from them..they really are a company doing great service ,,,very friendly as well and communications are excellent from their side(y)(y)(y)(y)(y)
This rifle may have been to Africa, but I haven't. Yet.

I bought this Husqvarna almost 2 years ago because I liked the history of the cartridge. It needed the tang crack repaired and I bedded it as well. I also shortened the LOP and added a Limbsaver.


I am shooting 285 grain PPU over 57.2 grains of Varget in PPU brass for 2340fps and getting less than 3" @ 100 yds off of a sandbag with the open sights.

Unless something major changes in my life, I will likely just use it for white tails.



  • Husqvarna 9.3x62 web.jpg
    Husqvarna 9.3x62 web.jpg
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This rifle may have been to Africa, but I haven't. Yet.

I bought this Husqvarna almost 2 years ago because I liked the history of the cartridge. It needed the tang crack repaired and I bedded it as well. I also shortened the LOP and added a Limbsaver.


I am shooting 285 grain PPU over 57.2 grains of Varget in PPU brass for 2340fps and getting less than 3" @ 100 yds off of a sandbag with the open sights.

Unless something major changes in my life, I will likely just use it for white tails.

Great rifle Charles, this rifle has seen a many things in Africa I am sure...why can you not can and hunt in Africa or South Africa??
This rifle may have been to Africa, but I haven't. Yet.

I bought this Husqvarna almost 2 years ago because I liked the history of the cartridge. It needed the tang crack repaired and I bedded it as well. I also shortened the LOP and added a Limbsaver.


I am shooting 285 grain PPU over 57.2 grains of Varget in PPU brass for 2340fps and getting less than 3" @ 100 yds off of a sandbag with the open sights.

Unless something major changes in my life, I will likely just use it for white tails.

Great rifle Charles, this rifle has seen a many things in Africa I am sure (y)(y)(y)(y)...why can you not come and hunt in Africa or South Africa??
The simplest answer is commitments at home.

As things are, I will live vicariously through reading the posts on this forum and reading the books of those who have been there.

7x57 Joe, this invention extended to any forum member , I have previous stated that any forum member traveling to South Africa , via OR Tambo Airport who need assistance and ammo or any difficulty you experience are free to call me so I can assist you , Johan Greyling of JS Gunsmith feel exactly the same...I will drive to OR Tambo if you/any forum member are in need of assistance ...any time of the day or night..I have available a vehicle if you need one, just fill up with fuel and drive to where ever you need to go, if you /members are afraid to do self drive I will take you/members to where you guys want to be...I have a lot of friends across South Africa to be of assistance to any forum member ....please make use of this invitation... (y)(y)(y)(y)(y)

On my next trip over (Looks like the end of May 2020 will have to get rescheduled) I will buy you a beer and talk about the classic Africa rifles.
On my next trip over (Looks like the end of May 2020 will have to get rescheduled) I will buy you a beer and talk about the classic Africa rifles.
AZDAVE, I will braai you a great piece of Jersey cow rib eye steak with traditional braai pap and gravy...you need to see Johan Greyling se gunsmith shop as well and meet Johan Greyling as well..we can then sit and talk into the late hours of the night ..I want to hear all your hunting stories as well...I am extending the invention to you and all our members again....I am fortunate to have met HWL on our forum and hunted with him on the Black Powder hunt..HWL is an extremely knowledgeable hunter, super re-loader he can reload any caliber in the bush..no need to have a real world gun shop to do it.. HWL also shot an extremely elusive game specie on this black powder hunt...never in the history of that farm was such a elusive specie hunted successful...he really is a great capable hunter....(y)(y)(y) It would be great to get to know a lot more members of our great forum...(y)(y)
AZDAVE, the following great members on our forum I met as well..they are just great fellows/hunters from the USA, HWL is from Germany, Tony Byrd ( not from Alaska) and Dave ( mdwest) are members on our forum who really will left no stone untouched to assist fellow members...

Unfortunately there are members who assisted me greatly in previous ventures to send /bring items to South Africa when they come hunting...I did not meet them is person , Jason Youngblood, thank you as well Butch Lambert, DirtDart , Flatwater Bill, Brickburn , if I missed some names please forgive me, these are just great members who are always there to assist fellow hunters...this is why I am anytime available for visiting hunters to assist you in any way I can, please just call me/pm me /email me ...(y)(y)(y)(y)(y) Thank you kindly again members of this great forum(y)....Johan Greyling will always be prepared to assist any forum member if he/she has rifle/ammo related difficulty/challenge or mechanical problem with your fire -arms you bring to SA to hunt...
The simplest answer is commitments at home.

As things are, I will live vicariously through reading the posts on this forum and reading the books of those who have been there.

When ever you do get the opportunity to being able to come and visit South Africa please contact me so you can go with me for a hunt with your 9.3 x 62 rifle , I think a blue wildebees might be just the specie you will enjoy hunting with that great caliber ... I will take my 404 Jeffery as well to hunt a nice blue wildebeest..it makes for great stewing meat and biltong..it is a tough animal to hunt if your shot-placement is not spot on...then the hunter really track the whole day..."It is said that the Blue wildebeest is born sick, with every shot it receives from a hunter it gets better"":LOL::LOL:
When ever you do get the opportunity to being able to come and visit South Africa please contact me so you can go with me for a hunt with your 9.3 x 62 rifle , I think a blue wildebees might be just the specie you will enjoy hunting with that great caliber ... I will take my 404 Jeffery as well to hunt a nice blue wildebeest..it makes for great stewing meat and biltong..it is a tough animal to hunt if your shot-placement is not spot on...then the hunter really track the whole day..."It is said that the Blue wildebeest is born sick, with every shot it receives from a hunter it gets better""
Thank you. I truly appreciate your offer. I hope one day I may be able to take you up on it.

This rifle may have been to Africa, but I haven't. Yet.

I bought this Husqvarna almost 2 years ago because I liked the history of the cartridge. It needed the tang crack repaired and I bedded it as well. I also shortened the LOP and added a Limbsaver.


I am shooting 285 grain PPU over 57.2 grains of Varget in PPU brass for 2340fps and getting less than 3" @ 100 yds off of a sandbag with the open sights.

Unless something major changes in my life, I will likely just use it for white tails.

that PPU bullet will hammer the deer...
send pacific tool and gauge measurements, and they will make you a reamer.
while you are at it, order a min fls die reamer at the same time.
then you can make a fls die for your chamber.
you can make a perfect seater with the chamber reamer.
ptg sells die blanks and you will find others on the net.
Thank you Bruce, I am awaiting the blue print of the 9.3 x 70 reamer..when I get it I will send it to Pasific Reamer company...There are already dies available at companies in Germany.I already asked HWL to order for me when the re-loading dies come available since it is custom dies and need to be made in the custom shop...I am taking my time since I need to commence building the 6.5 x 55 Swedish Mauser rifle ..as soon as possible..then commence with the 8x68S rifle as well--only then will I be able to get to the 9.3 x 70 caliber rifle build...

in the mean time I am buying the reamer/re-loading dies/gauges and 40 x RWS brass already fire formed for this caliber for the .338 Imperial Magnum from the owner and originator of this caliber...Aubrey White from Canada...I would really appreciate it very much if it will be possible for members living in Canada can bring me these items next year to South Africa when they come hunting again???
Ive shot a number of buffalo with the 9.3x62 with a good handload and I cannot see any difference in it and the 375 H&H..
Some countries state the .375 is the least on can use, then also state if the caliber can meet the energy figures and velocity the 9.3x62 and 9.3x64 are legal..

Also Ive seen many of my clients use the 9.3s in various countries and never questioned, after all it is Africa and if the game scout is satisfied then problem solved. The 9.3x74 has been used many times, in other camps Ive seen many of the 9.3s and many Europeans use it...

Im fond of it and have used it for years without incident or even questioned, I also had a 450-400, a 470 NE in double rifles..416 Rem and 404 Jefferys that I used a lot..but the sweet little 9.3x62 has always been a personal favorite that got the job done every time.

In my later years I eventually found a 375 Ruger Hawkeye, and its become a favorite of mine...I would suggest one take a 375 or 416 along with his 9.3x62, test the water, after all it is Africa..They do things different, sorta likeMexico as a matter of fact, but by all means let your PH be your guide..
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Fastrig, I'm not sure where you are planning to hunt, but I wouldn't run out and buy a .375 without checking with your PH on the 9.3x62 first. It is legal in some countries for buffalo and cats. My 9.3x62 is firing a 286 gr Swift A-Frame at 2450 fps. My .375 H&H is firing a 300 gr Swift A-Frame at 2550 fps. I struggle to believe that a buffalo is going to notice any difference. As stated earlier, the 9.3x62 worked extremely well on my wife's buffalo. If I had a 9.3 and was buying a second rifle for buffalo I would probably make a bigger step up than a .375, but there may be other factors influencing your decision. Have fun planning your trip!
Old post but still a good read. I agree with you WAB 100%. My 9.3x62 shoots reloaded 286gr A Frames at 2540fps(Easily attainable with modern powders) In most cases its balitically superior to a .375H&H with factory ammunition. I also had alot to concider when when bying a "bigger" bore rifle. I knew that I would probably only hunt buffalo once or twice in my lifetime if I am lucky, so buying something like a . 416 Rigby wouldn't have worked for my perposes. A 9.3x62 however can fulfill the role of larger bore to hunt dangerous game if needed and is also a phenomenal plains game rifle. So I decided to buy a CZ550 a few years ago and I couldn't have made a better choice. Its my favourite rifle by far!! There is also alot of talk about the 9.3x62 not being legal for dangerous game hunting, and in some coutries that is true as the minimum is .375 and up. In countries like Namibia and Zimbabwe, a 9.3x62 would normally not be legal as it would not make the energy requirements. With my 9.3x62 shooting 2540fps its more than enough energy. I am heading up to the Caprivi to hunt a buffalo next year, will advise on the results.

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